Research Article - (2022) Volume 10, Issue 2

Energy Alterations in Patients with Chronic Dissecting Aortic Aneurysms and What are the Clinical Measurements to Prevent Worsening the Dissection?
Huang Wei Ling*
Department of Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Medical Acupuncture, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil
*Correspondence: Huang Wei Ling, Department of Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Medical Acupuncture, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil, Email:

Received: 08-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. JVMS-22-15576; Editor assigned: 10-Feb-2022, Pre QC No. JVMS-22-15576(PQ); Reviewed: 14-Feb-2022, QC No. JVMS-22-15576; Revised: 16-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. JVMS-22-15576(R); Published: 18-Feb-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2329-6325.22.10.443


Introduction: Aortic Dissection Aneurism (ADA) is an acute process caused by the tear in the internal face of the aorta, leading to the dissecting through the laminas and formation of new lumen causing an acute drop in the systemic blood pressure and can cause sudden death. In chronic ADA, (defined that more than two weeks) the prognosis is slightly better.

Purpose: to demonstrate that patients with ADA have energy deficiency in the five internal massive organs that corresponds to the five elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) reasoning that were causing high blood pressure and tendency for formation of cholesterol plaques, increasing the chance to have complications.

Methods: Through two case reports, 60 and 85 years-old-male patients with history of having chronic dissecting aortic aneurism. Both did the measurement of the chakras’ energy centers.

Results: Both were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight, with exception of the seventh, that was normal, rated in eight. The treatment consisted in the use of homeopathy medications (according to Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine) to replenish the energy of these five internal massive organs, that were responsible for the formation of internal energy such as Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood, important for the maintenance of our health. It was also associated in the treatment Chinese dietary counseling, auricular and systemic acupuncture to balance the internal energy. The patient in the case one, did not have worsening of his aortic dilatation after one year of treatment (2021), very different from the last year (2020) when he did the ultrasound and discovered that the aortic dilatation worsens 4 cm in one year of observation, before starting the energy based treatment. Conclusion: the conclusion of this study is that patients with DAA have chakras’ energy centers deficient in energy and the treatment replenishing the internal massive organs are important to achieve more health, and leading to less evolution of the dissecting picture and a better prognosis.


Dissecting aortic aneurism; Acupuncture; Traditional Chinese medicine; Homeopathy


Aortic dissecting aneurism is caused by the separation of the coating of the wall of the aortic artery. A rupture in the intimal layers can result in the dissecting progression (retrograde or proximal), due to the blood to entry between the media and intima. The acute episode of aortic dissection is associated with high mortality and the majority of the patients can die even before reaching the emergency department in the hospital. Patients with chronic aortic dissection (classified as when they have dissecting aneurism for more than two weeks) have a better prognosis [1].

If left untreated, mortality can reach 50% of the patients in 48 hours of the beginning of the symptoms. But a great number of patients with dissecting aortic aneurism still left untreated in the emergency room, despite the abundant number of publications in this issue [1].


The purpose of this study is to show that patients with chronic dissecting aortic aneurism have energy deficiencies in the chakras’ energy centers, that commands the functioning of all organs, glands and systems and the treatment rebalancing and replenishing this lack of energy can reduce the necessity to have a surgical intervention in patient with chronic dissecting aortic aneurism, having a better prognosis.


Through two cases reports, one patient with 63 and the second of 85 years-old-male patient with history of low back pain and went to my clinic to search for another kind of treatment because the use of anti-inflammatory medications were not improving the symptoms. They both have a past history of having the diagnosis of chronic aortic aneurism and were doing clinical observations about the evolution of this diagnosis.

They both did the chakras’ energy centers measurement in the first consultation using a crystal pendulum.


They both have a profound lack of energy in all the chakras’ energy centers (rated in one out of eight, with the exception of the seventh, that was normal, rated in eight).

The first measurement in the treatment was Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and systemic acupuncture.

It was orientated them to avoid dairy products, raw food, cold water and sweets (to not imbalance the Spleen and pancreas energy meridian).

The second group of foods that was orientate to avoid was fried foods, eggs, chocolate, honey, coconut, melted cheese and alcoholic beverages (to do not imbalance the Liver and Gallbladder meridian and also, to avoid the formation of more internal Heat).

The third group of foods to avoid was coffee, soda and matte tea (to avoid the imbalances of Kidney energy).

