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Journal of Plant Pathology & Microbiology

Editorial - (2021) Volume 12, Issue 10

Editorial Note on Nematode Diseases of Plants
Sowmya Vennam*
Department of Pharmacy, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
*Correspondence: Sowmya Vennam, Department of Pharmacy, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, Email:

Received: 20-Sep-2021 Published: 30-Oct-2021, DOI: 10.35248/2157-7471.21.12.579


Various genera and types of nematodes are exceptionally harming to an extraordinary scope of hosts, including foliage plants, agronomic and vegetable harvests, leafy foods trees, turf grass, and woods trees. Probably the most harming nematodes are: root hitch, cyst, root sore, spiral, burrowing, bulb and stem, Reni structure, dagger, bud and leaf, and Pine Wilt Disease. Nematodes are basic, multicell creatures—commonly containing 1,000 cells or less. They are worm-like for all intents and purposes, however are systematically unmistakable from night crawlers, wireworms or flatworms.

They are reciprocally even, delicate bodied (no skeleton), nonfragmented round worms. Most nematode species that assault plants are tiny. The fundamental body plan of a nematode is a "tube inside a cylinder." Nematodes feed on different microorganisms and plants like bacteriovores, fungivores, omnivores, hunters, and plant parasites. A few, in any case, are not kidding human, creature and plant microorganisms. Those that assault creatures or people don't assault plants as well as the other way around. Heartworm in canines and felines is an illustration of nematode illnesses in creatures and individuals.

Plant parasitic nematodes might assault the roots, stem, foliage and blossoms of plants. All plant parasitic nematodes have puncturing mouthparts called stylets. The presence of a stylet is the key analytic sign separating plant parasitic nematodes from any remaining kinds of nematodes. The bacterial-taking care of nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, is one of the most amazing comprehended creatures on the planet. It was the main creature to have its whole genome totally sequenced.

Signs and symptoms

Commonplace root manifestations showing nematode assault are root bunches or irks, root sores, exorbitant root spreading, harmed root tips and hindered root frameworks. Manifestations on the over the ground plant parts demonstrating root disease are a lethargic decrease of the whole plant, withering even with abundant soil dampness, foliage yellowing and less and more modest leaves. These are, truth be told, the manifestations that would show up in plants denied of an appropriately working root framework. Bulb and stem nematodes produce stem swellings and abbreviated internodes. Bud and leaf nematodes twist and kill bud and leaf tissue. Now and again, for example, with SCN, yield misfortune might happen with no apparent manifestations.


Different strategies are accessible to decrease crop misfortunes from nematodes:

Genetic host resistance: Plant safe species and cultivars. For instance, in a space with soil intensely plagued with the root-tie nematode, plant apricots, cherries, apples, pears or plums, which are safe, as opposed to peaches or nectarines, (A root-tie nematodesafe peach rootstock called 'Nemaguard' created by USDA plant reproducers is accessible, hence allowing peach creation even on pervaded soils.) Certain vegetable yields—sweet corn, asparagus, and cabbage—are impervious to root-hitch nematodes though radishes are vulnerable.

Cultural practices: Utilize just without nematode nursery stock for planting. In many nations, government nursery overseers will denounce and obliterate any nursery stock appearance proof of nematode pervasion.

Chemical applications: Treat the dirt region with a fumigant prior to planting. Soil blends for compartment developed plants can either be treated with a fumigant or steam-purified at 82°C (180°F) for around 30 minutes. This strategy is excessively costly for field crops other than business strawberry fields. The approaching loss of methyl bromide may truly influence the harvests where it is utilized.

Biological control: Albeit not broadly accessible, researchers have investigated the utilization of opposing growths like Arthrobotrys dactyloides to trap and parasitize plant pathogenic nematodes. Pasteuria penetrans, a bacterial parasite, can likewise be utilized as natural control.

Government regulatory measures: Try not to import soil (or plants with soil on their foundations) from regions that could be stacked with hazardous nematode animal varieties new to the space. U.S plant importation guidelines prohibit the presentation of plants with soil on their foundations from different nations.

Citation: Vennam S (2021) Editorial Note on Nematode Diseases of Plants. J Plant Pathol Microbiol. 12: 579.

Copyright: © 2021 Vennam S. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.