Review Article - (2023) Volume 11, Issue 3
Received: 18-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. RPAM-22-18440; Editor assigned: 21-Oct-2022, Pre QC No. RPAM-22-18440 (PQ); Reviewed: 04-Nov-2022, QC No. RPAM-22-18440; Revised: 27-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. RPAM-22-18440 (R); Published: 03-Feb-2023
The research was done with the objective of assessing leadership characteristics and its impact on leadership effectiveness in the study organization of Ethiopia. Intended for this purpose, in this research both descriptive research and hypothesis testing research methods were implemented and only quantitative study approach was used, and 50 questionnaires were prepared from Essential Behavioral Leadership Qualities (EBLQ) method. Probability sampling technique was implemented for collecting data from 100 respondents from the study organization, and the relevant data was analyzed using a descriptive and inferential statistics. Accordingly, the result of the study revealed that from the total 50 leadership characteristics only 5 of them were with the highest mean value of 5 and found to be the dominant characteristics exhibited by the leaders at the study organization, 6 of them were with the high mean value with perceived strength and 13 of them were with the lowest mean value of 2 and with perceived limitation. The remaining 26 of them have 3 mean values which are considered as either with perceived strength or limitation. Moreover, regarding the association among leadership characteristics and the leadership effectiveness, this study revealed that leadership characteristics induce positive association with the leadership effectiveness with (r=0.156, 0.265, 0.064, 0.174, 0.432, 0.292; P<0.001) which implies that leadership characteristics has direct positive impact on leadership effectiveness. In conclusion, this assessment help leaders to determine what skills and abilities they can continue improve and what they need as a leader to develop. It, however, has some limitations such as that only quantitative data has been used. Based on the above finding the study recommends that the management of the study organization should introduce courses that can enable leaders know the type of leadership characteristics that would improve employees’ performance. The future researches should focus on using applicable research methods, beside with qualitative approaches.
Characteristics; Effectiveness; Leadership; Organization; Ethiopia
The performance of the organization is based on the effectiveness of leadership. This conviction is understandable from the context that the association among leadership and organizational performance has stayed the focus of scholars for last four decades [1]. Effective leadership is a combined process of environmental facts, intended competence and integrity between employees [2]. Organizational leaders with strategic competency that tends to improve strategic link between objectives and goals of the firms with its external environment similarly, ideologies of leaders inspire employees to recognize the rationality of the mission. Therefore, effective leadership improves a relationship in such a way that a leader motivates or inspires subordinates to attain their best, by providing that persistent for growing and rewarding followers fairly for their hard work [3].
The role of leadership is very vital and is the leader who governs whether our public organizations are serving in a good manner or whether they employing the resources. It is very important to not underestimate the contribution of leaders in guaranteeing best organizational performance. To attain this goal, it is very important to provide sufficient motivation, suitable work environment, effective communication among leaders and employees. Moreover, employee satisfaction through designing and arrangement of work is similarly very vital in organizational achievement although absenteeism is possibly to decline when personnel’s are happy. Satisfaction is one of means to maintain employee within the organization which leaders to benefits by acquiring the return on investment. This indicates that satisfying employees could play a countless part in the achievement of an organization performance. Thus, leadership with high employee’s satisfaction within the organization results in high productivity [4].
Some of the most vital leadership characteristics, found in individuals who do an excellent job of leading a team and receiving things done, include humility, a sense of vision, fortitude, patience fairness and being a good listener. Individuals with strong leadership attributes use a specific set of skills. It seems to looks like charisma, but it is not. Effective leaders frequently share characteristics that pay to the achievement of their organizations, such as devotion, strong communication capacity and sympathy. Outstanding leaders can be essential to the achievement of a company. Great leaders can be established by learning leadership characteristics. Though there is not a single correct way to efficiently lead a group, there are several characteristics common between effective leaders and managers which we should consider when developing your leadership abilities. Ineffective leadership can charge businesses more than just self-esteem. Rendering to study from 24 percent of employees are actively disengaged as a result of poor management, leading to teams that are less productive, less profitable, and more likely to cause turnover. That is why real leadership is so significant. In order to recall employees, satisfy customers, and improve company efficiency, we need people who can efficiently communicate the company’s vision, guide teams, and influence change [5].
An effective leader constantly addresses fundamental public policy issues of poverty, education, housing, security and health effectively. They demonstrate public agenda and grapple with dilemma of how governments can remain credible and focused when significant resources are not in their control or organizations are assigned to political people with limited ability. This usually leads to the desired change which is characterized by managing knowledge, internalizing quality, building partnerships, managing for accountability and getting right values and ethics. For this purpose, one of the fundamental roles of a leader inside organization is to guide employees and provide them direction. Leaders motivate their employees through inspiration, develop team work through mutual trust and focus upon the results [6]. Therefore, it has become very importance for organizations to assess leadership performance and it’s likely effects on organizational success. To this, it is essential to examine the public organizational leadership characteristics and the extent of commitment of workers for the seek clarifying the obstacles at an organization and discovering solutions. The research is demanding to effectiveness of leadership by leader and organizational performance. Lastly, this examination will allow the researcher to recognize whether this effective leadership occurs routinely in organizations or just for specific time.
Statement of the problem
Over the last seventy years, the theory of organizational leadership created several methods to describe leadership effectiveness. Effective leaders frequently share characteristics that pay to the achievement of their organizations, such as devotion, strong communication capacity and sympathy. Outstanding leaders can be essential to the achievement of a company. Great leaders can be established by learning leadership characteristics [7].
Global leadership was first related to company success in the late 1990’s. More recent studies have validated the importance of global leadership. A study by McKinsey identified global leadership as the key factor for company success, and among the ten most urgent issues listed in the World Economic Forum (WEF) global agenda outlook, the global leadership vacuum was identified as the most significant challenge [8].
Rendering to Ibrahim and Daniel from Nigeria the characteristics of leadership has a direct effect on the organizational performance as it directly affects the employee performance. The study among others things revealed that participating of leadership and designation of responsibilities improves the employee performance and accomplishment of company goals and objectives. Leaders in Africa face sequence of problems since they are frequently selected on the basis of a performance record as professionals with an assumption that this provides adequate starting fact for leadership [9]. This leads executives to lead and succeed deprived of having skill and acquaintance of leadership. Similarly, Tekleselassie in Tony and George exemplifies that in Ethiopia rather than focusing on leadership ability which based on leadership characteristics organizational leaders are those who are either outstanding in their job assignments or those who are popular among colleagues or their superiors. Moreover, leadership characteristics and the impact of it on leadership effectiveness is not well addressed here in Ethiopia, and the uniqueness in this specific study is that the questionnaires were developed from EBLQ method rather than using unit performance and employee satisfaction in measuring the leaders effectiveness. As far as this study organization of Ethiopia is concerned, scientific studies were not conducted regarding the status of leadership effectiveness and its impact on organizational performance.
Study objectives
The general objective of the study: The overall objective of this study is to assess leadership characteristics and their effect on leadership effectiveness in the study organization of Ethiopia.
The specific objectives of the study
• To identify the dominant leadership characteristics in the study organization.
• To identify perceived effectiveness of leadership in the study organization.
• To determine the extent of relationship between leadership characteristics and leadership effectiveness
• To identify the perceived limitations of leadership in the study organization.
Research questions
• What is the dominant leadership behaviour in the study organization?
• What are perceived strengths of leadership behaviour in the study organization?
• What are perceived limitations of leadership behaviour in the study organization?
• What are the extent of relationship between leadership characteristics and leadership effectiveness?
