Research Article - (2021) Volume 0, Issue 0

Appraisal of Practice, Knowledge and Utilization of Family Planning Methods in Nigeria
Justus Ademuyiwa1* and Ademola Adetunji2
1Department of Statistics, Federal Polytechnic University, Ile-Oluji, Nigeria
2Department of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
*Correspondence: Justus Ademuyiwa, Department of Statistics, Federal Polytechnic University, Ile-Oluji, Nigeria, Tel: 2348057893975, Email:

Received: 08-Oct-2021 Published: 29-Oct-2021


Family planning method is technique and instrument used by individuals or couples to anticipate attain their desired number of children, spacing and timing of their births. Balance in a population size and social amenities are essential for maximizing potentials in any society. Effective family planning can improve quality of life and standard of living by decreasing number of dependents requiring basic necessitates if life. This study utilizes data from NDHS, 2018 to appraise level of knowledge and utilization of family planning technic among residents of South-west Nigeria. Despite very high knowledge rate observed, utilization is quite lower. Variations are observed in knowledge and utilization among respondents with different literacy level, residence, age group, and wealth status. Television and radio are found to be the best source of information for respondents for family planning. Personally decision not to use and infrequent sex are major reason given for non-utilization. Urban residents and literate and older respondents utilizes the method more.


Family planning; Contraceptives; Literacy level; Wealth status


Increasing population in developing countries has been a major limitation towards maximizing economic potentials, limiting access to basic essentials like power, water, education, and infrastructure [1]. Lack of access to quality reproductive health and family planning cares is among major challenges in developing countries in general and Nigeria in particular. Statistics from the 2008 Nigeria Demographic Health Survey (NDHS) showed that less than 10% of married women used a modern method of contraception in Nigeria with about 20% of those willing to use having an unmet need for family planning services [2].

Family planning has been defined as “instruments that allow couples and individuals to anticipate and attain their desired number of children, spacing and timing of their births” [3]. Family Planning Method (FPM) can be adopted voluntarily through the practice of contraception or other methods of birth control on the basis of knowledge, attitude and responsible decision by individuals and/or couples with an objective of promoting health welfare of the family and contribute to the social and economic development of the country. The practice is among most cost-effective ways to prevent maternal, infant, and child mortality. Efficient and effective practice can reduce maternal mortality since it reduces the number of unintended pregnancies, the number of abortions, and the proportion of births at high risk [4]. About 57% of women of reproductive age in developing countries are sexually active but do not want child and therefore are in need of contraception. Of these, about 26% do not have access to modern methods of contraception, resulting in significant unmet need [5]. Many socio-demographical factors like religion, number of sons, age of married men and women, educational status of husband and wife, residence of couples control acceptance of contraception. Usage of contraception has been a century long practice [6], with modern contraceptive methods offering many advantages in health and economy of couples. In recent years, family planning policies and methods are becoming increasingly important as a result of various socio- economic problems influencing rapid population growth.

Improvement of maternal and child health services is a prerequisite for family planning. As a result, child spacing using any contraception is an essential factor which affects the outcome of pregnancy. Child spacing gives more opportunities for nurturing individual child and hence provide the possibility of preventing complications such as gastrointestinal infections and malnutrition during infancy and early childhood [7]. Effective family planning can as well improve quality of life and improve the standard of living by decreasing number of dependents requiring intensive personal care, education, food, shelter, and clothing, among others [8].

Materials and Methods


The study utilizes data from the 2018 NDHS (Nigeria Demographic Health Surveys). Demographic Health Surveys is a survey with indicators on various social indicators conducted in every five-year intervals among developing countries. The Nigeria data utilized in this study have several socio-demographic variables with special attention to women of child bearing age (15-49 years) and data related to Family Planning Methods (FPM).

Study area

South-West of Nigeria Figure 1 has six states comprising of majorly Yorubas. The region is majorly agrarian community with exception of Lagos state which is a major cosmopolitan state in the country.


