Perspective - (2023) Volume 22, Issue 3

Criminal Investigations and the Importance in Forensic Dentistry
Alessandro Gallo*
Department of Dentistry and Dental Prosthodontics, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
*Correspondence: Alessandro Gallo, Department of Dentistry and Dental Prosthodontics, University of Siena, Siena, Italy, Email:

Received: 29-Apr-2023, Manuscript No. OHDM-23-21685; Editor assigned: 02-May-2023, Pre QC No. OHDM-23-21685(PQ); Reviewed: 17-May-2023, QC No. OHDM-23-21685; Revised: 24-May-2023, Manuscript No. OHDM-23-21685(R); Published: 01-Jun-2023, DOI: 10.35248/2247-2452.23.22.1059


Forensic dentistry, also known as forensic odontology, is a specialized branch of forensic science that plays a crucial role in identifying individuals, investigating crimes, and providing essential evidence in legal proceedings. This field utilizes dental knowledge and techniques to analyse dental remains and dental-related evidence in criminal and civil cases. By examining teeth, jaws, and bite marks, forensic dentists contribute to the identification of victims, determination of age, estimation of bite mark perpetrators, and providing vital information in mass disaster scenarios.

Techniques and Procedures

Forensic dentists employ a variety of techniques and procedures to analyse dental evidence. The primary methods used in forensic dentistry include dental records comparison, bite mark analysis, age estimation, dental identification in mass disasters, and human identification through skeletal remains. Dental Records Comparison, Dental records, including X-rays, photographs, and dental charts, serve as a fundamental resource for forensic dentists. By comparing antemortem (pre-death) dental records with post-mortem (after death) dental remain; forensic dentists can establish positive identification of an individual. This technique relies on unique dental features, such as dental restorations, missing teeth, and malocclusions.

Bite marks, often found on human skin in cases of assault or molestation, are distinctive patterns created by the teeth of the assailant. Forensic dentists analyse these marks, comparing them to dental models or impressions taken from suspects, to identify the perpetrator. Factors such as tooth morphology, dental anomalies, and dental restorations aid in matching bite marks to a specific individual. Age Estimations in Forensic dentistry also plays a crucial role in estimating the age of an individual, especially in cases involving unidentified remains or child victims. Dental development and eruption patterns, tooth wear, and the examination of dental tissues provide valuable insights into an individual’s age. This information aids in narrowing down potential identities and establishing timelines. Dental Identification in Mass Disasters in the aftermath of mass disas ters, such as plane crashes or natural calamities, dental evidence often becomes the primary method of identification. Forensic dentists work in collaboration with other forensic experts to col lect dental records from victims’ families, examine dental remains, and match them with antemortem records. This process helps bring closure to grieving families and supports the identification efforts of the investigative team. Teeth are highly resilient to decomposition and can provide valuable information about an individual’s identity.

Dental features, such as dental restorations, dental anomalies, and unique dental patterns, are compared with dental records to establish positive identification.

Significance in Criminal Investigations

Victim identification: In cases of mass disasters, accidents, or natural calamities, forensic dentistry is instrumental in identifying victims. The meticulous comparison of dental records and examination of dental remains helps establish positive identification, enabling families to lay their loved ones to rest.

Bite mark analysis: Bite marks can provide crucial evidence in cases of assault, sexual assault, or homicides. Forensic dentists analyse these marks to determine the characteristics of the teeth that made them, narrowing down potential suspects and contributing to the overall investigation.

Age estimation: Estimating the age of an individual, particularly in cases involving child victims or unidentified remains, is essential for narrowing down potential identities and establishing timelines. Forensic dentistry helps in age estimation by analysing dental development and eruption patterns, tooth wear, and dental tissues.

Human rights investigations: In cases involving human rights abuses, forensic dentistry plays a significant role in identifying victims and providing evidence. Dental records, dental remains, and bite mark analysis contribute to building a comprehensive picture of the events and aiding in the pursuit of justice.

Expert testimony: Forensic dentists often provide expert testimony in court proceedings, presenting their findings and opinions to help the judge and jury understand complex dental evidence. Their expertise and credibility enhance the reliability of dental evidence and contribute to the administration of justice.

Developing standardized protocols and guidelines for various forensic dental procedures and analyses is essential to ensure consistency and accuracy across different forensic laboratories and experts. On-going research and technological advancements can enhance the field of forensic dentistry. Advancements in imaging techniques, dental materials, and software analysis tools can improve the accuracy and efficiency of dental identification and analysis. Expanding education and training programs in forensic dentistry can help produce competent forensic dentists who are well-versed in the latest techniques and methodologies. Collaboration between dental schools and forensic science programs can facilitate the integration of forensic dentistry into mainstream dental education. Interdisciplinary Collaboration among different forensic disciplines, such as forensic pathology, anthropology, and DNA analysis, is crucial for comprehensive investigations. Sharing knowledge and expertise can lead to more accurate identifications and enhance the overall effectiveness of forensic investigation. Forensic dentistry is a fascinating field that bridges the gap between dentistry and criminal investigation. By utilizing dental evidence, forensic dentists play a vital role in identifying victims, establishing the identity of perpetrators, and providing essential evidence in legal proceedings. Through dental records comparison, bite mark analysis, age estimation, and human identification in mass disasters, forensic dentistry has proven its significance and reliability in the realm of forensic science. Continued research, technological advancements, and interdisciplinary collaboration are key to further enhancing this field and ensuring justice for victims and their families.