Commentary - (2022) Volume 11, Issue 3
Received: 02-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. JGRS-22-16326; Editor assigned: 04-Mar-2022, Pre QC No. JGRS-22-16326(PQ); Reviewed: 18-Mar-2022, QC No. JGRS-22-16326; Revised: 23-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. JGRS-22-16326(R); Published: 31-Mar-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2469-4134.22.11.225
The National Airspace System (NAS) consists of approximately 6,500 public use airports serving almost in all cities and small communities in the United States. Connecting those airports is a network of air routes, described through navigational aids, that channeI the flow of traffic. Flight traffic along these routes, in addition to operations in the terminal regions surrounding airports, is monitored and managed with the aid of using a system of ground based on surveillance system and communication links the Air Traffic Control (ATC) system. With exceptions (Washington national airport and dunes international airport), U.S. airports used by commercial flights are owned and operated by local, regional or State authorities. Many popular aviation aircrafts additionally use these commercial air carrier airports, however most are served by smaller public airports and through roughly 10,000 privately owned fields.
The air route system and the ATC device are operated through the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which has responsibility for assuring the safe and expeditious movement of flight in U.S. airspace and contiguous areas. FAA is also responsible for coordinating the usage of airspace shared by armed forces and civil aviation. The NAS accommodates approximately 1,80,000 operations (takeoffs and landings) per day at airports with FAA control towers or more or less 66 million per year. Of these, 22 percent are commercial flights (scheduled air carrier, commuter and air taxi), 74 percent are standard aviation and 4 percent are defence sector. Most of the commercial operations are focused on the top 66 airports, which account for over 77 percentage of commercial operations and 88 percent of passenger enplanements. Within this group, airline traffic is even greater especially focused on some main hubs. The 10 largest hubs deal with 33 percent of all operations and 47 percent of all passengers. The use of NAS, as measured with the aid of using aircraft operations at airports with FAA towers, has grown at an annual rate of approximately four percent in recent years, due almost totally to the rapid increase of the general aircraft sector. This increase would also lead to significant increases in the workload of the ATC system management. FAA workload forecasts indicate that there may be both capacity and protection issues arising from the increase in demand for ATC services, problems that will not be confined to main airports or commercial operations. Projections show the demand for ATC services with the aid of using general aircrafts users could increase by as much as 70 percent in the coming 10 years.
The accuracy of these forecasts relies upon on factors which are hard to predict reliably, for example, the growth in aviation is extremely sensitive to the national economy. The long-time period effects of airline deregulation are uncertain however they could have an important impact on the profitability and competitive shape of the industry. Thus, even as there is a consensus that air activity as an entire will continue to grow, it is not certain how much increase is expected, where it's going to occur or what strategies need to be followed to deal with it. It does seem clear, however, that growth of aviation, even at a rather gradual rate, offers rise to challenge about future airport capacity, terminal area congestion and the protection and performance of the ATC system management.
Citation: Clark D (2022) Effect of Working Experience on Air Traffic Control System. J Remote Sens GIS. 11:225.
Copyright: © 2022 Clark D. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.