Both patients were submitted to auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and systemic acupuncture, twice a week. The first patient lived in another city and needs to travel around 60 km to do his acupuncture sessions and for that reason, he came only once a week.

It was indicated to intake homeopathy medications to replenish the energy of the chakras’ energy centers, through the theory created by me (2021) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications.

The homeopathy medications were used following the sequence:

Sulphur 30 CHXX-20, Calcarea carbonica 30CHXX-20, Silicea 30CHXX-20, Natrum muriaticum 30CHXX-20, Phosphorus 30CHXX-20. After 30 days, new sequence of homeopathic medications was prescribed to intake in the same sequence but now, in the 200CHXX-20 potency. After 30 days, the patients need to intake the medications in potency of 1000 CHXX-20, instead of 200CHXX-20. After 30 days, new sequence of medications was prescribed in 10.000 CHXX-20. After 6 weeks, new sequence of medications was prescribed in the same order but now in the 50.000CHXX-20. After this sequence, these medications can be repeated each 8 weeks (potency of 50.000 CHXX-20).

The first patient went to his vascular surgeon in 2021 (one year after the last consultation) that told him that his aortic aneurism was not increasing in size during one year of evaluation. The last year (2020), his aortic aneurism increased 4 cm in one year and after beginning all these energy-based treatment, his aortic aneurism still not increasing in size.

The second patient was not doing his acupuncture sessions accordingly and died during the COVID-19 pandemic. I do not know the real cause of his death because he was treating many other conditions and his case was included in this study only to show that patients with aortic aneurism have chakras’ energy centers deficient in energy, as demonstrated through this case report.


According to studies in Western medicine, abdominal aortic aneurism can lead to fatal consequence leading to rupture of the dilated vessel [2].

Many mechanisms are involved in the formation and progression to aortic aneurism including oxidative stress, immune cells infiltration, chronic inflammation, apoptosis of the vascular smooth cells, and degradation of the extracellular matrix [3].

Therapy includes surgery with using minimally invasive endovascular repair of the aneurism is the only viable intervention in patients with aortic aneurism [4].

But this treatment is not viable for the majority of the aortic aneurism that is less than 50 mm. Many efforts have been invested in identified any pharmacology treatment to try to offer cure or retard the progression of this lethal condition [5].

This article will be written by the influences of Hippocrates (c. 460 bce-c. 375 bce), father of medicine that said that “foolish the doctor who despises the knowledge acquire by the ancients”. For this reason, I will use the reasoning used by traditional Chinese medicine to you to understand which the energy alterations are that is leading to the plaque formation in the arterial wall that could evolve to aortic dissecting aneurism, in the energy point of view [6].

To you to understand better how was developed the way of thinking of this study, I will tell you briefly the history of one specific patient that I attended in my clinic in 2006, that became the cornerstone of all my treatments and articles that I wrote until today [7].

This patient was a 70-year-old man with history of leg pain with no improvement using anti-inflammatory medications for the last 6 months. He went to my clinic to search for another kind of treatment. His Chinese medicine diagnosis was Kidney Yang deficiency and his treatment consisted in Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture and apex ear bloodletting and systemic acupuncture [7].

After 10 acupuncture sessions, the patient returned to be reevaluated and said that his leg pain improved and also, another condition that he did not tell me. He said that his intra-ocular pressure improved for the first time of his life in 40 years of treatment of glaucoma, without any improvement using eye drops. His intra-ocular pressure went from 40 to 17 mmHg [7].

This case became the cornerstone of all my treatment, that is treating the energies imbalances in the root of the tree (Figure 1) will treat all the patients’ symptoms at the same time (emotional and physical symptoms) and not just treating the symptoms [7].


Figure 1: Tree metaphor showing the different viewpoints between Western and traditional Chinese medicine.

All these different levels of treatment are demonstrated in many articles written by me and also, presented in many conferences worldwide, showed in the tree like figure, as you can see in Figure 1 [6].

In this figure, I am showing the different perspectives between Western and traditional Chinese medicine. This tree has a trunk with several branches. Each branch means one medical specialty and coming out of each branch you can see many leaves.

The leaves mean the symptoms and diseases treated by each specialty. In this case, aortic dissecting aneurism is in the leaf level and it is in this level that Western medicine is treating nowadays [6].

