Research Article - (2022) Volume 10, Issue 2

Energy Alterations in Patient with Deep Vein Thrombosis and what do we Need to do in Addition to the Use of Anti-Coagulant Medications?
Huang Wei Ling*
Department of Pain Management Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Medical Acupuncture, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil
*Correspondence: Huang Wei Ling, Department of Pain Management Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Medical Acupuncture, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil, Tel: (+55 16) 3721-2437, Email:

Received: 08-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. JVMS-22-15607; Editor assigned: 10-Feb-2022, Pre QC No. JVMS-22-15607(PQ); Reviewed: 24-Feb-2022, QC No. JVMS-22-15607; Revised: 28-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. JVMS-22-15607(R); Published: 02-Mar-2022


Introduction: A Deep-Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot that forms within the deep veins, usually of the leg, but can occur in the veins of the arms and the mesenteric and cerebral veins.

Purpose: to demonstrate that patients with history of deep vein thrombosis have chakras’ energy centers deficient in energy and the correction of these lacks of energy is essential for the treatment in the deepest level and not treating only the symptoms.

Methods: One cases report, 65 years-old male patient with history of two episodes of thrombosis in safena´s vein (the first in 2001 and the second in 2020). He was submitted to the measurement of the energy of the chakras’ energy centers in 2020 that revealed that all his chakras were without any energy (rated one out of eight) with exception of the seventh chakra that was normal, rated in eight. Treatment consisted in Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and replenishment the chakras’ energy centers with homeopathy medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications.

Results: The patient improved his condition associating treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine and never had history of thrombosis after the treatment done.

Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that patients with history of thrombosis have chakras’ energy center deficient in energy and the replenishment of the chakras using homeopathy medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications, associating with Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting are important tools to be used in patients with history of thrombosis.


Deep vein thrombosis; Chakras; Traditional Chinese medicine; Homeopathy.


Deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot usually in the legs in the deep vein (but can also occur in any location such as in the mesenteric, cerebral or arm veins). It represents the third common cause of death from vascular disease after stroke and myocardial infarction. The treatment consisted in the use of anticoagulation therapy and vitamin K antagonism [1].

This article will be written by me following Hippocrates (c. 460 bce c. 375 bce) father of medicine’s thoughts, that said that “foolish the doctor who despises the knowledge acquire by the ancients”. In another quote written by him, he also said, “it is far more important to treat the patient and not the disease” [2].

For this reason, I will combine the theory and explanations used by Western medicine (that has their mode of thinking after the implementation of Flexner report in 1910) with the reasoning used by traditional Chinese medicine that exists for more than 5000 years [3].


The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that patient with symptoms of deep vein thrombosis has energy deficiency in the internal five massive organs (Heart, Spleen, Lungs, Kidney, Liver) and the treatment of this condition, rebalancing the internal energy of the Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood and replenishing them using homeopathy medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications is of paramount importance in treating the root of the problem and not just treating the symptoms.


I used to write this article theories from Western medicine (articles chosen to be included from internet indexed in PubMed) and also, from articles and books of traditional Chinese medicine’s reasoning regarding thrombosis in deeper vein. It was also used in this article, the description of one case report of a 65 years-old male patient with history of working all day standing and had a clinical picture of deep vein thrombosis in the right leg in 2020. He also had a history of thrombosis after left leg injury in 2001.

Case Study

N.V.S., he is a 65 years-old male patient who had a clinical manifestation of deep venous thrombosis in 2020. He works in the shoe industry as a supervisor in Franca, Brazil, so he stands all day, walk all the time inside a small space in the sector where he takes care. In September 2020, he started to feel that his right leg was getting numb; he was getting many cramps, which is not normal for this to happen to him. His leg was getting a little red and it was swelling a little more than normal.

When he returned home from work (he arrived home in the afternoon) and was going to take a shower, he noticed that his legs were quite swollen and feeling some pain, so he decided to look for the basic health unit in the city he lives for a medical follow-up. At first, it was diagnosed that he had venous thrombosis. Laboratory exams was made and he was immediately referred to Santa Casa Hospital at Franca city. He was hospitalized on 9/10/2020 at 3:00 PM and from that date, he started medical treatment with a vascular doctor. This doctor did a medical follow-up with him and the patient was treated as he had venous thrombosis for 4 days. On the fourth day, the doctor asked for an exam to really see if there was a deep vein thrombosis or not through the Doppler exam, and it was proven that he had a deep thrombosis in the right leg.

