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Journal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology

2021 Conference Announcement - (2021) Volume 12, Issue 2

Conference Announcement on Global Summit on Nano-Engineering and Applications
Prof. Mario Marchetti
1Department of Pharmacology Aging Society, University of Tor Vergata, Italy

Received: 01-Feb-2021 Published: 24-Feb-2021

2021 Conference Announcement

We ar e pleased to welcome you to the "Global Summit onNano-Engineering and Its " the successful of the series of Nano-engineering Congress. The congress is scheduled to take place in the city of London, UK on July 23-24, 2020. This Nanotech 2020 conference will provide you with an exemplary research experience and huge ideas.The respective of the Nano-Engineering Conference is to setup technology research to help people understand how Technology techniques have advanced and how the has developed in recent years.Nano-Engineering Imagine a world in which cars can be assembled molecule-by-molecule, garbage can be disassembled and turned into beef steaks, and people can be operated on and healed by cell-sized robots. Sound like science Well, with current semiconductor chip manufacturing encroaching upon the Nanometre scale and the ability to move individual atoms at the IBM Almaden laboratory, we are fast approaching the technological ability to fabricate.Advances will make the use of carbon nanotube material seven more compelling for mechanical engineers," he says. In to transforming the aerospace, and goods nanotechnology is so many diver se improvements: thinner, and more durable panel displays; improved armor materials to protect soldiers; sensors for medical more humane and treatments for cancer enhanced cathode materials for safer and longer life Li-ion and the list goes on Nanotechnology.Nanotechnologyas characterized by size is normally expansive, including of science as assorted as surface science,natural science,atomic science,semiconductor material science,vitality stockpiling, sub-atomic designing, and so forth. The related research and are similarly various,extending from expansions of ordinary gadget material scienceto totally new approaches dependent on sub-atomic self-gathering, from growing new materials with measurements on the nanoscale to coordinate control of issue on the nuclear scale. by well-chosen living donors with good health cover age carries negligible risks. This can only be ensured through rigor ous procedures,careful surgical nephrectomy and donor follow-upto ensure management of undesired consequences.To enhance the and make people aware of it. The organizing decided to hold a conference. Nanotechnology is one of the fast growing and developing areas of surgery.People who have missed the past conference are most welcome to present your research ideas at the 2020 Nanotech conference. This conference will help you improve networking with eminent people in the of Nanotechnology.