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Research - (2020) Volume 9, Issue 5

Evaluation of Desi Type Chickpea Varieties for Adapting under Irrigation at Kobo, Ethiopia
Awol Mohammed*, Sisay Bisetegn, Abebe Misganaw, Abay Desale and Tadesse Alemnew
Sirinka Agricultural Research Center, P. O.Box 74, Woldia, Ethiopia
*Correspondence: Awol Mohammed, Sirinka Agricultural Research Center, P. O.Box 74, Woldia, Ethiopia, Tel: +251943257374, Email:

Received: 26-Sep-2020 Published: 23-Nov-2020, DOI: 10.35248/2168-9881.20.9.200


The experiments were conducted during 2018 – 2019 irrigation cropping season to evaluate adaptability and yield performance of desi type chickpea varieties with the involvement of farmers based on their preferences. Ten improved varieties together with the local as (check) were laid out in RCB design with three replications for the mother trial and the baby trial which was used for farmers’ preference selections. Data on days to maturity, Number of pods per plant, Number of seeds per pod, Number of branches, Plant height, biomass, hundred seed weight, grain yield and disease data were collected and analyzed. The farmers evaluated and selected the varieties depending on their criteria's from the baby trial. The criteria’s were grain productivity, earliness, seed color, seed size and free from any diseases. Farmers’ selection was analyzed by Pair Wise and Matrix ranking method. The analysis of variance showed significant difference (P<0.05) for grain yield and most of traits. The result showed that variety Minjar was the best yielder with seed yield 3349.9 kg/ha, followed by Dimtu (3218.9 kg/ha) and Mitik (2763.2 kg/ha), respectively. Grain yield was the first prioritized traits to farmers for selecting best adaptable chickpea variety under irrigation. Minjar was best variety based on ANOVA result and visually selected by the farmers as good for grain yield under irrigation followed by Kutaye and Mitik. Therefore; based on researchers and farmers’ perception Minjar variety will be recommended and pre-scale up for producing areas in the district and similar agro ecological zones under irrigation production system.


Desi type chickpea; Irrigation; Grain yield; Farmer's preferences


Chickpea (Cicerarietinum L.) is one of the most important coolseason annual and self-pollinated leguminous plantwhich grown in more than 60 countries. India is the largest chickpea producing country accounting for 72% of the global chickpea production. The other major chickpea producing countries include Pakistan 5%, Iran 2%, Australia 6%, Turkey 4%, Myanmar 4%, Ethiopia 3.5%, Tanzania 1%, Mexico 2% and Malawi 0.5% . In Africa, chickpea is widely grown in Ethiopia, Tanzania, Malawi, Algeria, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia and Uganda. Ethiopia is the largest producer, consumer and exporter of chickpea in Africa and shares some 4.5% of global chickpea market and more than 60% of Africa’s global chickpea market [1,2].

There are two types of chickpea depending on seed color, shape, and size. The kabuli type has large, round or ram head and creamcolored seeds, and is grown in temperate regions. The desi type chickpea has a thick and colored seed coat. The common seed colors include various shades and combinations of brown, yellow, green and black. The seeds are generally small and angular with a rough surface. The flowers are generally pink and mostly grown in the semi-arid tropics. In Ethiopia, the desi type of chickpea covered 75% of the whole area coverage [3-5].

Chickpea is very important due to its good nutritional value having an average of 22 % protein, 63 % carbohydrate, 4.5 % fat, 8 % crude fiber, and 2.7 % ash. Besides being an important source of human food and animal feed, it is also an important contributor to soil fertility as it provides nitrogen to soil through fixation of atmospheric nitrogen [6,7].

In Ethiopia, chickpea produced by rain fed and irrigation production system. Ethiopia is one of the few African countries endowed with relatively abundant water resources, favorable climate and potentially huge irrigable land. The country has potential suitable land and water resources for irrigation-based chickpea production surpasses many thousand hectares. Most of irrigation potential areas in the country, farmers produce triple crops per season. Based on this, Kobo is one of the potential areas which havea high irrigation potential for crop production including chickpea [8,9].