From that moment on, he started a treatment and all the necessary care so that there was an improvement in this thrombosis in the right leg. He went through the entire treatment that he was hospitalized at the hospital using pain medication and twelve injections around the navel to prevent the formation of pulmonary embolism. He also took anticoagulants that were prescribed by the vascular doctor during these four days and on the 14th day of hospitalization; he was released so he could continue the treatment at home. He started using Rivaroxaban (15 mg) by taking two pills a day (one in the morning and the other in the afternoon), and after 28 days he started to take Rivaroxaban 20 mg, just once a day and he continue doing this treatment until today.

This problem of the vein having clogged up from the deeper vein in the legs was already a problem that he presented in 2001, when he was playing football. He was hit in the left leg and all the blood clotted from the groin to the foot and there was a rupture of the vein and this process of venous thrombosis in the left leg occurred in April 2001. But during this period, he was undergoing treatment with an orthopedist, because he imagined that he had injured a nerve or tendon and he did the treatment for thirty days with the orthopedist. During this period, he did not notice any improvement of his clinical condition. He took several types of injections, antibiotics, etc. He realized that he did not getting better, so he decided to look for a vascular medical doctor that did the diagnosis of deeper venous thrombosis.

So, from that moment on, in 2001, a medical follow-up process began due to the issue of thrombosis. He has always had a problem with feeling pain in the soles of his feet, with tingling, so he did a follow-up with a vascular device of this type in 2001 and in 2020, he had a clinical presentation of thrombosis in the leg again. According to the medical doctors, he needs to do a study on this issue of the real cause of thrombosis formation. He was not the only one in his family to have this problem, but also, he has a brother who also has the same problem that he had. His brother also had thrombosis in both legs three times, including pulmonary embolism. He has uncles on his mother’s side who also have this issue of thrombosis and he also have on his father’s side, aunts who also have this issue of thrombosis. In regarding of his thrombosis, he sees that, in the case of his right leg, it happened like this occurred without any movement, different from the case that happened on the left leg that was hatted in 2001.

At this last time, in 2020, he did not have any blows, he just started to feel the pain and he realized that something was wrong. For this reason, he started the treatment. Nowadays, what he feels is that due to the heat in his leg and swelling, if he stands for a long time, he needs to wear the elastic sock which is suitable for the circulation. He has to take the medicine Rivaroxaban for another year, according to the vascular doctor. He has already been through the vascular treatment at the end of 2021 and he continue with the treatment for another year using Rivaroxaban and after he finish with it, he will ask the doctor to order some laboratorial tests to evaluate what was the cause of his problem.

He does not have exposed veins, but he has some small spider veins around his left and right feet. After he started the treatment with Rivaroxaban, he felt that it helped and improved his condition a lot but he felt that he has to keep taking the medication for pain, upper leg pain, foot pain (sequelae caused by venous thrombosis).

This patient was not my patient but one day, after knowing about his history of having deep vein thrombosis, I asked to his friend to call him and go to my clinic to evaluate his internal massive organs’ energy (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung, Kidney) that corresponds to the chakras’ energy centers (studied by Ayurvedic medicine). I did the radiesthesia procedure measuring his chakras’ energy centers and using this technic, it was possible to evaluate the energy status of the five internal massive organs (that were responsible for the formation of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood).

Results and Discussion

All his chakras’ energy centers (from one to six) were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight, with exception of seventh chakra (that was normal, rated in eight).

The treatment using Chinese dietary counseling was started orientating him to avoid the ingestion of raw food, Cold water, sweets and dairy products (to do not imbalance the Spleen and pancreas energy meridian, responsible for the absorption of nutrients and formation of Blood).

IIt was also orientated him to avoid the ingestion of coffee, soda and matte tea (to do not imbalance the Kidney energy meridian, responsible for the formation of Yin and Yang energy, necessary to keep the Blood circulation inside the blood vessels).

The third group of foods that I orientate to avoid was the ingestion of fried foods, eggs, honey, melted cheese, chocolate, alcoholic beverages (to do not imbalance even more the Liver and Gallbladder energy meridian and worse the formation of internal Heat, that was causing the hyperemia symptoms in his legs, according to traditional Chinese medicine).