Figure 1: Map of Nigeria showing states in South-West.


The study utilizes descriptive statistics to explore and appraise practice relating family planning among residents in South- West Nigeria. Among appraised variables are age, educational status, religion, ethnic, and wealth status of respondents. Similar sets of variables were considered in an Ethiopian study [9]. Relationships between the selected variables and both knowledge about FPM and utilization of contraceptives are examined using Chi-square while binary logistic regression is used to predict odds of knowledge and utilization. In analyzing binary response (Yes/ No, Dead/Alive, etc.), binary logistic regression is most utilized [10,11]. In this study, response variables are defined as:


Results and Discussion

The study utilizes data on 5630 women of children bearing age (15-49) among six states in South-West of Nigeria with an average age of 30.37 years and standard deviation of 9.522. As observed from Table 1, the age group of participants in the survey is well spread among women of child-bearing age (15-49). Lagos state with over 25.7% of all respondents has highest participants across the six states in South-West region while Ekiti state (state with the least population) has the least. In the original data, the Wealth Index of respondents was categorized into five groups (Poorest, Poorer, Middle, Richer and Richet), to ease interpretation and classification of wealth groups, this has been redefined to three groups (Poor, Middle, and Rich) accordingly. About three quarter of respondent belongs to the rich wealth index with almost the same number residing in urban areas.

Characteristics Frequency (Percentage)
Age Group
15-19 917 (16.3%)
20-24 810 (14.4%)
25-29 967 (17.2%)
30-34 898 (16.0%)
35-39 871 (15.5%)
40-44 600 (10.7%)
45-49 567 (10.1%)
Oyo 918 (16.3%)
Osun 832 (14.8%)
Ekiti 774 (13.7%)
Ondo 863 (15.3%)
Lagos 1445 (25.7%)
Ogun 798 (14.2%)
Wealth index
Poor 646 (11.5%)
Middle 921 (16.4%)
Rich 4063 (72.2%)
Urban 4064 (72.2%)
Rural 1566 (27.8%)
Catholic 210 (3.7%)
Other Christian 3513 (62.4%)
Islam 1895 (33.7%)
Traditionalist 9 (0.2%)
Other 3 (0.1%)
Educational level
No Education 453 (8.0%)
Primary 858 (15.2%)
Secondary 3197 (56.8%)
Post-Secondary 1122 (19.9%)
No 1100 (19.5%)
Yes 4530 (80.5%)
Reading newspaper
Not at all 4392 (78.0%)
Less than once a week 964 (17.1%)
At least once a week 274 (4.9%)
Listening to radio
Not at all 1247 (22.1%)
Less than once a week 1830 (32.5%)
At least once a week 2553 (45.3%)
Watching television
Not at all 943 (16.7%)
Less than once a week 1492 (26.5%)
At least once a week 3195 (56.7%)

Table 1: General Socio-demographic background of respondents.

Majority of respondents in the research are Christian (more than 60%) and over 70% have at least Secondary Education, making room for a very high literary responses (80.5%). Among means of information, those who watch television are significantly higher in comparison to those who read newspaper and those who listen to radio.

As earlier observed in Table 1 that most of respondents are literate and reside in urban centers, Table 2 shows that a significantly higher percentage of respondents (over 97%) have knowledge of contraceptives. Surprisingly, despite a very high knowledge rate, only 42.8% of respondents have ever utilized contraceptives. The knowledge rate in this study is found to be significantly higher than observations in similar study in Fiji [12] where only 9.5% of the total participants are involved in utilization of contraceptives. Finding in this study is however supported by another study among women in reproductive age in Ethiopia with very high knowledge rate [13]. Similarly, Semachew Kasa et al. also reported a knowledge rate of about 50% among another sampled population in Ethiopia.