According to Kobo Girana Valley Programe, in Kobo district there is more than 2100 ha of land cultivated by farmers under irrigation. They produce triple crops per season, tef or maize – chickpea –onion. Not only regionally but also nationally, there is no a released chickpea variety for irrigation production system. Due to this, farmers produce local chickpea variety which is low yielder (0.7–1 t/ha) and very susceptible to biotic and abiotic factors. To increase production and productivity of chickpea in this area under irrigation there is a need to recommend improved chickpea variety. Therefore; the objective of this experiment was to evaluate and recommend best adaptable, high yielding and early maturing of desi type chickpea varieties with the involvement of farmers based on their preferences for producing areas under irrigation production system in the district.


Description of experimental site

The experiments were executed under irrigation production system at Kobo district in North Wollo Zone, which is located at 11008’21”, 39 18’21” and 1450 masl latitude, longitude and altitude; respectively. The annual rainfall of the site is 637 mm with 15.80C minimum and 29.1°C maximum temperature. Agricultural Research Center soil classification (unpublished), it is classified as Eutricfluvisol.

Experimental materials and methods

About 10 desi type improved chickpea varieties, including the local variety as check, were evaluated for their adaptation and yield potential under irrigation during 2018 and 2019 at Kobo district. These varieties were improved and released by Sirinka and DebreZeyt Agricultural Research Centers under rain fed condition. The experiment was done by Mother and Baby Trial form. The Mother trial was done by Random Complete Block Design with three replications. Each variety was sown in six rows at 40 cm, 10 cm and 1 m spacing between, rows, plants and plots, respectively; with 4m row length. The Baby trial, a single replication of Mother Trial, was done on three different farmers’ field to participate farmers to select best varieties based on their preferences. Totally 27 farmers who produce chickpea under irrigation participated variety selection process. All agronomic practices were done uniformly for all varieties as required without fertilizer application. For controlling pod borer, the insecticide Karate at the rate of 200ml/300 lit of water per hectare was applied at branching stage (two times within 15 days interval). Egypt irrigates the crop 1-2 times during the early stage of crop emergence and during flowering and maturity, while in Sudan chickpea is irrigated 5-7 times. The irrigation frequency was applied before sowing, at seedling, at branching and pod setting stage [10].

Data collection and data analyses

Agronomic data were collected on plant and plot basis from mother trial, which has three replications. The data of number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, hundred seed weight (gm.) and Plant height (cm) were recorded from on randomly selected five plants from the middle four rows of each plot. And biological data like biomass yield (kg/ha) and seed yield (kg/ha) were collected from harvestable plot area of mother trial. In addition to these disease data also scored. Farmers were participated the best variety selection process during 2020. Totally, 27 farmers who produce chickpea under irrigation participated variety selection process. Farmers’ criteria or traits to select best variety were grain productivity, earliness, seed color, seed size and free from any diseases. The ranking procedure was explained for participant farmers and each selection criteria was ranked from 1 to 5(1= very good, 2= good, 3= average, 4= poor and 5= very poor). Then farmers were given the chance to rank each variety based on the attributes listed by them. The agronomic data were subjected to the analysis of variance using Gen stat software eighteenth editions from mother trial. two methods by which farmers can evaluate varieties in the PVS trials are the Pair wise ranking and the Matrix ranking method. The selection data were analyzed by Pair-Wise ranking method [11,12].


According to the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and farmers selection criteria the best variety identified. The analysis of variance showed significant difference (P<0.05) for number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, hundred seed weight, grain yield and biomass in kg per hectare in the results of the two years. The analysis showed variety Minjarwas the best yielder in both years with grain yield 3349.9 kg/ha, followed by variety Dimtu (3218.9 kg/ha) and Mitik (2763.2 kg/ha). The least grain yield scored by Local (farmers’) variety (1970 kg/ha). The yield advantage of Minjar and Dimtu over local variety was 70% and 63.4% respectively. The influence of disease is minimal under irrigation production system. But in this study, there was disease (Fusarium wilt) occurrence in 2019 trial due to this overall grain yield performance of the varieties during this year was very low compare to the results of in 2018. In general, grain yield of chickpea under irrigation production is highly increased than rain fed production system. Similar to this study, increase in grain yield of chickpea under irrigation has been reported by many authors (Table 1) [13-16].