It was prescribed medications to replenish the internal massive organs using highly diluted medications, such as homeopathy medications according to the theory created by me (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, and crystal-based medications. The medications used in his treatment was Sulphur (to tone the third chakra or Heart): Calcarea carbonic (to tone the fifth chakra or Spleen), Silicea (to tone the fifth chakra or Lungs); Natrum muriaticum (to tone the second chakra or Kidney) and Phosphorus (to tone the first chakra or Liver). The potency of the medications used was started at 30 CH, after one month, the patient received the medications at 200 CH, after one month, it was started at 1000 CH. After one month, it was prescribed the homeopathy medications at 10.000 CH and after 6 weeks of the last medications, it was used at 50.000 CH (all in single doses one medication per month) with exception of medication in potency of 10.000 CH and in 50.000 CH, which can be used each 6 or 8 weeks, depending on the symptoms presented by them. The single dose of medications is done using 20 drops of each medication ( first day-Sulphur; second day-Calcarea carbonica, third day Silicea, fourth day-Natrum muriatucum; fifth day-Phosphorus) diluting it in 20 ml of water ( the patient usually use the medications during five days in a month). The crystal-based medications were used together with these homeopathy medications for the whole life and they will be described in the discussion section.

In this article, I will address some considerations regarding the alterations that the human being is suffering from the modernization of telecommunication, and chronic exposition to the electromagnetic waves, affecting quite the entire population in this world. According to the article written by me (2021) entitle Is the Population in the World the Same as in the Past? I am saying that the population that we have nowadays, is not the same that we had 7 or 10 or 50 years ago [4].

This could be one of the reasons that this patient reported in this article had thrombosis in 2001 (after leg injury) but in 2020, he had another episode of thrombosis in the right leg, spontaneously, without having any kind of leg injury [4].

To explain what could be the cause of all these phenomena occurred in this patient, it is important to understand the reasoning used by other ancient medical traditions prior to the knowledge we have nowadays used by Western medicine, as recommended by Hippocrates (c. 460 bce c. 375 bce), father of medicine. For this reason, I will use the explanations in Western medicine associating with traditional Chinese medicine reasoning and also, I used medications to treat this condition that Western medicine is not using (such as highly diluted medications instead of highly concentrated medications) and I will show the reason for the need to change the type of medication chosen to treat this new pattern of population nowadays [3,5].

In research that I did in my clinic in Brazil demonstrated which is the pattern of energy that the majority of my patients are having nowadays, different from what they presented before 2015 [6].

According to traditional Chinese medicine, these internal massive organs have diverse energy functions to promote energy necessary to each organ that they command, as I am showing in Table 1 [6].

  Wood Fire Earth Metal Water
Orientation East South Middle West North
Season Spring summer Late Summer Autumn Winter
Climate Wind Summer Heat Dampness Dryness Cold
Cultivation Germinate Grow Transform Reap Store
Yin organ Liver Heart Spleen Lung Kidney
Yang Organ Gall Bladder Small Intestine Stomach Large Intestine Bladder
Orifice Eye Tongue Mouth Nose Ear
Tissues Tendons Vessels Muscles Skin & Hair Bones
Emotions Anger Joy Pensiveness Grief Fear
Colors Blue/Green Red Yellow White Black
Taste Sour Bitter Sweet Pungent Salty
Voice Shout Laugh Sing Cry Groan

Table 1: Five elements and the organs, color and emotions that they correspond.

To understand what I want to say in this article, I will use the tree metaphor to demonstrate the different viewpoints between Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, showed in Figure 1 [3].


Figure 1: Tree metaphor showing the different viewpoints between Western and traditional Chinese medicine.

This tree symbolizes the human being. There is a separation between the part that is above the earth and the part that is under the earth (that is invisible to our naked eyes). The part above the earth is composed by trunk and many branches and coming out of each branch, you can see many leaves. Western medicine treats all diseases in the leaf level and they understand that the formation of the diseases is inside the affected organ (for example, patients with glaucoma usually receives their treatment using eye drops or surgery to correct the high intra-ocular pressure). But in traditional Chinese medicine, they understand that all manifestation in the leaf level is only symptoms, but the cause of the development of diseases is under the earth, that are in the root of the tree, composed by two theories in TCM, that are Yin and Yang and the Five Elements theory, showed in the Figures 2- 4 [7].


Figure 2: Yin and Yang symbol.


Figure 3: Different energy imbalances between Yin and Yang (in the second, third, fourth and fifth column) and the balance state (in the first column).


