Conference Proceeding - (2021) Volume 7, Issue 1

Are clinical diagnoses really just symptoms?
Alana Kessler MS RD CDN

Published: 26-Jan-2021


The connection between nutrition and disease is becoming more and more clear. New science is showing that diagnoses like Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, Lupus and many other clinical and autoimmune conditions are rooted deeply in the way the body digests processes and absorbs nutrition and the environment. The current medical standard of care must adapt into collaboration with this new insight. Treating conditions and achieving results involves more than just medication and a seven day meal plan.

2021 Conference Announcement

The connection between nutrition and disease is becoming more and more clear. New science is showing that diagnoses like Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, Lupus and many other clinical and autoimmune conditions are rooted deeply in the way the body digests processes and absorbs nutrition and the environment. The current medical standard of care must adapt into collaboration with this new insight. Treating conditions and achieving results involves more than just medication and a seven day meal plan.