Minjar 94 44.7ab 56.3ab 1.3bc 14.1bcd 5904.8cd 17.2g 3804.7a
Natoli 99 44.8ab 37.7de 1.2cde 12.4d 5981b 25.4cd 2919.9abc
Mastewal 101 39bc 54.2abc 1e 16.6abc 4607.3de 22ef 2348.1cd
Fetenech 98 41ab 62.8a 1.1de 12.5d 5043.4cd 17.2g 2756.4bcd
Kutaye 96 38.7bc 56.1ab 1.8a 12.4d 4598.5de 16.8g 1936.2d
Mitik 100 41.5ab 27.4f 1.5b 13.7cd 5244.4cd 20f 2984.4abc
Teketay 99 47.4a 50.7bc 1.2bcd 17.9ab 4889.5cd 25.9c 2899.5abc
Dalota 99 43.3ab 44.5cd 1e 20.2a 5503.1bc 28.8b 2766.8bcd
Dimtu 98 44.1ab 55.1ab 1e 15.4bcd 6162b 31.7a 3620.7ab
Local 100 42.8ab 50.9bc 1.9a 17.6abc 7250.2a 10.7h 2405cd
GM 98 41.9 47.9 1.3 15.2 2768.7 21.7 2768.7
DMRT 5% ns * ** ** * ** ** **
CV 4.1 8.0 11.6 9.9 14.1 13.9 7.4 13.9

Table 1: Table 1 Mean Performance of Desi type Chickpea Varieties under irrigation.

There was also a substantial difference between the varieties for hundred seed weight. The hundred seedweight of the varieties varied in both year’s trial with range between 31.7 gm for Dimtu and 10.7 for Local (farmers’) variety.

The maximum hundred seed weight for Dimtu was 31.7 gm followed by Dalota (28.8 gm) and Teketay (25.9 gm) The days to maturity of the varieties were range 88 - 100 days, this indicate all varieties including farmers’ variety were early maturing (Table 2).

Minjar 90cd 40 43bc 1.5cd 9.3d 5400b 18.5d 2895a 0.914ab
Natoli 93b 40.3 35c 1.3de 10.7d 4298cd 23.1c 1411f 0.724e
Mastewal 98a 43.2 55a 2ab 18a 6173.3a 17.2d 2041cd 0.740e
Fetenech 91bc 40.1 37c 1.3de 15.1abc 4440cd 17d 1856de 0.845bcd
Kutaye 92bc 40.4 37c 1.7bc 16ab 4440c 18.3d 2170c 0.778de
Mitik 88d 40 48ab 1.1e 12.8bcd 6013.3a 22.7c 2542b 0.813cde
Teketay 92bc 41.9 49ab 1.4de 15.1ab 3910ef 24.5bc 1693ef 0.857bcd
Dalota 92bc 48 48ab 1.5cd 12.1bcd 5813.3a 25.3b 2216c 0.799de
Dimtu 92bc 41.5 40bc 1.1e 10.8cd 4023de 28.1a 2817a 0.886bc
Local 90cd 42.2 56a 2.1a 12bcd 3646.7f 12.9e 1536f 0.954a
GM 91 41.7 44.7 1.5 13 4802 20.8 2117.8 0.833
DMRT 5% * Ns * ** * ** ** ** *
CV 3.5 10.5 15.5 12.5 16.3 14.3 5.4 22.2 31.8

Table 2: Performance of Desi type Chickpea Varieties under irrigation.

Similarly, two irrigations at branching and pod formation stages were shown better seeds per pod and seed weight. Based on this, number of seeds per pod was significant difference between the varieties with the range of 2.1 (farmers’ variety) – 1 (Dimtu). This result indicates the variety which has the lowest seed weight and size scored maximum number of seeds inside a pod (farmers’ variety) whereas bold seeded variety scored almost a single seed in a pod (Table 3) [17,18].

Varieties Mean Grain yield
2018 2019 Mean
Minjar 3804.7a 2895a 3349.9
Natoli 2919.9abc 1411f 2165.5
Mastewal 2348.1cd 2041cd 2194.6
Fetenech 2756.4bcd 1856de 2306.2
Kutaye 1936.2d 2170c 2053.1
Mitik 2984.4abc 2542b 2763.2
Teketay 2899.5abc 1693ef 2296.3
Dalota 2766.8bcd 2216c 2491.4
Dimtu 3620.7ab 2817a 3218.9
Local 2405cd 1536f 1970.5
GM 2768.7 2117.8 2443.3

Table 3: Mean Performance of Desi type Chickpea under irrigation in 2019 – 2020.