Figure 4: Chakras’ energy centers and the internal five massive organs and the production of energy by each organ (Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood).

Yin and Yang are two forces that exists in our universe in all the things such as day and night, sun and moon, man and women, summer and winter, etc. The aim of all treatments in all kinds of diseases is to balance these two forces, as you can see in Figure 3, when in the left part of this diagram, you can see them in the same height. The imbalances between them can cause the formation of diverse diseases, such as diabetes, menopause symptoms (when Yin is less than Yang) for example, as you can see in Figure 3 [3,7].

The necessity of treat the root and not the leaf began in 2006, when treat one specific patient in Brazil that changed all the reasoning used by me in all kinds of treatments in diverse diseases. I am showing and demonstrating the treatment of many other diseases, emphasizing the importance to treat the root of all problems and not just treating the symptoms such as in the article I wrote (2020) entitled why patients with spider veins in the leg have recurrence of their conditions by using sclerotherapy or other kinds of treatment recommended nowadays? and in the second article The importance of treating energy imbalances and chakras replenishment for prevention and treatment chakras replenishment for prevention and treatment of cancer [5,8].

I will tell you the history of this patient that I treated in 2006 briefly to you to understand what I want to transmit in the treatment of the majority of patient that are having thrombosis in any part of the body. This patient was a 70 years-old male patient with history of pain in the legs and was not improving his condition only using anti-inflammatory medications for the last 6 months. He went to my clinic to search for another kind of treatment. As I have the medical training from Western and traditional Chinese medicine, I decided to treat him using Chinese medicine’s diagnosis and treating his energy imbalances (that was in the root of the tree). His Chinese medicine’s diagnosis was Kidney Yang deficiency (because he usually feels Cold in his lower limbs) and I treated him using Chinese dietary counseling (avoiding some foods that could induce more Yang deficiency) and could worsen his condition. He also received acupuncture and auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting during five weeks (twice acupuncture sessions per week) [3,9].

After this treatment, he returned to be reevaluated and told me that he improved from his leg pain condition but also, improved from another condition that he did not tell me. He was treating glaucoma for the last 40 years, with no improvement of his condition and for the first time of his life, his intra-ocular pressure reduced from 40 mmHg to 17 mmHg. After this case, I discovered the importance to treat the energy imbalances and I began to participate in many conferences worldwide to explain the importance to treat the root of the problem in the treatment of all kinds of diseases (in the root of the tree) and not just treating the symptoms (the leaf level) [5,8].

In a research that I did in Brazil, from 2015 to 2020, analyzing a 1000 patient chakras’ energy centers, that corresponds to the internal five massive organs, I choose 409 files of this group of patients and the result of this retrospective study was that the population analyzed were in the lowest level of energy, in all internal five massive organs (rated one out of eight) from chakras one to six, as I am demonstrating in Table 2. Chakra one corresponds to the Liver, chakra two corresponds to the Kidney, chakra three to the Heart, chakra four to the Lungs, chakra five to the Spleen and chakra six to memory and concentration. The seventh chakra corresponds to the spirituality [6].

Ages Chakras 19-Feb 20-59 60-80
7 8 8 8
6 1 1 1
5 1 1 1
4 1 1 1
3 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
Total of patients 26 170 86
Main Western Anxiety Anxiety Anxiety
Diagnoses Depression Headache Knee pain
  Yin/Yang Yin Yin
Main Chinese Yin/Blood Yin/Yang Yin/internal Heat
diagnoses     Yin/Yang/internal Heat

Table 2: Result of the research that I did in Brazil, showing that the majority of the patients were in the lowest level of energy inside the internal five massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs and Kidney).

Chakras are energy concentrations that are invisible by the naked eyes but they have an important function to send energy to all cells, glands and organs that they command for their proper functioning. The chakras’ representation and their correlation with the internal five massive organs can be seen in the Figure 4 [5].

In an article written by Chase (2018) entitled The Geometry of Emotions: Using Chakra Acupuncture and 5-Phase Theory to Describe Personality Archetypes for Clinical Use, he correlates the chakras’ energy centers with the five internal massive organs in traditional Chinese medicine. In this article, I will show the measurement of the chakras’ energy centers and correlating them with the five internal massive organs so, when I measure the chakra, I will measure the energy of each five internal massive organ [10].

The remaining 10% of the population studied had energy inside some organs and the results and the combination of organs that have energy inside them can be seeing in Table 3 [11].

Chakras combinations Number of patients Percentage in group Overall percentage
1/2/3/4 1 2,08% 0,24%
1/2/3/4/6/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
1/3/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
1/4/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
1/5/6/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
1/6/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
1/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
2/4/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
2/5/6/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
2/7 2 4,17% 0,49%
3/4/6/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
3/4/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
3/5/6/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
3/6/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
4/6/7 2 4,17% 0,49%
4/7 3 6,25% 0,73%
5 1 2,08% 0,24%
5/6/7 2 4,17% 0,49%
6 2 4,17% 0,49%
6/7 12 25,00% 2,93%
ST 1 2,08% 0,24%
ST/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 2 4,17% 0,49%
ST/1/2/3/4/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
ST/1/2/4/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
ST/1/3/4/5/6/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
ST/1/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
ST/2/3/4/5/6/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
ST/3/4/5/6/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
ST/4/5/6/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
ST/7 1 2,08% 0,24%
Total 48 100% 11,39%

Table 3: Results of 10% of the population studied that had energy in one or more internal five massive organs (Liver (1), Kidney (2), Heart (3), Lung (4), Spleen (5), Memory (6), Spirituality (7)).

The reduction in this internal energy inside the five internal massive organs is caused mainly by the influences of the electromagnetic waves, due to the modernization of the telecommunication and could worse even more after the implementation of the 5G technology, as I am showing in the article The Influence of Cell Phones and Computers on Our Immune System [12,13].

Since 2010, I start to measure the energy of the internal five massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung and Kidney) and from them, I realize that the majority of the population that I was attending in Brazil had energy in the majority of the organs. But since 2015, the results of these measurements became different suddenly and quite all the patients that I am attending nowadays have the same energy pattern, that is no energy inside the five internal massive organs, that are responsible for the production of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood, as I showed in Figure 4 [6].

In the case reported in this article, when he had the first thrombosis in the lower limbs in 2001, probably his internal energy was different if we compared to the second episode in 2020. I did not measure his energy in 2001 but probably was normal at that time due to the results and experiences measuring the energy of the population in my city since 2010. But in the second episode of thrombosis, the patient did not have any problem that led him to have thrombosis in the deep vein in the right leg, and this probably occurred due to this energy deficiency inside the five internal massive organs that are responsible for the normal flowing of Blood inside the blood vessels, as I am demonstrating the interrelationship between the four energies in Figure 5 [5,11].


Figure 5: Interrelationship between Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood to occur normal circulation of blood inside the blood vessels.

The Yin and Yang are two energies produced by the Kidney (second chakra), and was very low in energy, in this patient reported in this article and in the majority of the population nowadays, as I (2021) showed in the article Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID-19 [11] ?

The Blood energy is produced by the Spleen (fifth chakra) that is responsible for the absorption of nutrients and also, for the production of Blood [3].

The Qi is the fourth energy that is normal when there is Yin, Yang and Blood in adequate amount and the distribution of Qi is the responsibility of Lung (fourth chakra) and Liver (first chakra), showed in Figure 4 [3].

In the article, I wrote (2021) entitled Why Patients with Spider Veins in The Leg Have Recurrence of Their Conditions By Using Sclerotherapy Or Other Kinds of Treatment Recommended Nowadays? as the treatment is usually made rebalancing the internal energy, in any kind of diseases, the patients that were submitted to this kind of treatment ( not focused on the treatment of spider veins but for the treatment of pain) reported that the vein in the legs improved when I treated them for another condition, because when I treat the root, all the patients symptoms will improve at the same time, even the doctor does not know that the patient has such symptoms. In this article, I am emphasizing that spider veins is not only aesthetic but also, it is an indirect meaning that the patient do not have energy inside the main massive organs and the patient do not have enough energy to maintain the Blood flowing inside the blood vessels [5].

In another article written by me (2020), entitled Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Myocardial Infarction without Arterial Obstruction, I am showing that all the patients with myocardial infarction have an energy alteration in the five internal massive organs, and the same condition I am demonstrating in the article entitled What We Need to Know When the Patient has a Stroke with or without COVID-19 [14,15] ?

In all patients nowadays, that are presenting any kinds of symptoms such as infectious or non-infectious diseases, all of them have in common, energy deficiency in the five internal massive organs, showed in many articles written by me such as in the article entitled What have behind in all kinds of infections that we need to know? and in another article Can We Treat Urinary Tract Infections Without Using Any Antibiotics [16,17] ?

