Perspective - (2022) Volume 12, Issue 3

Effect of Combined Application for Growth of Osseo Integration
Panettieri Gray*
Department of Oral Health, Sona College of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
*Correspondence: Panettieri Gray, Department of Oral Health, Sona College of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, Email:

Received: 01-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. DCR-22-16426; Editor assigned: 04-Mar-2022, Pre QC No. DCR-22-16426 (PQ); Reviewed: 18-Mar-2022, QC No. DCR-22-16426; Revised: 25-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. DCR-22-16426 (R); Published: 04-Apr-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2161-1122.22.12.571


Osseo integration could be a direct structural and functional connection between live bone and therefore the surface of a load-bearing artificial implant. A more modern definition defines osseo integration as functional ankylosis, where new bone deposits directly on the implant surface and therefore the implant exhibits mechanical stability. Resistance to instability turns to mechanical motion. Osseo integration has advanced the science of medical bone and joint replacement, additionally as improved prostheses for dental implants and amputees. Osseo integration implants are a kind of implant defined as bone implants with pores through which osteoblasts and supportive tissue can move. When applied to oral implantology, this refers to bone that has grown to the surface of the implant with no soft membrane in between. There are no connective tissue, cartilage or ligament fibers between the bone and therefore the implant surface.

The osseo integration was first observed by Bothe, Beaton, and Davenport in 1940, although not explicitly mentioned. He was the primary researcher to transplant titanium into animals and located that titanium cared-for fuse with bone it's reported that stability to the character, strength and hardness of the weather of titanium, it's highly possible that it may be used as a prosthetic material within the future. Osseo integration was later described by Gottlieb Leventhal in 1951. Later, the term osseo integration was coined by Per Ingvar Branemark of Sweden. In 1952, Branemark conducted an experiment employing a titanium implant chamber to look at blood flow in rabbit bones. At the top of the experiment, when it had been time to get rid of the titanium chamber from the bone, he discovered that the chamber couldn't be removed because the bone was completely integrated into the implant.

Today Osseo integration could be a highly predictable and commonplace treatment modality. More recently since 2010 in Sydney Australia utilized a high enduringness titanium implant with high prose plasma sprayed surface as an intramedullary prosthesis that's inserted into the bone residuum of amputees and so connect through a gap within the skin to robotic limb prosthesis. This enables amputees to mobilize with more comfort and less energy consumption. Muderis also published the primary series of mixing Osseo integration prosthesis with Joint replacement enabling below knee amputees with knee arthritis or short residual bone to mobilise without the requirement of socket prosthesis. Osseo integration may be a dynamic process during which characteristics of the implant play a job in modulating molecular and cellular behavior.

While Osseo integration has been observed using different materials, therefore most frequently describe the reaction of bone tissues to titanium, or titanium coated with inorganic phosphate derivatives. It had been previously thought that titanium implants were retained in bone through the action of mechanical stabilization or interfacial bonding. Alternatively, it's been hypothesized that implants coated with phosphate are stabilized by chemical bonds. Both phosphate coated implants and titanium implants will be chemically stabilized in bone by direct contact between calcium and titanium atoms or by adhesion of cement to a linear layer at the implant/bone interface. There are some differences, but Osseo integration occurs by the identical mechanism as fracture healing, as an example within the absence of cartilage formation precursors.

Citation: Gray P (2022) Effect of Combined Application for Growth of Osseo Integration. J Dentistry. 12:571.

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