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Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development

Opinion Article - (2022) Volume 13, Issue 8

Development of Conceptual Modern Fisheries and Aquaculture in Many Parts of World Highlights and Its Importance
Joes Dias*
Department of Environmental Studies, The Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Israel
*Correspondence: Joes Dias, Department of Environmental Studies, The Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Israel, Email:

Received: 04-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. JARD-22-17958; Editor assigned: 08-Jul-2022, Pre QC No. JARD-22-17958 (PQ); Reviewed: 22-Jul-2022, QC No. JARD-22-17958; Revised: 29-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. JARD-22-17958 (R); Published: 04-Aug-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2155-9546.22. 13.696


Aquaculture first appeared in China around 3000 BC. When the water level in artificial lakes was lowered after river floods, specific fish such as carp were found. Their eggs were then fed nymphs and silkworm excrement used in silk production.

The Romans were experts at breeding fish in ponds. Fish was scarce and thus expensive in Europe until the Middle Ages, when it became common in monasteries. Improvements in transportation in the nineteenth century made fish readily available and inexpensive even far from the seas, resulting in a decline in aquaculture. After overfishing caused prices to rise again in the 1960’s, the current boom began. Commercial aquaculture now exists on a previously unheard-of scale, causing controversy due to its consequences beyond the enclosure boundaries on public waters.

Importance of Aquaculture

• Shelled molluscs (17.3 million tonnes) accounted for approximately 56.3% of marine and coastal aquaculture production in 2018.

• Finfish (7.3 million tonnes) and crustaceans (5.7 million tonnes) accounted for 42.5 %, with the remainder made up of other aquatic animals.

• The top three fin fish species in aquaculture are grass carp (10.5%), Silver Carp (8.8%), and Nile Tilapia (8.3%). P.vannamei (52.95%), Red swamp crawfish (18.2%), Aquaculture-Importance Crustaceans and Chinese millet carb (8.1%).

• In 2018, an estimated 59.51 million people worked in the primary sector of capture fisheries (39.0 million) and aquaculture (20.5 million).

• Women made up 14% of the total, with 19% in aquaculture and 12% in capture fisheries.

• Asia has the most workers (85%), followed by Africa (9 %), the Americas (4%) and Europe and Oceania (1% each).When post-harvest operations data is included, one in every two workers in the sector is a woman.

Small-scale fisheries and aquaculture contribute significantly to develop in the areas of employment (over 41 million people worldwide, the vast majority of whom live in developing countries), food security and nutrition (fish is an important source of nutrients for the poor and often the cheapest form of animal protein), and trade (a third of fishery commodity production in developing countries is destined for export). However, the stagnation or decline of capture fishery production in many parts of the world highlights the importance of fisheries policy, as the current state of stocks can be attributed to the difficulties of regulating fisheries and preventing overexploitation. Despite regulatory improvements, pressures on capture fisheries will persist due to population growth. More sustainable aquaculture development, as well as improvements in the post-harvest sector to reduce losses, could help to maintain fish supply and the contribution of fish to development.

The collection and transport of carp spawn from rivers in Bihar and West Bengal, and spawning of carps in wet and dry bundhs that simulated natural environmental conditions of flooded rivers and inundated fields where carps are bred during monsoon months, the 19th century saw no significant development in the aquaculture scenario. Construction work on railways and buildings in the plains and deltaic regions of eastern states, which required digging for earth and resulted in the formation of ponds, boosted fish culture in the country even more. Early in the 20th Century, with the establishment of Fisheries Departments in certain states, aquaculture practises spread to other parts of the country. The first scientifically designed fish farm was built by the then Madras Fisheries Department in 1911 at sunkesula in Krishna District (now in Andhra Pradesh). Gradually, Fisheries Departments were established in other states of the country as well.

Citation: Dias J (2022) Development of conceptual modern fisheries and aquaculture in many parts of world highlights and its importance. J Aquac Res Dev. 13:696.

Copyright: © 2022 Dias J. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.