In the article written by Tajstra et al. entitled Acute Coronary Tree Thrombosis After Vaccination for COVID-19, he is describing a case of male patient with past history of prostate cancer that received COVID-19 vaccine and developed a thrombosis in the coronary artery and collapsed after 30 minutes of vaccine’s injection [18].

In this case, if we study the energy alteration that all patient with cancer are having (that are energy deficiency in all five internal massive organs and formation of internal Heat), when this patient received the Pfizer vaccine (that is considered highly concentrated medication according to Arndt Schultz Law), it caused a reduction in this vital energy of all internal massive organs and the energy necessary to keep the Blood flowing normally inside the Blood vessels reduced and caused Blood stagnation in the coronary artery, causing the myocardial infarction [14,15].

In another article written by See et al. entitled US Case Reports of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis With Thrombocytopenia After Ad26.COV2.S Vaccination, March 2 to April 21, 2021, they are describing six cases of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccine and resulted in temporal pause in national vaccination [19].

In almost all the studies published to date, the energy alterations of those patients are having nowadays (as I had described) are rarely or never mentioned. The problem appears to have nothing to do with the vaccine itself but with the concentration of vaccine that was used to vaccinate a new population, that is different from what existed a few years ago (8, 10, 20, or 50 years ago) [20].

In all the treatments recommended today, they usually treat the effect (which is the clotting itself) but the real cause of the problem, which is the energy deficiency of the internal organs, has not yet been studied and clarified. After the implantation of Flexner report in 1910, only treatments that were formulated using medicines produced by the pharmaceutical industry were considered scientific, with the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundation behind giving financial support for this to happen. The majority of thinking that uses the energy perspective were considered non-scientific and for this reason, all the alterations that are happening inside the human being is not diagnosed because they are not studied by the majority of physicians nowadays and not teached in the medical schools [5,21].

To balance the internal five massive organs and to balance the Yin and Yang energy, the first step used by me was to change the dietary aspects of the patient according to the energy imbalances presented by each patient. In Table 3, you can see the questions that I usually do in the first appointment of the patient to see how is the energy state of each patient [3].

In the study written by Perry et al. entitled Cerebral venous thrombosis after vaccination against COVID-19 in the UK: a multicenter cohort study, they reported a fatal case of vaccine- induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia after receiving the first dose of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine. Due to the temporal relationship between the vaccine application and the onset of the symptoms, the authors attributed to the vaccine the fatal thrombotic condition [22].

In this case, what I want to say is that quite all the population in this world are having energy deficiency in the five internal massive organs, as I am showing in Table 2, and this result is not related to any co-morbidities or age group because as you can see in this table, even children, adolescents, young adults and older persons are having energy deficiency in the five internal massive organs, causing a predisposition to have Blood clot, because the energy that are responsible for keeping the Blood circulation inside the Blood vessels (Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood) are compromised because the organs that are responsible for the production of these energies are not working normally, due to the influences of the electromagnetic waves [14,15].

Another possible cause to formation of more predisposition to have blood clot and thrombosis formation is the use of highly concentrated medications, as you can see in Figure 6. In this Figure, you can see the Arndt Schultz Law, created in 1888 by two German researchers and they said that the use of drugs in high concentrations can reduce the vital energy and for this reason, patients that are using highly concentrated medications, can be more prone to have blood clot nowadays, as I am showing in the article written by me (2021) entitled Myocardial Infarction without Arterial Obstruction in Patient Post COVID-19 Treatment [14,15].

The other possible cause for inducing more predisposition to have Blood clot is the use of any kind of metallic implants inside the body. The use of this kinds of implants can reduce the vital energy of the patient and can reduce even more this energy (that is already very low) inducing complications in this patient, showed by me (2021) in the article entitled How is the Mechanism of Immunodeficiency Caused by Metallic Implants and What Can they Cause when Inside the Patient’s Body [12,13] ?


Figure 6: Arndt-Schultz Law.

The second step I usually do in all the treatments and in this case, the patient who are suffering from deep venous thrombosis, is to do the Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood equilibrium to keep the blood circulating inside the Blood vessels. The auricular acupuncture points used in this patient reported in this article is shown in Figure 7. The function of each auricular acupuncture points used is described in the article How Do You Treat Back Pain in Your Practice? Part 2 [23].

The third step in the treatment of all patients suffering from deep venous thrombosis is to replenish the internal massive organs using highly diluted medications such as the use of homeopathy medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications. The medications used are described in Table 4, and they should be used for the entire life, because according to my experience, in my daily practice, when the patient stopped to use this kind of medication, they usually recur their symptoms and need to restart the use of the medications. The name and functions of crystal-based medications were described in the article written by me (2019) entitled Why Are Diabetic Patients Still Having Hyperglycemia despite Diet Regulation, Antiglycemic Medication and Insulin [3] ?


Figure 7: Auricular acupuncture points used in the treatment of patients with deep vein thrombosis.

Questions to ask to the patients to evaluate the energy situation
Question Does the patient have a daily bowel movement? Does the patient have excessive sweating during day? Does the patient feel cold in the extremities of the body? (Cold feet or hands) Does the patient feel hot in the extremities? Does the patient has dry mouth, bleeding gums, bad breath, acne and/or redness in the skin, abdominal pain, micro hematuria, or itching?
Meaning The lack of daily bowel movements can mean Blood deficiency. This could be a symptom of Qi deficiency. Commonly, this is a sign of Yang deficiency. Commonly a sign of Yin deficiency. Commonly this is a sign of Heat retention.

Table 4: Questions to ask to the patients to evaluate the energy situation of Yin, Yang, Qi, blood and heat retention.

According to the book Bioenergetic Medicines East and West: Acupuncture and Homeopathy written by Manning and Vanrenen (1993), they said that homeopathy medications act like acupuncture and it is considered like bioenergy [24].

To understand what could be happening in all patients that are having blood clot or thrombosis in any part of the body, we need to have in our minds the two kinds of medicine that was not completely implemented since the Flexner report. The type of medications recommended in the past is not fitting in the new type of population that we have nowadays, as I showed in the article entitled What Flexner Report did to Our Medicine After 100 Years of Implantation [21] ?

The integration of Western and traditional Chinese medicine is suggested by me in the Yin and Yang metaphor, being Yin the darkest side of the symbol and representing Western medicine (materialized medicine) and Yang is representing traditional Chinese medicine, that is a non-materialized energy, in white, showed in Figure 8 [3, 12].


Figure 8: Metaphor of Yin and Yang showing the necessity of integration Chinese medicine to Western medicine to understand in the deepest way, what is happening in the energy level of the formation of thrombosis.

In this article, it was used acupuncture and homeopathy to treat the patients with deep vein thrombosis. I want to say that both are considered medical specialty by the Federal Medical Council since 1995 and 1980 in Brazil. I know that not all countries nowadays consider them as medical specialty but they represent important tools to be used, in the treatment of diverse diseases because the use of these kinds of therapy cannot harm the vital energy, contrary when we use another type of highly concentrated medications, that can harm or reduce even more the energy, causing more complications or even death, as demonstrated by the Arndt Schultz law, in Figure 6 [25].

The physiopathology explained by Western medicine in the thrombosis formation does not take into account the energy alterations that the majority of population are presenting, leading to complication or recurrence of the thrombosis in any part of the body, as the cause, that is the energy deficiency was not treated yet, causing the stagnation of Blood inside the blood vessels, as showed in the article written by me ( 2020) entitled Chakras ’ Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Myocardial Infarction without Arterial Obstruction (Table 5) [14].

As said by Hippocrates (460 bce-375 bce), father of medicine, ‘we need to treat the patient and not the diseases”. In this phrase, he is saying that if we treat the root (the patient) we can treat all the patient diseases at the same time but if we treat the symptoms (leaf), we will not treat the cause of disease formation [2].


The conclusion of this study is that patient with deep vein thrombosis have deficiency in energy in the five internal massive organs, that are responsible for the formation of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood, necessary to keep the Blood circulating inside the blood vessels. The lack of energy can cause stagnation of Blood, leading to the symptom of thrombosis and the treatment rebalancing and replenishing them using highly diluted medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine can promote the circulation again of the Blood, improving the energy necessary to circulate the Blood adequately, causing the improvement of all energy responsible for the health of the patient and for the entire circulation of the body.


Citation: Huang WL (2022) Energy Alterations in Patient with Deep Vein Thrombosis and what do we Need to in Addition to the Use of Anti- Coagulant Medications? J Vasc Surg. 10:442.

Copyright: © 2022 Huang WL. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.