Characteristics Frequency (Percentage)
Knowledge of any contraceptive
No 128 (2.3%)
Yes 5502 (97.7%)
Ever utilized any contraceptive technique
No 3221 (57.2%)
Yes 2409 (42.8%)
Current contraceptive method
Not using 4232 (75.2%)
Pill 102 (1.8%)
IUD 120 (2.1%)
Injections 226 (4.0%)
Male condom 242 (4.3%)
Female sterilization 10 (0.2%)
Periodic abstinence 64 (1.1%)
Withdrawal 248 (4.4%)
Other traditional 55 (1.0%)
Implants/Norplant 217 (3.9%)
Lactational amenorrhea (LAM) 74 (1.3%)
Female condom 2 (0.0%)
Emergency contraception 29 (0.5%)
Other modern method 6 (0.1%)
Standard days method (SDM) 3 (0.1%)
Brand of pill used
Duofemconfidence 32 (0.6%)
Microgynon 11 (0.25%)
Lofemenal 17 (0.3%)
Neogynon 1 (0.0%)
Combination 18 (0.3%)
Other 14 (0.2%)
Don't know 9 (0.2%)
Brand of condom used
Gold Circle 130 (2.3%)
Durex 32 (0.6%)
Rough Rider 10 (0.2%)
Twin Lotus 1 (0.0%)
Go Flex 5 (0.1%)
Other 34 (0.6%)
Don't know 30 (0.5%)

Table 2: Knowledge about family planning and contraceptives.

Among methods of contraceptives utilized by current users, withdrawal, male condom, injections, and implants have higher patronage when compared to other methods. Duofemconfidence is the most utilized pill for contraceptives, while Gold Circle is the most utilized condom.

Source of obtaining instrument of contraception has always been an issue. Results obtained in this research Table 3 shows that government hospitals has the highest patronage with more than half of the users obtaining contraceptives from government clinics and hospitals.

Last source of contraceptive for current users Frequency (Percentage)
Government clinic/pharmacy 491 (51.3%)
Government home/community delivery 7 (0.7%)
NGO 2 (0.2%)
Private clinic/delivery 278 (29.0%)
Pharmacy 116 (12.15)
Shop, church, friend 56 (5.9%)
Other 7 (0.7%)

Table 3: Source of contraceptives.

As indicated in Table 4 among considered source of information about family planning, radio is ranked first, followed television while mobile phone is ranked last. This is supported by Kasa, et al. with more than 40% of respondents receiving information about family planning on radio.

Medium Yes (%) No (%) Rank
Radio 2424 (43.1%) 3206 (56.9%) 1
TV 1985 (35.3%) 3645 (64.7%) 2
Newspaper/Magazine 368 (6.5%) 5262 (93.5%) 3
Text message on mobile phone 272 (4.8%) 5358 (95.2%) 4

Table 4: Medium of hearing about family planning in last few months.

When asked “reason for no utilization” by those not using contraceptives, those who personally opposed utilization are ranked first. Having infrequent sex is ranked second while lack of access and lack of known source are ranked last. This implies that respondents are well aware of source of obtaining contraceptive and access to the instrument is not barrier. In a Cameroonian study [14] reported lack of adequate information, uselessness and fear of side effects as major reasons for not utilizing any contraceptive while another African study Kasa, et al. related cost to the reason for non-utilization [15].

To explore different dependencies of considered socio- demographic variables of respondents on knowledge about family planning, Table 5 reveals the result of chi-square tests of dependency. The Table 6 shows that all considered socio- demographic variables have significant relationship to the knowledge about family planning method.