But according to traditional Chinese medicine, all the manifestations in the leaf level is caused by energy imbalances in the root of the tree. The symptoms in the leaf is only the symptoms but the real cause is in the root, that we cannot see by the naked eyes, because it is only a non-materialized energy, represented by two theories in traditional Chinese medicine. The first theory is the Yin and Yang (Figure 2) and the second is the Five Elements theory (Figure 3) [6].


Figure 2: Yin and Yang symbol.


Figure 3: Five elements theory.

Both theories were well described by me in all my publications such as in the article wrote by me (2020) entitled The Importance of Correcting Energy Imbalances in the Prevention and Treatment of Myocardial Infarction and in another article also wrote by me (2020) entitled Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Myocardial Infarction without Arterial Obstruction [8,9].

In both theories, what they want to say is that we need to balance the energy of Yin and Yang in all our treatment to achieve health. Yin and Yang are two opposite but the complementary forces that exist in the universe and inside our body [6].

The second theory is also the major importance for us to understand because they are saying that all the elements that compose the universe have their representation inside our body. For example, for one element (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood), there is one internal massive organ that they are representing such as Heart, Spleen, Lung, Kidney and Liver respectively and one organ is responsible for the production of one specific energy [6].

The balance and the equilibrium between all the internal energy of Yin Yang Qi and Blood (Figure 4) is the major importance for us to understand, to treat all the patient conditions at the same time, even the doctor does not know that the patient has such symptoms. This theory was used in the patient with leg pain and glaucoma, described in the beginning of the discussion section and was presented in the Acupuncture Research Conference in 2015, in the Harvard Medical School, in Boston, USA [6,10].


Figure 4: Yin, Yang, Qi and blood relationship.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, plaque in the blood vessels is caused by alterations in the Spleen (fifth chakra), Kidney (second chakra) and Liver (first chakra) energy meridian. According to the article written by me (2020) entitled The Importance of Correcting Energy Imbalances in the Prevention and Treatment of Myocardial Infarction, patients with myocardial infarction has internal massive organs weak in energy and I want to show in this article is that patient with aortic dissecting aneurism have in common, energy deficiency in the five internal massive organs ( Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung and Kidney) that are responsible for the formation of energy to maintenance of our health. Liver (first chakra) and Lung (fourth chakra) is responsible for the distribution of energy ( Qi ) in the body, Spleen (fifth chakra) is responsible for the absorption of nutrients and production of Blood. Heart (third chakra) is responsible for controlling the flowing of Blood inside the blood vessels and the Kidney (second chakra) is responsible for the production of Yin and Yang energy, responsible for our youth, bones, teeth, memory and concentration, reproduction ad sexual function [8,11].

When there is deficiency of Qi (caused by deficiency in the energy of Blood, Yin and Yang by the deficiency in energy of the Spleen and Kidney, as demonstrated in the two cases reported in this article), there is more propensity to formation of Phlegm and accumulation inside the blood vessels, in this case, in the aortic vessel [8].

So, one of the tools used in the prevention of this diseases, after doing the proper correction of diet (avoiding raw foods, dairy products, Cold water and sweets to do not imbalance more the Spleen; avoid soft drinks, coffee and matte tea to do no harm to the Kidney energy meridian; and to avoid the ingestion of fried foods, eggs, honey, coconut, alcoholic beverages, chocolate and melted cheese to do not imbalance even more the energy disharmony in the Liver and Gallbladder meridian) is to replenish this organs energy using highly diluted medications to increase the vital energy of all these patients that are very low, and using this form of treatment, it will be possible to reduce the progression to need surgery in these patients, as I showed in the first case reported in this article, where the evolution of the progression of the aneurism was stopped after beginning the treatment using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular and systemic acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and replenishing all the internal massive organs lack of energy using highly diluted medications such as homeopathies according to the theory created by me (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications, as you can see in Table 1 [12].

Chakras Five elements Homeopathy medications Crystal-based medications
1º Chakra Wood/Liver Phosphorus Garnet
2º Chakra Water/Kidney Natrum Muriaticum Orange calcite
3º Chakra Fire/Heart Sulphur Rhodochrosite
4º Chakra Metal/Lung Silicea Emerald
5º Chakra Earth/Spleen Calcarea Carbonica Blue Quartz
6º Chakra Water/kidney Tone 2º chakra Sodalite
7º Chakra Wood/Liver Tone 1º chakra Tiger eye

Table 1: Homeopathy medications used in the treatment of lack of energy in the chakras’ energy centers.

According to Criado (2011) in the article Aortic Dissection, the author is saying that the management of acute aortic dissection is quite variety and controversial. There were an improvement of the surgical technics using endovascular approach but what is common in the treatment of all these patients, is the necessity of treating clinically all these patients to reduce the chance for evolve to complications and according to experts in this area, there is the necessity of new drugs to reduce the evolution of this diseases and reduce the complications [13].

According to this article, 70% of the patients who presented uncomplicated dissections should be treated medically. The use of medications to reduce hypertension can reduce the mortality rate in the first 30 days to 10% of the patients [13].

In this article, what I want to show in all these patients suffering from aortic dissecting aneurism is that all of them have energy deficiency in the five internal massive organs, that could be causing the propensity to have accumulation of Phlegm in the aortic walls and causing hypertension, as I (2019) am showing in the article Energy Alterations as the Underlying Cause of Primary Hypertension [14].

The treatment of all these patients to rebalance the internal energy of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood is of paramount importance nowadays and in the treatment of them because if we treat and balance all these energies, the patient could stabilize the dangerous situation that all these patients are facing when having this type of diagnosis, without using so many drugs, as I showed in the case reported in this article, that the size of the aneurism, during one year of evolution, did not make the aneurism bigger, when this patient were submitted to the treatment of rebalancing the Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood energy and start to use highly diluted medications, according to the theory created by me (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. The reason that I wrote this theory was that, when I began my homeopathy course in Brazil, what I fell was that homeopathy works very well in the majority of treatments but the physicians that are using this type of therapy still do not know how homeopathy acts inside the human being [12].

According to the book wrote by Manning and Vanrenen (1993) entitled Bioenergetic Medicines East and West: Acupuncture and Homeopathy, homeopathy works similar as acupuncture [15].

Nowadays, homeopathy medications are used according to Hahnemann (1755 – 1843), using the similimum theory. In this theory, Hahnemann is saying that, when one health person uses a substance and have symptoms related to the ingestion of this product, the medication that we could use in this type of symptoms could be the same substance that induced the formation of this symptom but given in a very diluted way, in this case, homeopathy medications [16].

The reason why I am saying all this is that, according to the study I did in my clinic studying a thousand patient’s chakras’ energy centers, I concluded that the majority of them (90%) do not have any energy inside the internal five massive organs, as I am showing in Figure 5. All this data was published in the article written by me (2021) entitled Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection [17].


Figure 5: Arndt Schultz law.

The treatment rebalancing and replenishing all these energies is very important to fortify the patient and allowing the internal organs to work (that are responsible for the formation of each energy to work accordingly). For example, the Spleen (fifth chakra) is responsible for the absorption of nutrients and formation of Blood. The Heart (third chakra) is responsible for the control the flow of Blood inside the vessels. The Kidney (second chakra) is responsible for the formation of Yin and Yang, energy, very important for the maintenance of our health and youth. The medications used in this treatment were showed in Table 2 [12].

Ages chakras 2-19 20-59 60-80
7 8 8 8
6 1 1 1
5 1 1 1
4 1 1 1
3 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
Total of patients 26 170 86
Main Western
Anxiety Anxiety Anxiety
Depression Headache Knee pain
Yin/Yang Yin Yin
Main Chinese
Yin/Blood Yin/Yang Yin/internal Heat
    Yin/Yang/internal Heat

Table 2: Results of the research in Brazil, studying 1000 patient’s chakras’ energy centers.

In China, when the patient has internal massive organs lack of energy, it is very common to use Chinese herbal therapy but as I live in Brazil and this type of medications are more difficult to find and more expensive, I wrote this new theory ( Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine) using traditional Chinese medicine’s reasoning ( that exists more than 5000 years) but treating with Western medication ( homeopathy created by Hahnemann, that have about 242 years of existence). Even the use of Chinese herbs nowadays should be used with caution because due to this new type of energy pattern that we can find in all our population, the use of this type of medication could reduce the vital energy and leading to the formation of internal Fire (that can increase when there is energy deficiency). In the case of necessity in using Chinese herbal therapy, I am diluting them like homeopathy and in this case, the medication cannot induce reduction in this vital energy in the patient that is the major concern of what type of medications that we could use nowadays [12].

In the 12th Webinar on Health Care Health Economics and Policy, that was held in May 29, 2021 in United Kingdom (UK), I demonstrated that the type of medication that we should use will depend on the type of population that we have nowadays [18].