Research hypothesis
H0: There is no association between leadership characteristics and leadership effectiveness
H1: There is strong association between leadership characteristics and leadership effectiveness.
Scope of the Study
This study emphasis on assessment of leadership characteristics and effectiveness on organizational performance in the study organization in Ethiopia. The study organization is a public institute located in Bishoftu, Ethiopia. Both descriptive research and hypothesis testing methods were implemented and only quantitative study approach was used, and questionnaires were prepared from Essential Behavioral Leadership Qualities (EBLQ) method. Probability sampling technique was implemented for collecting data. To have a complete understanding of the topic within the context of the objective of the study, the scope cover topics such as the characteristics of leaders, effectiveness of leaders, and the impact of leaders characteristics on their effectiveness or on organizational performance.
Significance of the Study
It is believed that this study contribute dip importance because it will reveal the relationship between leadership and organizational performance of in the study organization and by what extent leadership characteristics might be practical to the organization in different environmental context. Higher officials and policy makers will have clear insight into the existing result in leadership role and the influencing factors so that appropriate measures that improve leadership also could be obtained based on the findings and recommendations of the study. Lastly, this work will allow management and leaders of small scale industries to develop conscious of the issues that essentially inspire their employees to gain high productivity.
The study limitations
Some constraints such as time, lack of finance and other resources hindered the need to include a large sample size. In order to get a stronger picture of the issues in the study organization the researcher should have liked to involve a larger number of respondents from different organization. But due to lack of resources this was not possible. Moreover, the shortage of up-to-date reference materials and research works, specifically to the Ethiopian context, was also the limitation of the study.
Definition of key terms
• An individual working for wages or salary, particularly at nonexecutive level.
• An individual or organization that pays people.
• It is the capability of an a person or a group of individuals to impact and direct groups or other memberships of an organization.
• Integrated patterns of personal characteristics that reflect a range of individual differences and foster consistent leader effectiveness across a variety of group and organizational situations.
• It is a leader's technique of giving direction, executing plans, and inspiring employee.
• A strong need to achieve objectives, goals and proposed tasks through great efforts. Or it is also captures the individual's desire for significant accomplishment, mastering of skills, or high standards and attaining challenging goals.
• An organized group of individuals with a specific purpose, such as a business or administrative department.
• Encompasses the actual yield or outcomes of an organization as measured in contradiction of its planned outputs or goals and objectives.
• Perception to take any risk. It is the individual’s tendency and disposition to assume risk [10].
Organization of the study
This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with introduction, background of the study, statement of the problem, general and specific objectives, hypothesis, significance, scope and limitations and definitions of key terms. In the second chapter, the theoretical, empirical and conceptual reviews were presented. In the theoretical review part, the concepts of leadership, ledership characteristics and effectiveness of leadership were presented [11]. Following this in the empirical literature reviews other researcher’s empirical finding were addressed. In the conceptual review parts based on the theoretical and conceptual reviews both the independents and dependent variables were identified and the conceptual framework drawn.
In the third chapter research design, sources of data, methods of data collection, target population, sample size, methods of data analysis, instruments, reliability and validity presented. In the fourth chapter the collected data were analyzed based on the respective methods of data analysis. Finally, based on the objectives and the main finding in the fifth chapter conclusion drawn [12]. Following this with regards to the finding and significance of the study recommendation are forwarded. At the end references, important appendix and different statistical output were attached.
Concept of leadership
The concept leadership is stated by a number of terms and definitions to describe it; hence the meaning and interpretation of leadership seems to vary in the literature. Leadership is a broad, multifaceted phenomenon that does not lend itself consensus in meaning. It is often defined as the communal process of prompting individuals to work willingly, actively and insistently towards the attainment of organizational objectives Consequently, leadership is the capability to inspiration, encourage and empower others to contribute towards the success and achievement of their business. Yukl express leadership as the capacity of an individual to Impact, inspire, and empower others to contribute towards the effectiveness and success of the organization. Also, Jacobs and Jacques specified that leadership is a course of providing purpose in meaningful direction to shared effort, and producing willing effort to be expended to attain a drive or objective [13].
Leadership and Theoretical analysis, and empirical review: Leadership theory deal with the abilities of decent leaders. Psychologists investigate and advance leadership theory, and scholars try to realize the shared qualities or behavioral designs of outstanding leaders. There are six key leadership philosophies which includes: The situational theory of leadership no coloration to a definite type of leader or argues that any one style is greatest. In its place, situational theory claims that the best type of leader is one who can able to familiarize her style built on the condition. They may reply to a situation by imposing, schooling, urging, partaking, assigning or though they consider is necessary. Situational leaders are distinct by their tractability Great man theory: Shows that outstanding leaders are innate, not developing [14]. A common idea in the 19th century, this theory says that leadership is an intrinsic value. This kind of leader frequently holds the natural qualities of intellect, mettle, confidence, perception and attraction, among others. The trait theory of leadership dictates that definite usual qualities incline to make respectable leaders. Having definite potentials does not essentially mean somebody has durable leadership skills, though. Some leaders may be outstanding listeners or communicators, but not each auditor or communicator makes an outstanding leader. The behavioral model of leadership emphases on how an individual’s setting, not natural capacities, forms him into a leader. One of the significant ideas of behavioral theory is habituation. Conditioning dictate that an individual will be more likely to turn or lead in a definite style as an effect of environmental reactions to behavior.
Ransactional or management theory: The transactional theory of leadership, also named "the organization theory," studies leadership as a scheme of plunders and consequences. It views actual leadership as results based and ranked. Transactional leaders rank demand and assembly over inspiration. The transformational theory of leadership, similarly called "the relationship theory," studies operative leadership as the consequence of an optimistic relationship among leaders and subordinates. Transformational leaders inspire and motivate over their eagerness and desire. They are a perfect for their teams, and they grasp themselves to the same standard they imagine of others.
A leader must be able to inspire and shape the employees, thus they will not fully reliant on on their manager. It is anticipated that the operates are independent, so that this attitude reflects self-leader. To achieve the accountability to shape the staff’s freedom, a leader must possess essential leadership characteristics be effective in their leading ability. The application of roles, function, and responsibility will be operative if the leader get beliefs from all members of the organization. Mu-LiYang clarifies that the scholars found that the effective leadership gives an impact on the subordinates. In other word, employee’s commitment depends on the quality of the leaders Howell and Costley Hopkins, 0’ Neli and Bilimoria put more importance on the leadership effectivity or the capacity of leader in building team. Derue, presents the idea the leadership effectiveness is measured from three aspects, such as contents, analysis level and evaluation target. The result of the study from Nguni and colleague reveals that leadership characteristics has a direct positive impact on the effectiveness of the leader [14].
Tasmara explain that individual personality, believe and giving meaning to certain mater may influence the leader effectiveness. According to John and Davis leadership trait based on behavior of the leader. Thus, leadership trait is an individual attitude or action in an organization in performing their tasks and achieving desired goal. Tasmara study the relationship between leadership affectivity and work ethics and he revealed in his study that the link can be measured by appreciating time, persistent and never give up; and individual with work ethics tends to work hard, continuously in facing every pressure or challenge. Moreover, willingness to be independent [15].
