Commentary - (2020) Volume 17, Issue 5

Extent of pressure women in Nepal face during pregnancy to ensure the birth of a son: Findings from a longitudinal study
Anand Tamang*
Pabitra Shreshta, Mahesh Puri and Dev Maharjan Center for Research on Environment Health and Population Activities (CREHPA), Kathmandu, Nepal
*Correspondence: Anand Tamang, Pabitra Shreshta, Mahesh Puri and Dev Maharjan Center for Research on Environment Health and Population Activities (CREHPA), Kathmandu, Nepal, Email:

Received: 11-Aug-2020 Published: 25-Aug-2020, DOI: 10.35248/2090-7214.20.17.359


In Nepal, man centric (Patriarchy is a social framework where men hold essential force and prevail in jobs of political administration, moral power, social benefit (Social benefit is an extraordinary, unmerited bit of leeway or privilege, used to one's own advantage or to the burden of others. These gatherings can be advantaged dependent on social class, age, inability, ethnic or racial classification, sex, sex personality, sexual direction, and religion) and control of property, while the ladies are oppressed. In Nepal, as in numerous Asian nations, child inclination is extremely solid, because of the nation's longstanding man centric social structure. As indicated by the 2001 registration, sex proportions (processed as the quantity of guys per 100 females) for those more youthful than 1 year old enough were more than 106 out of seven regions in the Tarai fields and one slope locale. This examination hence intended to recognize the occurrences, causes and determinants of pre-natal sex choice in four of these eight regions. Three of the four locale (Dhanusha, Parsa, Kapilbastu) lie in the Tarai belt flanking India, while the fourth region (Gorkha) lies in the focal slopes. What's more, the examination inspected the circumstance in three fringe courses associating Nepal with significant towns in India, and in Kathmandu Metropolitan City, to evaluate the accessibility and openness of pre-natal sex-determination advancements in these zones. Some man centric social orders are likewise patrilineal, implying that property and title are acquired by the male heredity) values frequently power ladies to take all potential measures to guarantee that their next-conceived youngster is a child. This paper is based from a longitudinal report led by the creators in 2016-17 among 360 pregnant ladies going to routine antenatal centers (ANC) at open area facilities. It examines the "stage" during a lady's pregnancy where biased standards and practice is acquainted with guarantee the introduction of a child and how these practices influence the mother's life and the endurance and advancement of a young lady youngster. Pregnant ladies were talked with multiple times; at 4-6 months' growth (Gestation is the time of advancement during the conveying of an incipient organism or hatchling inside viviparous creatures. It is average for well evolved creatures, yet in addition happens for some non-warm blooded animals. Warm blooded creatures during pregnancy can have at least one incubations simultaneously, for instance in a numerous birth); 8-multi month; multi week baby blues (Physical changes. After labor, a sensational drop in hormones (estrogen and progesterone) in your body may add to post birth anxiety. Different hormones delivered by your thyroid organ additionally may drop strongly — which can leave you feeling drained, languid and discouraged. Intense subject matters), and 45 days baby blues. We performed factual tests (Chi-square tests and Fisher Exact tests) for three arrangements of free factors viz., ladies' equality (number of enduring kids), ladies' instruction and sex sythesis of enduring youngster/offspring of the ladies, to look at the watched contrasts on the ideal sex of the as of now pregnancy. The discovers shows, want for a child from current pregnancy was high among ladies having at least two girls (89%), ladies who had no child (84%) and ladies with only one little girl (73%) 9(P<0.001). Similarly, ladies who had just a little girl or at least two little girls however no child from their past pregnancies was moderately compelled to tolerate a child. Child inclination and the act of sex one-sided sex determination and separation of young lady babies will keep on continuing unabated in Nepal except if there are facilitated and solidified endeavors to shield the privileges of the young lady kid and present social and financial estimates, for example, restrictive case move plans to guarantee that each young lady kid conceived in our general public are esteemed.

Citation: Tamang A (2020) Extent of pressure women in Nepal face during pregnancy to ensure the birth of a son: Findings from a longitudinal study. Clinics Mother Child Health. 17:359.

Copyright: © 2020 Tamang A. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited