Editor Note - (2020) Volume 9, Issue 3
, DOI: 10.35248/2167-1052.20.9.e104
Dear Readers,
With a great pleasure, I would like to express my happiness on the eve of entering into the 4th year of this Scientific Publishing Field. Initially we started this Advances in Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety with the aim to disseminate advanced knowledge all over the globe. Thankfully, with the constant support of Eminent Editor-in-Chief’s and Editorial Board Members, Potential Reviewers and Active Authors we are able to run this journal so successfully till now and we hope it continues in near future also. Advances in Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety provides the publication of articles. In the year of 2019, we have published a very good number of articles, which were recent discoveries.
In the past years, apart from releasing regular issues at present, our main focus is to make scientific papers more accessible for aspiring researchers. With the support of Editor-in-Chief’s, Editorial board members, Executive editors and Guest Editors, we are planning to come up with interesting special issue topics to encourage the authors. Advances in Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety comes under the top ten journals in this open access field. In 2020, we have already released one issue and now we are in the process of releasing another issue.
Finally, Journal of Advances in Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety sincerely appreciates each and every member for their valuable service in this Publication Process. We always look forward to work with many young scientists across the globe.
Applied Strategies in 2019
We have applied many strategies in 2019, i.e.
• Using contacting through Mobile (Whatsapp) phones
• Sent Call for papers for the eminent in the field
• Approaching the Editors suggested eminent
• Approaching potential reviewers for the Call for papers
• Maintaining the frequency of articles.
Stay Safe & Healthy…!
Thank you!
With kind regards,
John Wayne,
Associate Managing Editor,
Advances in Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety