Editorial - (2021) Volume 11, Issue 4
Published: 31-Aug-2021, DOI: 10.35248/2090-4568.21.11.e199
Brain engineering (also known as neuro-engineering) is a branch of biomedical engineering that focuses on understanding, repairing, replacing, and enhancing neural systems. Engineers who work at the interface between living neural tissue and non-living constructions are uniquely prepared to solve design difficulties. Restoration and augmentation of human function by direct interactions between the nervous system and artificial devices are prominent goals in the field. Restoration and augmentation of human function by direct interactions between the nervous system and artificial devices are prominent goals in the field. Understanding the coding and processing of information in the sensory and motor systems, quantifying how this processing is altered in the pathological state, and manipulating it through interactions with artificial devices such as brain–computer interfaces and neuro-prosthetics are all hot topics in current research. Other study focuses on investigation through experimentation, such as the use of neural implants that are linked to external technologies. Neuro-hydrodynamics is a branch of neural engineering concerned with the fluid dynamics of the nervous system. Neuro-engineering is based on the interaction between neurons, neural networks, and nervous system activities and measurable models in order to help the development of technologies that can read and control signals and produce intentional responses.
Neurons are the basic functional unit of the nervous system and are highly specialised cells capable of sending the Messages that the body uses to influence thoughts, senses, movements, and survival are directed by nerve impulses transmitted across brain tissue and to the rest of the body are directed by nerve impulses transmitted across brain tissue and to the rest of the body. The neural membrane potential and the changes that occur along and across it are essential for neuronal function. Certain concentrations of certain ions across neuronal membranes generally maintain a steady voltage, known as the membrane potential. An imbalance, or polarisation, is created across the membrane when this voltage is disrupted or varies. Depolarization of the membrane beyond its threshold potential causes an action potential, which is the primary mode of signal transmission in the nervous system, known as neurotransmission. Electrical, chemical, magnetic, optical, and other stimuli can generate signals that affect the transport of charges and consequently voltage levels across neuronal membranes.
Quantitative techniques are utilised by engineers to better understand and interact with complicated brain systems. Researchers can modulate nervous system activity by investigating and creating chemical, electrical, magnetic, and optical signals that are responsible for extracellular field potentials and synaptic transmission in brain tissue. Engineers employ signal processing techniques and computer modelling to better understand the properties of nervous system activity. The voltages across neural membranes must be translated into equivalent code in order to process these signals, a process called as neural coding. To better comprehend movement and sensory events, researchers are looking into how the brain encodes simple directives in the form of central pattern generators (CPGs), movement vectors, the cerebellar internal model, and somatotopic maps. In the field of neuroscience, decoding these signals refers to the process by which neurons comprehend the voltages that have been transmitted to them. There are two mathematical methods utilized to record the voltages and they can be intracellular or extracellular.
The scope of the neural engineering includes the fields of neuro-mechanics, neuro-modulations and neural regrowth and repair. Neuro-mechanics combines neuroscience, biomechanics, feeling and perception, and robotics into a single discipline. This field of study is concerned with transferring information conversions between the neuromuscular and skeletal systems in order to develop functionalities. By integrating computer models of brain circuits to models of animal bodies in virtual physical worlds, neuro-mechanics may be simulated. The study of neuromechanics aims to improve treatments for physiological health problems, such as prosthesis design optimization and post-injury movement restoration.
Neuromodulation aims to treat disease or injury by using medical device technologies to enhance or suppress nervous system activity with the delivery of pharmaceutical agents, electrical signals, or other forms of energy stimulus in order to re-establish balance in brain regions that have been damaged.
Neuroscience and engineering are combined in neural engineering and rehabilitation to investigate peripheral and central nervous system function and discover clinical remedies to problems caused by brain damage or failure. Engineering for neuro-regeneration focuses on developing technologies and materials that aid in the proliferation of neurons for specific purposes such as peripheral nerve regeneration, spinal cord tissue regeneration, and retinal tissue regeneration.
The authors are grateful to the journal editor and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions.
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.