Factor Yes (%) No (%) Rank
Not married 30 (2.4%) 1199 (97.6%) 9
Not having sex 22 (1.8%) 1207 (98.2%) 10
Infrequent sex 243 (19.8%) 986 (80.2%) 2
Menopausal/hysterectomy 92 (7.5%) 1137 (92.5%) 5
Subfecund/Infecund 43 (3.5%) 1186 (96.5%) 8
Postpartum amenorrheic 19 (1.5%) 1210 (98.5%) 12
Breastfeeding 96 (7.8%) 1133 (92.2%) 4
Fatalistic 77 (6.3%) 1152 (93.7%) 6
Personally  opposed 249 (20.3%) 980 (79.7%) 1
Husband/partner opposed 179 (14.6%) 1050 (85.4%) 3
Other people opposed 14 (1.1%) 1215 (98.9%) 13
Religious prohibition 20 (1.6%) 1209 (98.4%) 11
Knows no methods 9 (0.7%) 1220 (99.3%) 15
Knows no source 5 (0.4%) 1224 (99.6%) 18
Fear of side effects/health concerns 53 (4.3%) 1176 (95.7%) 7
Lack of access/too far 3 (0.2%) 1226 (99.8%) 19
Costs too much 8 (0.7%) 1221 (99.3%) 16
Inconvenient to use 10 (0.8%) 1219 (99.2%) 14
Interferes with body's processes 6 (0.5%) 1223 (99.5%) 17

Table 5: Reason not using contraceptives.

Characteristics Family planning method knowledge Chi-Square
No Yes P-value (α=0.05)
128 (2.3%) 5502 (97.7%)
Age group 0.000*
15-19 73 (8.0%) 844 (92.0%)
20-24 8 (1.0%) 802 (99.0%)
25-29 9 (0.9%) 958 (99.1%)
30-34 12 (1.3%) 886 (98.7%)
35-39 14 (1.6%) 857 (98.4%)
40-44 4 (0.7%) 596 (99.3%)
45-49 8 (1.4%) 559 (98.6%)
State 0.000*
Oyo 30 (3.3%) 888 (96.7%)
Osun 29 (3.5%) 803 (96.5%)
Ekiti 21 (2.7%) 753 (97.3%)
Ondo 22 (2.5%) 841 (97.5%)
Lagos 15 (1.0%) 1430 (99.0%)
Ogun 11 (1.4%) 787 (98.6%)
Wealth index 0.000*
Poor 50 (7.7%) 596 (92.3%)
Middle 21 (2.3%) 900 (97.7%)
Rich 57 (1.4%) 4006 (98.6%)
Residence 0.000*
Urban 52 (1.3%) 4012 (98.7%)
Rural 76 (4.9%) 1490 (95.1%)
Ethnicity 0.000*
Hausa 4 (4.1%) 94 (95.9%)
Yoruba 86 (1.9%) 4540 (98.1%)
Igbo 6 (1.7%) 353 (98.3%)
Other 32 (5.9%) 515 (94.1%)
Religion 0.000*
Catholic 8 (3.8%) 202 (96.2%)
Other Christian 61 (1.7%) 3452 (98.3%)
Islam 57 (3.0%) 1838 (97.0%)
Traditionalist 1 (11.1%) 8 (88.9%)
Other 1 (33.3%) 2 (66.7%)
Educational level 0.000*
No Education 28 (6.2%) 425 (93.8%)
Primary 24 (2.8%) 834 (97.2%)
Secondary 75 (2.3%) 3122 (97.7%)
Post-Secondary 1 (0.1%) 1121 (99.9%)
Literate 0.000*
No 55 (5.0%) 1045 (95.0%)
Yes 73 (1.6%) 5502 (98.4%)

Table 6: Socio-demographic characteristics of respondents on Knowledge on family planning method.

The table further reveals distribution of knowledge among each characteristic. Among the age-group, the older respondents tend to be more informed about family planning in comparison with the younger ones. Residents in Osun and Oyo states have lower knowledge rate when compared with those from other states. Rural settlements in Nigeria generally are mostly characterized with low and poor living standards. The table reveals that knowledge is higher among the rich and urban dwellers. Respondents with low level of education and literacy are also found to have lower knowledge when compared with those who are more educated. Knowledge is found to be higher among the Igbos and Yorubas and among the two major religions (Christian and Islam).

Knowledge is also found to be higher among those watching television and listening to radio when compared to those who read newspaper (Table 7). This implies that newspaper as a means of advertisement to provide information about family planning is not as effective as the other methods.