Leadership ability
It is indisputable that there are limitless studies on how people obtain leadership skill, though, the aristocracies accept as true that it is in the blood just like domain. Most effort recognized today efforts to label leadership act and methods, hypothesize about why leaders arise; comprehend people and the subtleties of relational relationships. Both close and distant, there happen extremely gifted people with leadership skill. Numerous casual groups; introductory to college, personal to communal institutions, customary settings to contemporary setting all have illustrious set of people who have established superior leadership act. Though, teaching this procedure can be problematic. This could be owing to the reality that leadership is a vibrant individual process. Leadership might be supposed to be vibrant since it varies with situations and individuals complicated. It is also supposed to be individual since of the inter-personal impacts allowable. Though, this procedure could be problematic, which could be credited to the fact that leadership is a active individual process. Leadership could be supposed to be vibrant because it differs with conditions and persons involved. It is similarly said to be individual as of the relational inspirations allowed, temporarily, this does not essentially mean straight contact among the leader and the assistants. Though some leaders are recognized to have straight contact with their assistants as showed in most small-scale businesses, others are canceled of this process, perhaps because of greater number of underlings involved.
Modern leadership styles
Leadership style is well-defined as a structure of a number of characters, features and behaviors that are applied by leaders for commencing with their aides Mitonga-Monga and Coetzee, They reproduce expert as the plan associated with managerial conduct, which is predictable to engage the authoritative or distinct deliberation and goods for accomplishing plain purposes. Leadership styles can also be spoken as a communiqué means among an individual that allows people to work collectively for a common purposes or objectives. Rendering to modern leadership styles, leadership styles can be branded as culture-based leadership, transactional leadership, charismatic leadership, visionary leadership and transformational leadership styles.
Leadership Effectiveness
Scholars define the idea of leadership effectiveness in numerous ways. Certainly, Stogdill, Bass and Stogdill classified and construed nearly five thousand ideas of the concept and originate great alteration in its meaning. Burns took the tricky most vibrantly in a statement still extensively cited today: “Leadership,” he dectated “is one of the wildly detected and slightest understood marvels on earth”. People looks to admit a defaulting position that leadership is merely what leaders ensure and that leaders are just individuals in level of control over others. An alternate to this position will be presented later [16].
One comprehensive meaning of leadership effectiveness is “the effective exercise of individual impact by one or more persons that results in achieving common objectives in a manner that is personally sustaining to those participated.” This definition stimulates argument when studied from perceptions constructed on behavior in different situations. Though this definition most easily applies to the personal, small-group, and system levels exsisting within distinctive work atmospheres, in nearly all political grounds and in some massive organizations, leadership effectiveness will be defined [17]. For establishments in which employees are greatly affected by decisions and activities that take place at a distance with only demonstrative contribution at best, leadership effectiveness is the fruitful exercise of individual impact efforts by one or more people that results in achieving organizational purposes corresponding with a mission while receiving the universal approval of their populations or stakeholders. In both circumstance, the definition's several theoretical mechanisms require additional clarification because each has enthused a literature of its own to help elucidate its meaning and to help us know how to use it properly.
Leadership effectiveness can also denotes the ability of a leader ‘to inspire and influence subordinates’ and is vital in that it determines the tendency of the employees towards the achievement of common goals In this deference, Manamela, Cassim and Karodia detect that operative leaders are skillful at identifying and positively exploiting both the capabilities and limits of their dependents in the accomplishment of organizational purposes. Weaver et al. similarly confirms the positive impact that effective leaders have on the outcomes of their followers. The effectiveness of leaders exhibits a greater alignment with subordinates’ perspectives of leader actions, as opposed to leaders’ self-reported views Kim and Yukl et al, Likewise, Conway notes that subordinates’ ratings may offer an enhanced reflection of the aptness of leader behaviours.
Leadership effectiveness has been linked with leader intelligence and is associated with leader self-awareness. It may be predicted by leader prototypically (especially where subordinates are subject to role ambiguity). It is also influenced by the quality of the exchange relationships between leaders and each of their subordinates Alabi see Kim, Liu and Diefendorff for a discussion of Leader Member Exchange and is positively related to organizational cultures that endorse employee satisfaction. In terms of leadership styles, perceptions of leadership effectiveness correlate with transformational and transactional as well as empowering and ethical leadership.
According to Oluseyi and Ayo also Leadership, or more specifically effective leadership, is every bit as crucial in African organizations It has been argued that effective leadership has a positive influence on the performance of organizations and it is the performance of many individuals that concludes in the performance of the organizations or in the achievement of organizational goals. Effective leadership is contributory in safeguarding organizational recital. Due to this, many leadership concepts have been proposed in the last fifty years which are claimed to have influenced the overall effectiveness of the organizations where they have been employed. In competitive world business environment it is vital that organizations employ leadership styles that enable organizations to survive in a dynamic environment.
Successful and effective leadership
In any literature, we will find that successful and effective are frequently used as alternative word for one another. On a important level, they are very comparable words. But, when we break down these terms within the framework of leadership, they can meangfully two very different terms. Consequently unlike, in fact, that the scholar Bass formed a diagram that proves the difference (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Difference among successful and effective leadership.
Endeavored leadership is an exertion by any discrete to have some consequence on the behavior of one more individual. This endeavored leadership can be narrated successful or unsuccessful, reliant upon construction of the anticipated response. A decent example of this is receiving employees to accomplishing jobs on time. Mentioning to the figure or picture beneath, person A or the leader efforts to impact person B or employee toward an anticipated result; person A will be seen as successful or unsuccessful along the continuum, contingent upon the wanted reply of person B [18].
To be well-thought-out an effective leader, the individual must take leadership to another level, earlier just being fruitful. If person B fixes what person A requests only as of positional influence, impact, or fault, then person A has been successful in this scenario, but non-effective. If person B does the job as he or she bargains it personally gratifying, then person A has been both successful by aquering the needed result and effective for affecting the motivation of person B [19].
Measuring leadership effectiveness: The influence of leadership can be measured on both the organization and on the leader’s subordinates. The influence of leadership on an organization typically emphases on the organization’s bottom line, such as profit margins, unit sales, number of students progressed, quantity of money raised up, upsurge in productivity, and winloss attained, while the influence of leadership on subordinates frequently emphases on subordinates’ work satisfaction. Measuring leadership effectiveness via unit performance and employee job satisfaction, may, still, be pierced with complications. For example, a leader’s performance can be exaggerated by a number factors outside the leader’s control level. A season of economic collapse, for example, can result in deprived sales, though sales may be high throughout periods of economic prosperous and lower interest rates deprived of much strategic trial by the leader. The effect of leadership on the subordinate is most frequently measured by the leader’s superior, using a quantified valuation instrument which often emphases on rating the leader on numerous leadership areas such as honesty, managerial skills and communication. Though, such assessment frequently bombs to replicate the true effect of a leader on his/her groups. EBLQ approach for assessing leadership effectiveness is preferable method. Questionaries’ was prepared based on EBLQ method for assessing leadership effectiveness. EBLQ method is constructed on the conventions that a leader ought to be assessed on undoubtedly well-defined behavioral qualities and his/her effectiveness ranking ought to be standard based. Hence, the EBLQ technique measures the effectiveness of a leader in contradiction of the essentiality levels of behaviors deemed necessary for leadership effectiveness. Leadership effectives is seen fofr each leadership behavior and for overall leadership performance.
Leadership characteristics: Just as there are explicit features that pay toward an precise definition of leadership, there are also some shared features that operative leaders share. We will notice that numerous of these features are directly secured to the competencies stated overhead. The measures of leadership efficiency, competencies or skills and features are all connected. Preferably, effective leaders ought to have numerous of these characteristics and will perhaps find that some of these features apply more willingly to their leadership circumstances than others. Still, the most fruitful leaders will distinguish where their assets and weaknesses untruth and will labor on areas in which they are lacking. Among the most important features that each of us should own, produce, and progress are the following.
Effective communication: Virtuous communication and leadership is all around linking with others at several levels. Joining is the ability to recognize with people and narrate to them. We develop more effective in linking by finding shared ground; making our communications humble; taking people's attention; inspirationing them; and being reliable. An operative communicator workouts transparency and communal decisionmaking when suitable, takes response directly, and frequently admits the achievement of others. In order to developed a more fruitful communicator, we need to be extant in the communication. This contains making a distraction-free zone. Operative communication is a constructing block of fruitful organizations, In other words, communication acts as administrative lifeblood. All directors and employees need to be alert of how individuals perform in order to offer the best working situation. Organizational behavior is about how persons may be encouraged to work together in more operative ways. The communication prerequisite to straight a group toward a set of shared goals is called organizational communiqué.
Types of communication: Typically there are four type of communications specifically viual, non-verbal, listening and written. The non-verbal communication comprises facial languages, carriage, eye interaction, touch and hand movements. All type of written communique have the similar goal to distribute info in a vibrant and brief manner though that impartial is often not attained. In fact, deprived writing skills frequently lead to misunderstanding and discomfiture, and even potential lawful danger. The act of listening does not frequently make its way onto the list of kinds of communiqué. Vigorous listening, though, is maybe one of the most significant kinds of message since if we cannot listen to the individual sitting crossways from us, we cannot efficiently involve with them. We are a visual people. We communicate persistently through each and always.
Principles of communication: Decent communications request not just words, but a varied choice of aids to make those words operative. There are 10 vital principles for actual communique. It comprises honesty, active attending, actual dialogue skills, respectable writing skills, good interpretation skills, no expectations, non-judgemental, value alteration, genuineness, and inquisitiveness. Communication encourages inspiration by notifying and illuminating the employees about the job to be completed, the way they are acting the task, and how to progress their presentation if it is not up to the spot. Communication is a foundation of info to the organizational memberships for decision building process as it helps classifying and measuring other path of actions. Communication also shows a vital role in changing individual’s approaches, i.e., a well conversant individual will have healthier attitude than a less informed individual. Communication also helps in entertaining. One cannot endure lacking communication. Communication also contributes in scheming process. It helps controlling organizational associate’s conduct in several ways. There are numerous levels of hierarchy and certain ideologies and strategies that employees must shadow in an organization. They must obey with structural policies, achieve their occupation role proficiently and interconnect any work problem and complaint to their bosses. Thus, communication aids in monitoring task of management.
Barriers to communication: Communication obstacles can comprise everything that stops or restricts communicators to bring the right communication to the right individual at the accurate time, or a receiver to get the right message. There are three key classes of communication obstacles that can make effective communication stimulating.
Physical communication barriers such as communal distancing, distant work, deskless environment of work, closed workplace doors, and extra. Emotional message barriers subsequent from emotions such as suspicion and anxiety. Language communication barriers that state to how an individual speaks both vocally and nonverbally.
Methods to remove barriers of communication: Communication blocks can never be totally removed. Though, there are customs to decrease their undesirable consequences and make communique more efficient and operative. Excavating deeper into the roots of obstacles in communication and a healthier understanding of people’s communication favorites are the most significant requisites for operational communication.
Honesty, fairnes and decisive: In their pivotal manuscript, the challenge of leadership, James Kouzes, and Barry Posner indicate that in "every review we have showed, honesty is designated more than any other leadership feature." In order for a leader to advantage followers by any group of individuals, small or large, the people primary want to be certain that the person is well-intentioned of their belief. Regarding team members to be completely self-assured in their leader, they have to trust the leader is an individual of truthfulness and dependable character. Honesty is powerfully tied to ethics and values. Members are tired to leaders who take an attitude on important values. As Kouzes and Posner narrated, leaders are "solitary as good as expression in the eyes of those seek to lead a good leader exercises decent decision, gains conversant input, and reception different sentiments. The superlative leaders, but, have to continue decisive. Former Porsche CEO Peter Schutz used to say, "go head decisions likewise a democracy, implement like a dictatorship." Thoughtful decision-making comprises; constructing a precise, full-spectrum plot of all probable results; forecasting where all these pathways complete lead; and attainmening a decision by considering several solutions. Leaders frequently draw themselves up in lumps wanting each decision to be exact, but, the best leaders make decisions they distinguish might be incorrect. The real discriminator is determining with rapidity and belief. Above all others, leaders learn carefully from all decision, whether respectable or immoral, in order to well notify succeeding decisions.
Independent thinker, motivative and positive: Most important leader's characters are the aptitude to be a respectable thinker. Leaders must know and apply shared sense keys, as an alternative of being married to hard strategy or fashionable management ideas. Respectable thinkers resolve complications and not ever lack for concepts to shape their team. To rouse new and advanced ideas, employ time reading books, hearing to podcasts and speaking with advanced thinkers. You may only get one or two suitable ideas to your condition from every hour of exertion, but that novel idea, improved to your team, could be the innovation to permanent achievement. Many positive leaders chunk off time on their agenda to think through tests, chances, and thoughts. Make indisputable to have pen and newspaper convenient to capture thoughts rising throughout this time. The most operative leaders persist optimistic and inspirational. People imagine their leader to be eager and obsessive about the forthcoming. They want to motivate team members with eagerness and a solid belief in where the organization is going. There is a hundred % inevitability that hinders and disappointments will rise, which result pressure and pessimism to settle down in. The constructive leader has to control their response and pressure to endure positive in the center of problematic and traumatic times. Leaders have to upthrust their members' feelings and bounce them confidence. They required seeing you as a leader persuaded "in words, manner and activities consequently they also trust the obstacles will be overwhelmed and ideas satisfied. This in turn make others to be positive and hopeful about the passage you are controlled, and eager to do what it takes to determine the corporate forward.
According to Borman, in Oluseyi and Ayo the most important dependent variable in many organizational is job performance. And that one of the major concerns of organization has focused on improving workers‘ productivity which is one of the job performance measures. They also quoted Greguras who describes job performance as the extent to which an organizational member contributes to achieving the objectives of the organization. According to Kollor 1990 in Olusey and Ayo 2002, when you expect the best from your employees they will give you their best. On the other hand, when you expect little from employees they will give you low performance in return, which in their view was named by Manzoni and Barsoux as setto fail syndrome. Employee motivation is one of the most strategies of managers to enhance effective job performance among workers in organization. Motivation is a basic psychological process. Motivating is the management process of influencing behaviour based on the knowledge of what make people thrust. Luthans in Oluseyin and Ayo states that motivation is the process that arouses, energizes directs and tolerates behaviour and performance. That is, it is the process of stimulating people to action and to achieve a desired task and that one way in which employee can be stimulated is to employ effective motivation, which makes workers more satisfied with and committed to their jobs. Money is not the only motivator but that there are other incentives which an also serve as motivators. Though, in order to observe an effective work performance in an organization, work motivation may not be only key factor but that leadership effectiveness is very important to work performance. As earlier stated, leadership is a central feature of organizational performance. This is an essential part of management activities of people and directing their efforts towards the goals and objectives of the organization. The Herzberg’s theory of job motivation: Herzberg's motivation theory model, or two factor theory, provides two factors that affect motivation in the workplace. These factors are hygiene factors and motivating factors. Hygiene factors will cause an employee to work less if not present. Motivating factors will encourage an employee to work harder if present.
According to Herzberg, motivating factors also called job satisfiers are primarily intrinsic job elements that lead to satisfaction. Hygiene factors also called job dissatisfies are extrinsic elements of the work environment. One of the most interesting results of Herzberg’s studies was the implication that the opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction. Herzberg believed that proper management of hygiene factors could prevent employee dissatisfaction, but that these factors could not serve as a source of satisfaction or motivation. Good working conditions, for instance, will keep employees at a job but won’t make them work harder. But poor working conditions, which are job dissatisfies, may make employees quit. According to Herzberg, a manager who wants to increase employee satisfaction needs to focus on the motivating factors, or satisfiers. A job with many satisfiers will usually motivate workers, provide job satisfaction, and prompt effective performance. But a lack of job satisfiers doesn’t always lead to dissatisfaction and poor performance; instead, a lack of job satisfiers may merely lead to workers doing an adequate job, rather than their best.
Motivation and job performance: Motivation is considered as a predictor of job performance. In other words, the determinants of employee job performance were motivation, aptitudes and skill. Thus, motivated employees with high levels of job involvement are considered as important elements to an organization. Employee performance is how a member of staff fulfils the duties of their role, completes required tasks and behaves in the workplace. It helps employees to reach their full potential, while also improving overall performance which can have positive effects on morale and quality of work produced. One of the most important factors in employee performance is to achieve goals. Successful employees meet deadlines, make sales and build the brand via positive customer interactions. When employees do not perform effectively, consumers feel that the company is apathetic to their needs, and will seek help elsewhere.
Humility, conflict resolution and team builder: Typical leaders know that no great attainment can be established alone, but necessitates the support of others. It is vital for leaders to accept a servant leadership mentality. This comprises a willingness to attend and reply suitably to response and to confess mistakes as suitable. Modest leaders lack arrogance and trick, and in its place are interested in various opinions and thoughts. They function with modest funniness, give praise to others, and living down to earth in their communications with others. A leader must be ready to confess, frequently, that they are unfitting or made a mistake. A modest leader will stage up and make an apology when suitable. Everybody is full of faults and drips the ball, but the most operative leaders keep on humble and selfeffacing; constantly willing to acquire and produce to advantage the organization and its persons.
Every single workplace atmosphere and all members will have conflict. As demanding and worrying as conflict can be, it is not the real conflict that is the principal problem. The real issue is how we handle the conflict that matters. An effective leader succeeds and resolves conflicts to yield positive results. The leader recognizes and effectively implement the art of peacekeeping in the work. Conflict is essentially a good thing in many circumstances. It can support drive optimistic results rising from inspiration, reinforce bonds among colleagues and assists varied perspectives that advantage the whole group and the decision. Regularly, a leader ought to not step into a conflict between co-workers to allow them to work complete the disagreement. Though, if the conflict starts invading on the goal you are practicing to attain or the process for how the work gets done, you need to report it, whether circuitously or directly. One tool that I have found effective over the years is to prepare for the hard discussion by considering any false assumptions or conclusions I have reached without all the facts; and considering the situation from all perspectives, including the counterparty to the discussion. This helps better plan the message and meeting. Conflict can feel less stressful and more manageable with a methodical approach that includes being flexible and adaptable.
It is critical for a leader to invest in and empower team members in order to reach full potential. Just because you assemble a talented group of individuals together does not mean you will automatically be a great team. We have all seen examples of this in the sporting events and in business. Rather, great team building begins with building unity, which starts with the leader. To rally a team around a common cause or vision, the leader has to see the vision and constantly keep the team focused on it. When team members share a common goal, they pull together and outshine competitors who are merely a combination of great individuals. When a team is passionate about what they are trying to accomplish, it builds accountability and drives the team. Effective team building includes celebrating wins together, or encouraging them when efforts fail. If you want to win as a leader, embrace the value and importance of building cohesive and unified teams.
Visionary and adaptable: Another top leadership trait is the ability to look ahead with a sense of direction and concern for the future of the organization. Strong leaders see beyond the present and plan strategically for the long-term. They engage their team in a forward-looking manner to sell the vision in order inspire and motivate them. Leaders cannot be content with the status quo; rather they have to focus on how things should be better in the future. An effective leader is one who can clearly outline for the team why staying where they presently are is unacceptable, and cast a vision of the "there" they need to achieve for long term success. The leader must make it so unacceptable to stay put and so appealing to achieve the "there" of the vision that everyone rows in the same direction to get there. Leaders need a destination in mind when asking a team to join them on a journey into an uncertain future.
A leader displays adaptability by being comfortable with change and growth. There is no doubt that in today's business climate things change rapidly, and the best leaders have to be willing to try new things and be willing to fail in order to grow. As we expand our willingness to try new things, our adaptability muscle expands. A great leader turns the relentless and unending uncertainty that their people face into opportunity and growth. Our followers need to see that we will try new approaches and techniques to meet the demand of a rapidly changing business world. This instills confidence and helps lead a changed culture needed in today's legal environment.
Personable, appreciative and encouraging the heart: Building g enuine relationships with those you lead is a key to being a successful leader. A leader must remain approachable, accessible, understanding of their employees' needs and committed to building strong relationship. One of the best ways to do this is to be with those you lead. Walk the halls, understand their responsibilities and challenges, and spend time with people you serve. Winston Churchill famously engaged in "dinner table diplomacy" where spending time building relationships helped him achieve great accomplishments. Leadership expert John C. Maxwell advises leaders to "walk slowly through the crowd, remember people's names, smile at everyone, and be quick to offer help." The most effective leaders remain accessible, approachable, and accountable.
One of the most valuable tools at a leader's disposal is the use of two very powerful words "thank you." Showing appreciation to your team and staff is foundational to long-term success. Appreciation makes team members feel valued. Eighty-one percent of people say they are willing to work harder if they have an appreciative leader. Your team members need to be noticed, recognized, and appreciated for their efforts. It is always worth the time for a short discussion, note, or call to thank constituents in your group. Being a leader who regularly expresses appreciation also helps build the additional key leadership traits of humility, optimism, and being personable. Take time today to thank someone on your team, and make it a regular habit.
The final trait to highlight is encouragement. Driving extraordinary results in business is hard. In order to ensure that everyone on the team is rowing in the same direction, it is critical to regularly encourage and engage your team's hearts and minds. Express pride in their accomplishments. Make a point of regularly thanking them for their hard work and achievement. Celebrate important wins. Create a sense of community and camaraderie by telling stories recognizing individual contributions. Reinforce your team's core values and standards. All of this will pay significant dividends in driving extraordinary results.
Proactive, reactive, rewarding and well educated: The exceptional leader is always thinking three steps ahead and works to master his/her environment with the goal of avoiding problems before they arise. An exceptional leader will recognize the efforts of other officers/members and positively reinforce those actions. We all enjoy being recognized for our actions. Knowledge is power. Work to be the officer who is well educated on the organization, the campus life office, campus, and community policies and procedures. Further, your knowledge of issues and information within the organization will only increase your success in leading the group.
Evaluative, consistent and delegator: Evaluation of events and programs is essential for an organization to improve and progress. An exceptional officer will constantly evaluate and change programs and policies that are not working. As an officer, you need the confidence and respect of the organization members. Confidence and respect cannot be attained without your leadership being consistent. Members must have confidence that their opinions and thoughts will be heard and taken into consideration. An exceptional leader realizes that he cannot accomplish everything on his own. He will know the talents and interests of his members, thus delegating tasks accordingly. Be sure to be inclusive of all members.
Conceptual framework
Bases on the related literature of both theoretical and empirical studies the following conceptual work was developed (Figure 2).
Figure 2:Self-developed conceptual frame work based on the related literature reviwed.
The dominant theme of this thesis is assessing leadership characteristics and understanding the impact of leadership features on leadership effectiveness in the study organization of Ethiopia. Therefore, in this chapter, the research methodologies were presented. Consequently, the research plan and approach, sample size, target population, sampling techniques, sources of data, methods of data gathering and reliability and validity of the tools, approaches of data analysis were presented.
Area of research/survey
The study area, Bishoftu town which is located in Oromia Regional State laying at a distance of 47.9 kilometers southeast of Addis Ababa. Geographically it is stretched between 8 degrees 43' North –8 degrees 48' latitude and 38 degrees 00' East –38 degrees 48' East longitude. According to spatial analysis in this study, the town currently covers the total area of about 14,878 hectares which was 4,520 hectares in the year 2005 Moreover, the town is suited in tepid to cool sub-moist mid highland at an average altitude of about 1920 meters above mean sea level with moderate weather condition. The temperature of the area ranges from 16°C to 24°C (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Bishoftu city administration map.
Research design
Both descriptive research and hypothesis testing to test the hypotheses of fundamental associations among variables were implemented. In this thesis, leadership effectiveness is known as the dependent variable, while most important leadership characteristics were considered as the independent variables.
Research approach
Conferring to Creswell there are three research methods which are qualitative, quantitative and mixed, and only qualitative research approach was used in this study.
Study population
In research conferring to Kothari population “is defined as all things in any field of investigation”. It is the target population to be considered. In this thesis the target populations of the study was employees at the study organization consisting of team leaders and qualified subordinates.
Sampling techniques
In this study probability sampling technique was used. As far as, the research design of this study is both descriptive and explanatory in which descriptive is for the assessment and explanatory is make statistical inferences about the features of the population probability types of sampling is obligatory to come up with valid conclusion.
Sample size determination
The population targeted for this thesis were employees at the study organization of Ethiopia. Rendering to the human resoures record of the institution, the study organization has about 200 employees. Consequently, the total population is about 200. In sample size determination, the thesis castoff Yemane’s sampling formulation:
In which n=the sample size
N=the population size (200)
e=the error margin (5%)
n=200/1+200 (.05)2
Hence, n=100. Therefore, the sample size is determined to be 100.
Data collection tools
Sources of the data: As per Kothari there are two kinds of data namely, primary and secondary data. In this study both primary and secondary bases of data were used up. In which primary data composed as a new and for the initial time, and unique in character. Whereas, secondary Sources of data are those dates which have previously been composed by somebody else and which have previously been approved through the statistical procedure.
Development of the instrument: In this work questionnaires was established from EBLQ method for the study purpose. The reply of the respondents was illustrated using Likert scale with a five point where the frequency demonstration was distributed into 5 levels never, seldom, occasionally, frequently and always. Mostly, data were composed with a very organized questionnaires fundamentally a five-point Likert-type scale, secured at 1 (strongly disagree) and 5 (strongly agree) for all variables.
Reliability and validity
Based on Saunders et al. reliability states to the degree to which data gathering and analysis method will give reliable results. Whereas, validity is related with whether the results are certainly about what they seem to be. Though, in this study the reliability and validity issue has been patterned according to the following.
Reliability: The most usually used statistic for internal constancy is the alpha of Cronbach’s coefficient. This statistic delivers a suggestion of the regular correlation between all of the substances develope the scale. Standards series from 0 to 1, with advanced values representing better reliability. In this study the reliability of the scale were evaluated based on Cronbach’s coefficient alpha via SPSS version 26. It was showed in the Table 1 below.
Variables | No. of respondents | No. of items | Cronbach's Alpha | Evaluation of scale |
All | 100 | 50 | 0.875 | Good |
Sources: SPSS Output From Field Survey, 2022. |
Table 1: The cronbach's alpha values of all independents and dependent variables/reliability statistics.
In the above Table 1 the variables the Cronbach’s coefficient alpha rate were between 0.80-0.90 which demonstrate the internal consistency or the average correlation among all of the materials that make up the scale. This clearly demonstrate that all the items were used and the outcome displays the reliability of the research is satisfactory.
Validity assessment: In this case the Kaiser-Meyer Olkin (KMO) valuation of sample capability were used to reinforce the validity of characteristic root of a square matrix standards. The KMO index varies from 0 to 1, with 0.80 to 1.00 is commendable (Table 2).
KMO | Sampling adequacy measuriment | 0.852 |
Bartlett’s Test | Approx. Chi-Square | 4564.432 |
Degree of freedom | 160 | |
Significance | 0 |
Table 2: Kaiser Meyer Olkin (kmo) and bartlett’s test of validity
Table 2 specifies that the KMO is 0.852 which is greater than the lower than the minimum which is 0.6, and the test of Bartlett’s is significant in which p value is .000, consequently factor analysis is suitable and the strength of the association among variables was solid.
Methods of data analysis
In this study both descriptive and inferential statistics were used as the study comprises both assessment of independent variables and correlation between dependent and independent variables.
The descriptive statistics: Conferring to Saunders et al. descriptive statistics allow to define variables mathematically. The writer also covers that statistics to define a variable emphasis on two features: The dispersion and central tendency. Thus in these study measures of central tendency which means percentage and mean were implemented to analyze the composed data.
Inferential statistics/correlation analysis/: Inferential statistics lets inferring after the data by analyzing the association among two or more variables and in what way many independent variables may explain the variance in a dependent variable. In the case of this study practical correlation and causal analysis were used.
The statistical significance testing report s an assessment as to whether the observed scores reflect a pattern other than chance. If this probability is very low (usually less than 0.05) then it is considered statistically significant. If the probability is greater than 0.05 then the relationship is not statistically significant. In this thesis pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient were used to show the following relationship.
In addition to assessing leader’s characteristics the study also shows the relationship between leadership characteristics and leadership effectiveness in the study organization of Ethiopia.
In this chapter of the thesis to achieve the main and specific objectives and to test the hypothesis developed early the collected data were analyzed and discussed. It is a framing section which presents and critically discusses the main findings of the thesis. Firstly, the descriptive statics were presented followed by the inferential statistics. In descriptive statistics through frequency, mean and standard deviation the characteristics of the respondents such as gender, age, and family background: leadership characteristics and the impact of leadership characteristics on leader effectiveness were assessed.
The inferential statics mainly devotes to sow the relationship between the independents variable and dependent variables and the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable. Correlation analysis was mainly used and the hypotheses were tested. As it was already stipulated in chapter three the research approach for this paper was quantitative in nature and a cross sectional type. Thus, a total of 100 structured questionnaires were distributed for employees at the study organization. Among these numbers of questionnaires almost all of them were returned showing a 100 % response rate.
Descriptive data analysis
In this section the measure of central tendency and dispersion were presented from the collected data.
General characteristics of the respondents
The respondent’s profile who participated in this thesis was mainly gender, age, education, job level and marital status were considered. The following Table clearly shows these compositions.
Table 3 below shows the characteristics of the respondents. Accordingly, out of the total 100 respondent 68% of them where male, and only about 32% where females. From the educational level point of view only above first degree holders where included in this study in such a way that 74% of the study population were degree holders, 24% holds master and 2% where with doctor of philosophy level. This shows that most of the population or employee at the study organization are well educated and it is very easy to implement effective leadership. Sixteen team leaders where included in the study to assess the leadership effectiveness of their supervisors or top management members. Whereas, 84 % of the respondent where subordinates to evaluate the both the team leaders and the top management effectiveness of leadership. Regarding the age status of the respondent out of five age groups (18-25, 26-35, 36-45 and above 46) 42% of the population where scale between 26-35 years of age. Similarly, about 69% of the population where already married. These all shows that most of the population at the study organization are young generation and in marriage state. So, the organization can easily adopt to change as young generations are prone to change and is more.
Variables | Frequency (100) | Percentage (%) | |
18-25 years | 19 | 19 | |
26-35 years | 42 | 42 | |
36-45 years | 26 | 26 | |
46 years or above | 13 | 13 | |
Marital status | Married | 31 | 31 |
Single | 69 | 69 | |
Gender | Male | 68 | 68 |
Female | 32 | 32 | |
Education | Bachelor | 74 | 74 |
Master | 24 | 24 | |
PhD | 2 | 2 | |
Job level | Team leaders | 16 | 16 |
Subordinates | 84 | 84 | |
Source: SPSS output from field survey, 2022. |
Table 3: Respondent profile.
Leadership manual guideline scoring method: Based on leadership manual guideline the scoring was done by first adding the total each of five columns and then adding the five columns together for the final score. The maximum score is 250 while the minimum score is 50. The total score is 123 which is final score. This shows that the leadership effectiveness of the study organization leaders in general is not good, but there is still an opportunity to be improved (Table 4).
Score | Where leaders stand |
175 and above | Leaders are performing well |
152-174 | They are getting close |
125-151 | Good |
124 and below | Not good, but do not give up |
Source: Leadership manual guidline, (2012) |
Table 4: leadership guideline.
Descriptive and frequency analysis of likert scale.
The following table was used as standard for a general guideline of where the leaders stand.
In this section from the collected data the status of the respondents about leadership were presented as follows. Basically, measure of central tendency mainly mean and measure of dispersion standard deviation were used. While making interpretation of the results gained from statistical analysis were reassigned as follows to make the interpretation easy and clear as cited by Bassam. The five-point Like sacle is considered as an interval scale. The mean is very significant. From 1 to 1.8, it means strongly disagree. From 1.81 to 2.60, it means disagree. From 2.61 to 3.40, it means rerily agree; from 3.41 to 4.20, it means agree; from 4.21 to 5, it means strongly agree (Table 5).
No. | Mean range | Response option |
1 | 1-1.80 | Strongly disagree |
2 | 1.8-2.60 | Disagree |
3 | 2.6-3.40 | Neutral |
4 | 3.4-4.20 | Agree |
5 | 4.2-5.00 | Strongly agree |
Source: AL-Sayaad, Rabea, and Samrah, as cited by Bassam |
Table 5: Five scaled like criterion.
Dominant leadership characteristics at NVI of Ethiopia: People can be effective business leaders, and many of the most successful leaders share several dominant abilities and characteristics (Table 6).
Variables | N | Mean | Sd |
Leaders at the study organization are honest and fair. | 100 | 5 | 0.5 |
Leaders last the study organization listen to feedback and ask question | 100 | 5 | 0.35 |
Our leaders at the study organization are showing loyalty to the company and to the team members | 100 | 5 | 0.82 |
Leaders at the study organization develop plans | 100 | 5 | 0.92 |
Leaders at the study organization like to talk to people and they are a go ders at the study organization admits their mistake and take responsibility of listener | 100 | 5 | 0.87 |
Leaders at the study organization conducts formal employee performance appraisals | 100 | 5 | 0.87 |
Leaders take responsibilities for their actions | 100 | 5 | 0.89 |
Leaders at the study organization are curious | 100 | 5 | 0.86 |
Leaders at the study organization provide new employees with on job training | 100 | 5 | 0.93 |
Source: SPSS Output from Field Survey, 2022 |
Table 6: Mean and standard deviations of dominant leadership characteristics by the respondents.
As Table 6 above depict with the aim of identifying the dominant leadership characteristics by the respondents, leadership characteristics such as honesty and fairness; listening to feedback and asking questions; showing loyality to a company; developing plan; being good listener; conducting formal employees appraisal; admitting mistakes; being courious and providing new employees with on job training have the highest mean value of each 5 with standard deviation of 0.50, 0.35, 0.82, 0.92, 0.87, 0.87, 0.89, 0.86 and 0.93 respectively. Even the grand mean of the respondents was 5 with standard deviation of 0.78. These means for all these variables the mean value falls in the range of 4.2-5.00, which is labeled as the response option of “Storngly Agree”, which implies that the above leadership characteristics are demonstrated by the leaders at the study organization.
Perceived effectiveness of leadership at the study organization of Ethiopia
As Table 7 below depict with the aim of identifying perceived leadership effectiveness by the respondents, leadership characteristic’s such as honesty and fairness; listening to feedback and asking questions; showing loyality to a company; developing plan; being good listener; conducting formal employees appraisal; admitting mistakes; being curious; providing new employees with on job training; being champions of change; making presentation; knowing how to sell and being consistent have the mean value of each 5 and 4 with standard deviation of 0.50, 0.35, 0.82, 0.92, 0.87, 0.87, 0.89, 0.86, 0.93, 0.96, 0.87, 0.91, and 0.81 respectively. Even the grand mean of the respondents was 4.8 with standard deviation of 0.88. These means for all these variables the mean value falls in the range of 3.4-5.00, which is labeled as the response option of “Storngly Agree” and “Agree”, which implies that the above leadership characteristics are supposed to enables leaders to be effective.
Variables | N | Mean | Sd |
Leaders at NVI are honest and fair. | 100 | 5 | 0.5 |
Leaders last NVI listen to feedback and ask question | 100 | 5 | 0.35 |
Our leaders at NVI are showing loyalty to the company and to the team members | 100 | 5 | 0.82 |
Leaders at the study organization develop plans | 100 | 5 | 0.92 |
Leaders at the study organization like to talk to people and they are a good listener | 100 | 5 | 0.87 |
Leaders at the study organization conducts formal employee performance appraisals | 100 | 5 | 0.87 |
Leaders at the study organization admits their mistake and take responsibility for their actions | 100 | 5 | 0.89 |
Leaders at the study organization I are curious | 100 | 5 | 0.86 |
Leaders at the study organization provide new employees with on job training | 100 | 5 | 0.93 |
Our leaders at the study organization are champions of change | 100 | 4 | 0.96 |
Leaders at the study organization can make presentation can make presentation to a group. | 100 | 4 | 0.87 |
Leaders at the study organization knows how to sell | 100 | 4 | 0.91 |
Leaders actions are consistent | 100 | 4 | 0.81 |
Source : SPSS Output from Field Survey, 2022 |
Table 7: Mean and standard deviations of perceived effectiveness of leadership by the respondents.
Perceived limitation of leadership characteristics at the study organization of Ethiopia
As Table 8 below depict with the aim of identifying perceived limitations of leadership characteristics by the respondents, leadership characteristics such as displaying tolerance and flexibility; enjoying communication; having a vision; giving praise and recognition; treating others; being available and accessible; being good listener; influencing others and being good delegator have the mean value of each 2 with standard deviation of 0.57, 0.73, 1.16, 0.95, 0.91, 0.91, 0.89, 0.87 and 0.82 respectively. Even the grand mean of the respondents was 2 with standard deviation of 0.89. These means for all these variables the mean value falls in the range of 1.8-2.60, which is labeled as the response option of disagree”, which implies that the above leadership characteristics are perceived as with a limitation in the study organization.
Variables | N | Mean | Sd |
Leaders at NVI are honest and fair. | 100 | 5 | 0.5 |
Leaders last NVI listen to feedback and ask question | 100 | 5 | 0.35 |
Our leaders at NVI are showing loyalty to the company and to the team members | 100 | 5 | 0.82 |
Leaders at the study organization develop plans | 100 | 5 | 0.92 |
Leaders at the study organization like to talk to people and they are a good listener | 100 | 5 | 0.87 |
Leaders at the study organization conducts formal employee performance appraisals | 100 | 5 | 0.87 |
Leaders at the study organization admits their mistake and take responsibility for their actions | 100 | 5 | 0.89 |
Leaders at the study organization I are curious | 100 | 5 | 0.86 |
Leaders at the study organization provide new employees with on job training | 100 | 5 | 0.93 |
Our leaders at the study organization are champions of change | 100 | 4 | 0.96 |
Leaders at the study organization can make presentation can make presentation to a group. | 100 | 4 | 0.87 |
Leaders at the study organization knows how to sell | 100 | 4 | 0.91 |
Leaders actions are consistent | 100 | 4 | 0.81 |
Table 8: Mean and standard deviations of perceived limitation of leadership characteristics by the respondents.
Pearson correlation
In Table 9 only the first 6 dependent variables were presented for demonstration of the result and the outcomes in the table confirm that there is a positive association among leadership characteristics and leadership effectiveness. Leadership characteristics induce positive association with the leadership effectiveness such as enjoying communication with others; displaying tolerance and flexibility; being champions of change; honesty and fairness; consistency and action and listing feedback and asking questions have (r=0.156, 0.265, 0.064, 0.174, 0.432, 0.292 respectively P<0.001). This shows that these leadership characteristics bring the individuals to accomplish better to the nearest of expectations. The results show that the organizational performance or leadership effectiveness is influenced by the leadership characteristics or effective behavioral leadership qualities, and it was proved that the leadership characteristics contribute effectively in determining the leadership effectiveness or organizational performance. Therefore, the hypothesis was tested to be true.
Variables | Mean | SD | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Leadership effectiveness | 20.073 | 1.883 | 1 | |||||
Leaders are honest and fair. | 3.123 | 1.152 | 0.174** | 1 | ||||
Leaders are displaying tolerance and flexibility | 4.144 | 0.398 | 0.265** | 0.134* | 1 | |||
Our leaders are champions of change | 2.008 | 1.553 | 0.064** | -0.354 | -0.167 | 1 | ||
Leaders are enjoying communication | 4.499 | 6.557 | 0.156** | -0.131 | 0.125 | -0.094 | 1 | |
Leaders’ actions are consistent | 3.854 | 1.287 | 0.432** | 0.245 | -0.323 | -0.033 | -0.278 | 1 |
Leaders listen to feedback and ask question | 2.445 | 0.767 | 0.292* | 0.256* | -0.299 | 0.314 | -0.095 | 0.181 |
Table 9: Relationship between leadership characteristics and leadership effectiveness.
In the above study, the leaders of the study organization were assessed by their employer against the potentials that the organization perceived to be vital for effective leadership. That is, instead of being evaluated by an organizational performance, the strategy of the EBLQ questionnaires were used. This is because rather than leader effectiveness, the organizational performance can be affected by external factors such as political instability, insecurity, famine, natural disasters and the likes.
It known that all the leadership characteristics considered in these study are very vital for the effectiveness of the leadership as well as for the effective performance of the organizations. According to the current study vital leadership characteristics such as honesty and fairness, listing to the questions and giving feedback, showing loyalty to the company, being visionary, performing formal appraisal, being curious and performing the job timely all these have mean of 4 during analyzing the respondent information. This means that most of the respondent replied as these leadership characteristics are frequently implemented in the organization implying most of them are dominant with some of them strong leadership characteristics in the organization.
However, leadership behaviors including coaching the teams, knowledge about the organization, accepting ownership, setting guidelines, counseling, working on those with performance issue, resources determination, interviewing during selection for hiring, identifying important issue, being politics when only needed, creating atmosphere of growth have a mean of 3.0000. Similarly, leadership characteristics such as managing by walking, determination of manpower, reacting timely, integrity, budgeting, providing information or communication, keeping focus, being visionary, influencing others, giving praise, being consistent in action, being champions of change, having wide visibility, handling complex problem and admitting changes have mean of 3 too. This shows that majority of respondents replied by saying they are occasionally true implying that the effectiveness of most these behavioral leadership in the organization are not as such strong and even few of them have limitation. In general the assessment suggest that leaders at NVI are not showing an outstand in the leadership effectiveness. This might be associated with lack of skills and knowledge about leadership concept as most of the leaders are assigned simply by work experience only. Therefore, continuous provision of training is vital. The present finding is also in line with preceding research studies. As per these studies many organization in the glob particularly in sub-saharan country are less effective in demonstrating vital leadership characteristics which in turn affected the business of the organizations.
Moreover, according to this study the correlation among leadership characteristics and leadership effectiveness is positive. That is vital leadership characteristics are related and that they have each a positive impact on leadership effectiveness which in turn affect organizational performance. The present study is also in line with preceding research studies. As per these studies, leadership behavioral characteristics have positive impact on leadership effectiveness and organizational performance in such a way that it aids in establishing a value system by providing the employees an opportunity to develop their skills and capabilities.
The central focus of this thesis is to investigate leadership characteristics and their impact on leadership effectiveness at the study organization of Ethiopia. Thus, to achieve the aforementioned objectives, the leadership aspect encompassed in this thesis includes the dominant leadership characteristics, perceived limitation and strength, association among leaders characteristics and effectiveness variables. Therefore, the following conclusions are drawn as per the findings in line with the study objectives.
The finding reveals that only few leaders are showing the dominant characteristics at the study organization. The majority of the leaders are with perceived limitation. Moreover, regarding the association among leadership characteristics and the leadership effectiveness, this study revealed that leadership characteristics induce positive association with the leadership effectiveness which implies that leadership characteristics has direct positive impact on leadership effectiveness. Thus, as a majority of the leaders are with perceived limitation in showing essential leadership characteristics the effectiveness of the leaders are under questions as the character of the leaders have direct impact on leadership effectiveness.
In general this assessment help leaders to determine what skills and abilities they can continue improve and what skills and abilities they need as a leader to develop. Once leaders know their weakness, they can improve to develop those weakness based on leadership manual guideline. This study reveals that the leadership effectiveness is related to the leadership characteristics and that they have each a positive impact on the performance. It’s vital for a leadership trend to supply opportunities to people, supply a way of contentment at the side of permitting them to participate within their responsibilities. This study has provided deep insights of the impact of leadership characteristics on the leadership effectiveness or performance of organization. It, however, has some limitations such as that only quantitative data has been used. This has significantly reduced the scope and applicability of the research.
Effort was made to make the research work proficient and ethical. The researcher attempt to evidently notify to the respondents regarding the aim of the study, that is only used for academic reason. Prior to starting the work the questionnaire guide was delivered to the respondents, the researcher was authorize that subjects, privacy was also protected. Moreover, it is grounded on the respondent consents. The researcher was not personalize any of the answer of the respondents throughout data presentations, analysis and interpretation.
Leadership becomes the best and the modal option to improve the efficiency of employer which in turn improve organizational performance. Hence, based on the findings and in line with the significance of the study the following recommendation were forwarded for organizations, policy makers and other researchers.
The study recommends that the management of the study organization should introduce courses that can enable leaders know the type of leadership characteristics that would improve employees’ performance.
The policy makers are required to design a policy to keep us safe, provide vital services and move the country forward. They need to develop their leadership and management skills.
The future researches should focus on using applicable research methods, beside with qualitative approaches, for defining the relationship among leadership characteristics and leadership effectiveness or organizational performance.
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Citation: Gurmu JS, Feyissa KG (2023) Assessing Leadership Characteristics and their Impact on Leadership Effectiveness: The Case of One Public Institute in of Ethiopia. Review Pub Administration Manag. 11:387.
Copyright: �© 2023 Gurmu JS, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.