Participatory variety selection (PVS) was also done as an option to increasing productivity and production in terms of users’ preferences under irrigation. A very important advantage of PVS is that the adoption of new cultivars ismuch faster than under the formal system, in which farmers are confronted with only a very restricted range of new cultivars [19]. During 2019 trial season, Farmers participate to select best variety based on their criteria. Totally 27 farmers who produce chickpea under irrigation participated variety selection process. For chickpea variety selection farmers focused on the traits of grain productivity, earliness, seed color, seed size and free from any diseases. All the criteria were set by farmers without contributing the researcher. Two methods by which farmers can evaluate varieties in the PVS trials are the Pair wise ranking method and the Matrix ranking method.

The ranking procedure was explained for participant farmers and each selection criteria was ranked from 1 to 5 (1= very good, 2= good, 3= average, 4= poor and 5= very poor). Before selection process, farmers had given weight for their criteria. Based on this, grain yield productivity was the most prioritized farmers’ criteria to select the best variety followed by seed color, earliness, seed size and disease free which had given 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 weights; respectively. farmers have their own selection criteria for new varieties which largely depend on the importance of the crop in the farming system and uses. Matrix ranking was used to assess farmers’ opinion and perceptions on the varieties. According to Agricultural Research Institution unpublished Guideline for Participatory Varietal Selection, the variety which has the least rank index, the most desirable variety. The ranking of desi type chick pea varieties based on the perception of the farmers (Table 4).

Criteria Prod DR ER SC SS Total Rank
Productivity (Prod) X Prod Prod Prod Prod 4 1st
Diseases Resistant (DR)   X ER SC SS 0 5th
Earliness (ER)     X SC ER 2 3rd
Seed colour (SC)       X SC 3 2nd
Seed size (SS)         X 1 4th

Table 4: Pair-wise ranking of the criteria for desi type chickpea variety by farmers.

As per the selection criteria set farmers ranked the overall preference ranking of varieties based on five criteria was in the order Minjar, Kutaye, Mitik, Dimtu, Dalota, Teketay, Natoli, Fetenech, Local and Mastewal, respectively. Farmers prefer varieties that meet multiple objectives; on chickpea, on sorghum, on ground nut. This means that in present study Minjar (3349.9 kg/ha), Kutaye (2053.1 kg/ ha)and Mitik (2763.2 kg/ha) best varieties under irrigation could easily be introduced and incorporated in the farming systems based on various subjective preference criteria. Farmers preferred the variety Mitik thirdly as it produced attractive seed color and grain yield, whereas Mastewal and local (farmers’ variety) were ranked the lowest [20-24].

Conclusion and Recommendation

Ten improved desi type chickpea varieties including local checks were tested for yield and adaptation under irrigation at Kobo district of North Wollo Zone for two years. Differences among varieties were significant for grain yield and some of traits. Grain yield was the first prioritized traits to farmers for selecting best adaptable chickpea variety under irrigation. Minjarwasbest variety based on ANOVA result and visually selected by the farmers as good for grain yield under irrigation followed by Kutaye and Mitik. This study also indicated that proper selection of varieties with improved management can increase farmers’ income under irrigation. Therefore; based on researchers and farmers’ perceptionMinjar variety will be recommended and pre-scale up for producing areas in the districtand similar agro ecological zones under irrigation production system.


First of all, the authors deepest gratitude and acknowledge goes to Amhaera Agricultural Research Institute and/or Sirinka Agricultural Research Center for providing research budget and facilitate the process. We would like also to express sincere thanks to Sirinka Agricultural Research Center pulse case team members for contributing their great effort this successful accomplishment of the experiment.


Citation: Awol M, Sisay B, Abebe M, Abay D, Tadesse A (2020) Evaluation of Desi Type Chickpea Varieties for Adapting under Irrigation at Kobo. Agrotechnology 9: 200. doi: 10.35248/2168-9881.20.9.200.

Copyright: © 2020 Awol M, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.