Characteristics Contraceptive Utilization Chi-Square
No Yes P-value (α=0.05)
3321 (57.2%) 2409 (42.8%)
Age group 0.000*
15-19 848 (92.5%0 69 (7.5%)
20-24 525 (64.8%0 285 (35.2%)
25-29 485 (50.2%) 482 (49.8%)
30-34 393 (43.8%) 505 (56.2%)
35-39 384 (44.1%) 487 (55.9%)
40-44 283 (47.2%) 317 (52.8%)
45-49 303 (53.4%) 264 (46.6%)
State 0.000*
Oyo 632 (68.8%) 286 (31.2%)
Osun 526 (63.2%) 306 (36.8%)
Ekiti 378 (48.8%) 396 (51.2%)
Ondo 637 (73.8%) 226 (26.2%)
Lagos 586 (40.6%) 859 (59.4%)
Ogun 462 (57.9%) 336 (42.1%)
Wealth index 0.000*
Poor 456 (70.6%) 190 (29.4%)
Middle 609 (66.1%) 312 (33.9%)
Rich 2156 (53.1%) 1907 (46.9%)
Residence 0.000*
Urban 2174 (53.5%) 1890 (46.5%)
Rural 1047 (66.9%) 519 (33.1%)
Ethnicity 0.000*
Hausa 60 (61.2%) 38 (38.8%)
Yoruba 2685 (58.0%) 1941 (42.0%)
Igbo 153 (42.6%) 206 (57.4%)
Other 323 (59.0%) 224 (41.0%)
Religion 0.013*
Catholic 134 (63.8%) 76 (36.2%)
Other Christian 1956 (55.7%) 1557 (44.3%)
Islam 1123 (59.3%) 772 (40.7%)
Traditionalist 7 (77.8%) 2 (22.2%)
Other 1 (33.3%) 2 (66.7%)
Educational level 0.000*
No Education 303 (66.9%) 150 (33.1%)
Primary 490 (57.1%) 368 (42.9%)
Secondary 1896 (59.3%) 1301 (40.7%)
Post-Secondary 532 (47.4%) 590 (52.6%)
Literate 0.001*
No 679 (61.7%) 421 (38.3%)
Yes 2542 (56.1%) 1988 (43.9%)

Table 7: Source of information of respondents on Knowledge on family planning method.

Table 8 shows various characteristics of respondents with utilization of contraceptives. All considered factors are significant to utilization of contraceptives. Utilization of contraceptives is highest among older respondents. Among the states under investigations, utilization is found to be highest in Lagos state, followed by Ekiti state while residents in Ondo state have the least contraceptive utilization. 42.8% of respondents are using contraceptives. This is lower than over 60% reported by Beekle et al., Ahmed et al.,

Factor P-value Odds Ratio (OR) 95% CI for OR
Age group
15-19 0 0.117 (0.050, 0.273)
20-24 0.795 0.87 (0.305, 2.483)
25-29 0.707 0.823 (0.298, 2.276)
30-34 0.398 0.657 (0.248, 1.741)
35-39 0.28 0.598 (0.235, 1.520)
40-44 0.535 1.484 (0.426, 5.171)
45-49 (ref. category) - 1 -
Oyo 0.202 0.572 (0.243, 1.350)
Osun 0.045 0.415 (0.175, 0.980)
Ekiti 0.174 0.554 (0.237, 1.297)
Ondo 0.496 1.343 (0.575, 3.138)
Lagos 0.624 0.786 (0.300, 2.057)
Ogun (ref. category) - 1 -
Wealth index
Poor 0.081 0.822 (0.459,  0.473)
Middle 0.51 1.591 (0.879, 2.882)
Rich (ref. category) 0.125 1 -
Urban 0 2.837 (1.743, 4.617)
Rural (ref. category) - 1  
Hausa 0.004 1.437 (0.424, 4.871)
Yoruba 0.561 2.525 (1.395, 4.571)
Igbo 0.002 1.486 (0.519, 4.260)
Other (ref. category) 0.461 1 -
Catholic 0.699 611168.704 -
Other Christian 0.983 826971.503 -
Islam 0.983 616412.748 -
Traditionalist 0.983 480672.91 -
Other (ref. category) 0.983 - -
Educational level
No Education 0.272 0.144 (0.017, 1.226)
Primary 0.076 0.124 (0.015, 1.015)
Secondary 0.052 0.142 (0.019, 1.061)
Post-Secondary (ref. category) 0.057 1 -
No 0.001 0.343 (0.184, 0.642)
Yes (ref. category) - 1 -
Reading newspaper
Not at all 0.554 1.758 (0.621, 4.973)
Less than once a week 0.288 1.782 (0.563, 5.638)
At least once a week (ref. category) 0.326 1 -
Listening to radio
Not at all 0.048 0.71 (0.442, 1.141)
Less than once a week 0.157 1.452 (0.777, 2.715)
At least once a week (ref. category) 0.243 1 -
Watching television
Not at all 0.074 0.599 (0.342, 1.050)
Less than once a week 0.073 1.179 (0.622, 2.234)
At least once a week (ref. category) 0.613 1  
Constant term 0.983 541606.589 -

Table 8: Binary Logistic Regression of Knowledge on FPM on some factors.

Adejumo et al. [13,14,16] and another study carried out in Nepal [17]. Findings in this study are however closer to the one reported by Semachew Kasa et al. with about 50% of women in productive age utilizing FPM.

Higher wealth index is found to support more utilization with those in rich category and those residing in urban areas having highest utilization. Utilization of contraceptives is also found to be highest among the Yorubas and respondents with Post-Secondary (higher literacy level) education also utilize contraceptives more.

The odds of knowledge of FPM are highest among respondents age 40-44 and least among the younger group. The odds of knowledge for those in age group 45-49 is more than five times for those in age group 15-19 as shown in Table 8. Older people had earlier been reported to practice family planning more than younger ones [9]. The utilization is higher among older respondents with those in 35-39 having highest odds of utilization as shown in Table 9.

Factor P-value Odds Ratio (OR) 95% CI for OR
Age group
15-19 0 0.063 (0.046, 0.087)
20-24 0 0.519 (0.409, 0.659)
25-29 0 0.97 (0.774, 1.215)
30-34 0.79 1.237 (0.985, 1.554)
35-39 0.067 1.263 (1.006, 1.585)
40-44 0.045 1.167 (0.914, 1.491)
45-49 (ref. category) 0.216 1 -
Oyo 0 0.511 (0.399, 0.653)
Osun 0 0.651 (0.504, 0.840)
Ekiti 0.001 1.497 (1.177, 1.904)
Ondo 0.001 0.469 (0.370, 0.595)
Lagos 0 1.647 (1.309, 2.073)
Ogun (ref. category) 0 1 -
Wealth index
Poor 0.144 0.804 (0.632, 1.022)
Middle 0.075 0.872 (0.723, 1.051)
Rich (ref. category) 0.15 1 -
Urban 0.082 1.149 (0.982, 1.344)
Rural (ref. category) - 1 -
Ethnicity 0.011    
Hausa 0.185 0.705 (0.420, 1.183)
Yoruba 0.494 0.919 (0.722, 1.170)
Igbo 0.212 1.245 (0.882, 1.758)
Other (ref. category) - 1 -
Catholic 0.002 0.269 (0.019, 3.827)
Other Christian 0.332 0.527 (0.038, 7.347)
Islam 0.634 0.491 (0.035, 6.856)
Traditionalist 0.597 0.174 (0.008, 4.005)
Other (ref. category) 0.274 1 -
Educational level
No Education 0.054 0.822 (0.592, 1.141)
Primary 0.242 1.024 (0.804, 1.304)
Secondary 0.849 1.154 (0.978, 1.362)
Post-Secondary (ref. category) 0.089 1 -
No 0.434 0.92 (0.746, 1.134)
Yes (ref. category) - 1 -
Reading newspaper
Not at all 0.358 1.06 (0.789, 1.423)
Less than once a week 0.699 1.185 (0.872, 1.611)
At least once a week (ref. category) 0.277 1 -
Listening to radio
Not at all 0.592 0.915 (0.763, 1.099)
Less than once a week 0.344 0.994 (0.845, 1.171)
At least once a week (ref. category) 0.947 1 -
Watching television
Not at all 0 0.728 (0.589, 0.900)
Less than once a week 0.003 0.677 (0.569, 0.804)
At least once a week (ref. category) 0 1 -
Constant term 0.621 1.967 -

