Commentary - (2022) Volume 11, Issue 2

An Overview on Ethical Values
Tracy Smith*
Department of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburg, USA
*Correspondence: Tracy Smith, Department of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburg, USA, Email:

Received: 02-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. GJISS-22-16285; Editor assigned: 04-Mar-2022, Pre QC No. GJISS-22-16285(PQ); Reviewed: 18-Mar-2022, QC No. GJISS-22-16285; Revised: 23-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. GJISS-22-16285(R); Published: 31-Mar-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2319-8834/22.11.017


Personal commitment is an essential condition of human lifestyle. Ethics in the broadest sense refers to the concern that people have constantly had for figuring out how excellent to live. Ethics plays an important role in our lives is like the crucial thing is not life, but the good life. We would all like to avoid a bad life, one that is shameful and sad, essentially lacking in worthy achievements, unredeemed by love, kindness, beauty, friendship, courage, honor, joy, or grace. Today, the study of ethics can be discovered in many different places. As an academic subject of study, it belongs mostly to the field of philosophy, where it is studied either on a theoretical stage or on a practical, implemented level as it will be our focus. In community life, ethics is pursued through various cultural, political and spiritual beliefs and practices, by which particular social groups explain about ethical values.

On a personal level, it can be found in an individual’s selfreflection and continual strivings to become a better person. In work life, it is regularly formulated in formal codes or standards to which all members of a profession are held, such as those of medical or legal ethics. Professional ethics is also taught in dedicated guides, such as business ethics. There is a growing international consensus that ethics is of increasing importance to education in technical fields and that it must become a part of the language that technologists are comfortable using. Today, the world’s largest technical professional organization, IEEE (The Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers), has an entire division devoted just to technology ethics. In 2014, IEEE started keeping its own international conferences on ethics in engineering, science and technology practice. To supplement its overarching professional code of ethics, IEEE is also operating on new ethical requirements in rising regions such as (Artificial Intelligence) AI, robotics, and data management. The fundamental purpose is actually quite simple. Technology is being advanced day by day how human beings seek the good life and with what degree of success. Well-designed and well-used technologies could make it easier for humans to live well (for example, by permitting more efficient use and distribution of important sources for a good life, such as food, water, energy or medical care). Poorly designed or misused technology can make it more difficult to live well (for example, by toxifying our environment or through reinforcing unsafe, unhealthy or antisocial habits). Technologies aren't ethically neutral, for they replicate the values that we ‘bake in’ to them with our design choices, as well as the values which guide our distribution and use of them.


Technologies both reveal and shape what human beings value, what we assume is right in life and really well worth seeking. This constantly been true that technology has never been separate from our ideas about the good lifestyles. We don’t build or invest in a technology hoping it's going to make no one’s life better or hoping that it makes all our lives worse. Laws and regulations have traditionally been important instruments of preserving the good life within a society, but today they are being outpaced through the speed, scale, and complexity of latest technological developments and their often hard-to-predict social impacts.

Citation: Smith T (2022) An Overview on Ethical Values. Global J Interdiscipl Soc Sci. 11:017.

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