In this article, I want to show that despite the aortic aneurism being the local manifestation, but they are only reflection of energy deficiency in the five internal massive organs and it is considered a systemic disorder and not only local [12].

This is what I am showing in all my presentations and articles that the manifestation of the majority of diseases nowadays, has the leaf level representation but also, they all have alterations in the root level. The Western medical physician is treating the leaf level of the tree (Figure 1) and using their clinical and surgical technics but what is not treated until now, are the energy deficiencies in the internal massive organs, that was the cause of the formation of plaque (due to the Spleen and pancreas disharmony, leading to the formation of Phlegm that cause the formation of cholesterol plaque) [8,9].

For this reason, all the treatments to reduce complications will be try to balance this patient and using this new kind of reasoning, associating the Western and traditional Chinese medicine’s thoughts, the patient will fortify his energy and immune system and will reduce the complications, even if surgery will be required. All these indications were well described in the article written by me (2021) entitled What Do We Need to Know to Reduce Complications for Our Surgical Patients? [19].

The type of medications used in this treatment should be highly diluted ones, due to the new pattern of energy that the population in the world is facing according to the article written by me (2021) entitled Is the Population in the World the Same as in the Past? In this article, based on the study I did in my clinic in Brazil, showing the 90% of all my patients is in the lowest level of energy in the entire five internal massive organs (Kidney, Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung) and this result could be one sample of what could be happening in quite the whole population in this globe, due to the modernization of the telecommunications and implementation of 5G technology, the medications that we could use in this type of human being is highly diluted medications, according to Arndt Schultz Law (Figure 5), created in 1888 by two German researchers. In this law, they are saying that high concentrated drugs can reduce the vital energy and could harm even more the vital energy that is already low in the majority of the population in this world. For this reason, to increase the vital energy of our patients, we need to use highly diluted medications to improve all the organic process to do no cause more harm to them [17,20].

According to one presentation that I did in 2015, at the Acupuncture Research Conference, that was held in Harvard Medical School, in Boston, USA, when we treat the patient’s energy imbalances between Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood, all the patients emotional and physical symptoms will improve at the same time, even the doctor does not know that the patient has such symptoms [6].

To balance this internal energy, it is necessary to treat the emotions, that is the major factor inducing the energy imbalances and secondly, to the wrong eating habits, that is the major source of energy imbalances leading to formation of diseases in the leaf level. But the real cause are in the root, demonstrated in the Figure 1 (tree like figure) [6].

The use of acupuncture (systemic and in the ear) is another kind of treatment to balance the internal energy and only using this kind of therapy, the patient can improve the condition very quickly (emotional or physical problems). The intention when using acupuncture were to regulate the energy of the internal five massive organs, that is very compromised nowadays and due to the problems generated by the use of highly concentrated medications in our population, reducing the vital energy. This kind of therapy is very useful nowadays, because can regulate the energy of the patients and can cure the diseases formation, without the necessity of using medications (that could harm the energy) [12].

To finalize this article, I would like to say that all the tools used in this article (homeopathy and acupuncture) were considered medical specialties by the Brazilian Federal Medical Council in 1980 and 1995, respectively [21].

To understand what could be happening in patients with aortic aneurism, we need to have the two medicines in mind (Western and traditional Chinese medicine) because they are considered different but complementary), as you can see in Figure 6 [6].


Figure 6: Yin and Yang metaphor of western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.


The conclusion of this study is that patients with chronic aortic aneurism have chakras’ energy centers deficient in energy and the treatment of this condition, rebalancing and replenishing the chakras’ energy centers using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and systemic acupuncture and associating with homeopathy medications according to Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications are very important to treat the cause and not just treating the symptoms, that are the aortic aneurism itself.

The holistic approach of all these patients analyzing the energy alterations and the prompt corrections of all these factors that are aggravating the evolution of these patients is of paramount importance in the goof evolution of these patients that are suffering from aortic aneurism.

There is the necessity of more studies in this field to evolve the evolution of all these patients when submitted to energy replenishment of the chakras’ energy centers to offer a good and safe evolution of them, to reduce the risks of complications and death due to this pathology.


Citation: Ling HW (2022) Energy Alterations in Patients with Chronic Dissecting Aortic Aneurysms and What are the Clinical Measurements to Prevent Worsening the Dissection? J Vasc Surg. 10:443.

Copyright: © 2022 Ling HW. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.