Research Article - (2014) Volume 2, Issue 4

Assessment of Biocompatibility of the Multilayer Flow Modulator with Differing Thread Designs

Sherif Sultan1,2*, Edel P Kavanagh2, Michel Bonneau3, Chantal Kang3, Antoine Alves4 and Niamh Hynes2
1Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Western Vascular Institute, University Hospital Galway, Newcastle Road, Galway, Ireland
2Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Galway Clinic, Doughiska, Galway, Ireland
3Centre de Recherche en Imagerie Interventionnelle, National Institute of Agronomic Research, Jouy-en-Josas, France
4NAMSA, Chasse-sur-Rhône, France
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