Editorial - (2020) Volume 11, Issue 1
Received: 03-Apr-2020 Published: 24-Apr-2020, DOI: 10.35248/2155-9627.20.11.348
Journal of Clinical Research & Bioethics Scientific journal that embraces a broad range of fields within the discipline and renders a common platform for the researchers engaged and practitioners of ethical and legal issues. This scholarly publishing journal follows a rapid peer review process for each submission to attain better quality and high impact factor.
The principles of bioethics must be respected: autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice. If in daily clinical practice one privileges the autonomy principle, in situations of medical emergency it is the principle of beneficence that guides the medical practice. For example, in a situation of cardiorespiratory arrest, the decision to initiate reanimation manoeuvres is not subject to previous assessment of individual options, the decision is thus essentially a clinical one [1].
In 2019 the article published: The ethics of pricing and access to healthcare a social justice issue, Investigating shortened fluoroquinolone regimens to reduce the incidence of c difficile infections in the inpatient population, Silence in violence a curse or a goodwill, Autonomy in advanced chronic diseased, Healthcare professionals perspectives on end of life care according to autonomy of practical reason, Ethical dilemma involving unwanted pregnancy, Are we victim of our own success, Are intensive care and dementia incompatible, Recta ratio agibilium the line of reason of those who act perspectives about autonomy in situations of clinical emergency, Effectiveness of simulation for students critical thinking and financial constraints in developing countries, Autonomy overrides professional obligations an ethical analysis, Socio cultural and ethical aspects of clinical research in developed and developing countries different terms for different conditions, Hiv disclosure and hcp with a border an ethical issue. If this frame work is being kept in mind then the key ethical issues those are very evident while conducting research in developing countries are; the vulnerable population, the issue of genuine consent, the debate standard of care, socio-cultural as well as economic factors, assessment of risks and benefits post research benefits issue of privacy and confidentially [2].
The dominant, individualistic understanding of autonomy that features in clinical practice and research is underpinned by the idea that people are, in their ideal form, independent, selfinterested and rational gain-maximising decision-makers [3].
In 2020 the main objective is to cover under the scope of Experience of COVID-19: Clinical, Ethical and Economical Perspective, Clinical Ethics written for and by physicians, nurses, attorneys, clergy, ethicists, and others, Pediatric Ethics, Law, Medicine and Ethics is, Medical Humanities, Health Care and Philosophy, Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care covers history, ethics, anthropology, epistemology, logic, metaphysics, and health care.
Journal of Clinical Research & Bioethics, a scholarly Open Access journal which provides a platform for discussion on classified bioethical and ethical entities in General ethics, Animal ethics, Health Care, Human Experimentation, Death and dying, ethics in relation to abortion, bioethics and philosophy of science, public ethics, ethics in disaster medicine. The benefits risks, burdens, and effectiveness of a new method should be tested against those of the best current prophylactic, diagnostic, and therapeutic method [4].
Burgeoning rise in research activity in the medical, clinical, biological, biomedical areas raises the concern about ethical allowance. Many a times such research activities violate the human rights and research ethics. The need of the time is to discuss the issues and put forward the right concern as it is having major impact on human society and environment. Bioethics helps in drawing the boundary between allowed and unethical practises. Understanding the limit of ethical allowance is of prime importance in the present day regular research activity where it is mandatory to follow certain guidelines and not to breach it in the name of research and scientific discovery.
Role of Ethical Review Committees (ERC) can play a vital role with regard to researches conducted in developing countries because effective ethical review of research provides crucial safeguard and determines scientific validity as well as ethical acceptability. The condition of developing countries ERC is likely to be vulnerable because of their level of independent working, competency, quality ethical review, conflict of interest and minimal monitoring. There is an intense need to build expertise because the expertise to undertake research at local level is severely limited, there are not enough training and are too limited local researchers [5].
Review and Editorial Tracking Systems for quality review process. Editorial tracking System is an online submission and review system, where authors can submit manuscripts and track their progress. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions. Editors can manage the whole submission/ review/revise/publish process. Publishers can see what manuscripts are in the pipeline awaiting publication.
Our editorial policy is governed by independent quality control. It is guaranteed by the Editorial Board. We are proud to have such eminent scholars in our Editorial board which is composed of professors from world. In conclusion, I would like to thank all prominent members of our Editorial Council for joining us in this new fascinating and promising academic journal and also the reviewers for their constant support and dedication for expert review process. We are looking to expand our panel of reviewers and editorial board from across the various sub specialties in [6].
Our Journal Highlights:
• 21day rapid review process with international peer-review standards.
• Timeline of processing from Submission to Publication is 45 days.
• Manuscript will be published within 7days of acceptance
Sponsors of national and international research should ensure that adequate provision is made for training in ethics of research for professionals involved in research related to health care. And finally development of local expertise in provision of health care research should be an integral component of any proposed research.
Citation: Bharadwaj P (2020) Clinical Ethics & ethical issues. J Clin Res Bioeth. 11:348. DOI: 10.35248/2155-9627.11.1.348.
Copyright: © 2020 Bharadwaj P. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.