Table 9: Binary logistic regression on utilization of contraceptives on some factors.

Among states in the zone, Ondo state has the highest odds of knowledge while Osun state has the least. Odds of utilization are found to be highest among residents of Lagos state, a major cosmopolitan state in the country while it is lowest in Oyo state.

The three considered source of information for knowledge about FPM (Newspaper, Radio, and television) are found to have no significant relationship. However, those who listen to radio and those who watch television are found to have higher odds of knowledge in comparison with those who do not.

Poorer respondents have the least knowledge about FPM in comparison to those on other wealth groups. Knowledge about FPM will ultimately assist families in adopting any contraceptives towards reducing unwanted pregnancy. Researches had earlier showed that richer families have fewer children. Table 9 also shows that utilization is higher among the richer respondents and those residing in urban areas. The odd of knowledge about FPM is more than twice for those residing in urban areas in comparison with those living in rural areas. This finding is supported by a study by Semachew Kasa et al. where respondents from urban areas were reported to utilise FPM (71.4%) than those from rural set up (28.1%). This is also supported by findings from Ethiopian DHS [18]. This may be unconnected with the fact that urban residents are more aware of importance of family planning.

Knowledge among Yorubas is almost twice in comparison to the Hausa and Igbo but the odds of utilization are highest among the Igbos while the traditionalists have the least odds of utilization. Religion of respondent is found not to have significant relationship with knowledge about FPM [19].

Literate respondents have almost three times odds of knowledge when compared to the illiterate. Knowledge is quite higher amongst respondent with Post-Secondary education in comparison with those with other levels of education. Importance of education on effective family planning especially among females has been documented [20-22]. Educated women of child bearing age have better information about FPM and their availability [23-25]. This is also supported by another Ethiopian report [26]. In a recent study by Binu et al. illiterates were reported to have very low awareness of FPM [23]. This results into a very low utilization among the respondents. In Table 9, literacy and educational level of respondents is found not to have non-significant relationships with utilization.


The research had identified practice, awareness, and utilization level of different family planning techniques among states in South-West Nigeria. Most results reveal same trend in findings in similar studies.

In this study, higher percentage of respondents who have knowledge about FPM and utilizing contraceptives are older. It is therefore imperative for agencies of government and non- governmental organizations to increase awareness to the younger populace. It will be beneficial if the concept of family planning can be introduced into senior secondary school education so that students will be equipped with all essentials of FPM early in life.

As reported, television is the major source of information for knowledge on FPM, educative programme on FPM can therefore be introduced to generality of audience to make the practice more popular.

Educated respondents who majorly reside in urban centers are also reported to have higher knowledge and utilization; more attention should therefore be given to those in rural setup. It is highly pertinent to target this population for more health education interventions relating to family planning in order to achieve the desirable level of practices and utilization.


The research team acknowledges DHS for access to the data.


The authors declare no conflict of interest.


This work was supported by the Tertiary Education Trust Fund‘s [FPI/DAP/CIRCULAR/2021/008] through the Institution Based Research (IBR) of the Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji, Nigeria.


Citation: Ademuyiwa J, Adetunji A (2021) Appraisal of Practice, Knowledge and Utilization of Family Planning Methods in Nigeria. Clinics Mother Child Health. S10:002.

Copyright: © 2021 Ademuyiwa J, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.