Awards 2021 - (2021) Volume 12, Issue 2

Awards- Oncology Submit 2020
Sadir Alrawi*
1Department of Surgical Oncology, Alzahra Cancer Center, Dubai, UAE
*Correspondence: Sadir Alrawi, Department of Surgical Oncology, Alzahra Cancer Center, Dubai, UAE, Email:


Eminent individuals and students are welcome to submit more than one abstract to the conference each conference presenter will be encouraged. Taking into account the marks given by the organizing committee, the chair of the conference and the judge of posters, the highest scoring presentations in each session.

The best meeting, best poster, best young research forum awards are suggested. The award includes a certificate, an acknowledgement on the website of the conference, and a 10% discount on the next conference.

• All presented abstracts will automatically be considered for the Award.

• All the pre sensation will be evaluated in the conference venue.

• All the awards will be selected by the judges of the award category.

• The winners will be formally announced during the closing ceremony.

• The winners will receive award certificate.

Best Keynote Speaker Presentation Award

This award is awarded to the paper judged to be the best in the keynote session. The chair of the session decides which presentation the Best Keynote Speaker Award will receive.

Best Organising Committee Member

The best organizing committee member will receive outstanding support and guidance from the one who makes the most significant contribution to the meeting.

Best Speaker Presentation Award

This award will be given throughout the conference for the most outstanding presentation. It takes into account factors such as the impact of the presentation and the inspiration and authority of the speaker.

Best Student Presentation Award

The Best Student Paper Award will be given to a registered student who is judged to have presented the best student paper at the conference.

This award is based on the marks given by the evaluation committee to every student presentation, and Conference Chair’s own reading of the papers.

The Conference Chair and the evaluation committee makes the final determination on who receives this award.

Best Poster Presentation Award

The conference organizing committee has appointed a committee headed by a chairman to evaluate poster sessions and identify the best poster presentation.

The Conference Chair and the evaluation committee decides which poster presentation will receive the Best Poster Presentation Award, based on the evaluation of the committee members.

This Media Partnership award seeks to recognise an individual or team of organization who have made partnership with us to broadcast each other professional growth and reputation to be helpful for our attendees or participants.

Our Allied Academies categories seek to acknowledge Scientists, Researcher, Professor, Industrialists, and Students in various scientific fields who are making an outstanding contribution to the world of Science for the better and healthy future.

  • International Conference on Oncology and Research
    March 26-27, 2020
    Paris, France