Short Communication - (2021) Volume 7, Issue 2
, DOI: 10.35248/2471-2663.21.7.104
Hair transplantation is the most frequently practiced aesthetic surgery procedure in males all over the World. The first western country in number of transplants is USA followed by Japan (first eastern country), Italy (first European country) and then, Argentina and Brazil in South America. In Spain (first European country in number of aesthetic surgeries) no other procedure increased so exponentially (200%) its popularity in such a short time (3 years).
Hair transplant; Herbal cure; Surgery; Epidemiological study
Hair transplantation is the most frequently practiced aesthetic surgery procedure in males all over the World [1]. The first western country in number of transplants is USA followed by Japan (first eastern country), Italy (first European country) and then, Argentina and Brazil in South America. In Spain (first European country in number of aesthetic surgeries) no other procedure increased so exponentially (200%) its popularity in such a short time (3 years). Contributing factors have been [2]: the high prevalence of androgenetic alopecia in Spain, the indication of hair transplant in much other pathology, the improvements in operative technique and microsurgical supports, the researching in hair micrografts, the better echonomical level of the inhabitants, and the specifically training of assistants and surgeons. Although hair micrografts are more and more demanded, there are still socio-cultural negative pressions for refusing the technique to be studied to be solved.
An epidemiological study of the social, echonomical and cultural circumstances, and the psychological and medical conditions of more than 392 micro-auto. Transplanted patients is presented. The main aim of the study was to know the usual profile of the patient seeking for hair restoration and the ideal candidate for the technique [3].
333 patients consulting for alopecia of diverse grades and origin were selected in 2 years. All of them gave their informed consent and permission for hair transplantation and for inclusion in the study. They were asked and they filled the questionaries’ forms related to socio-echonomical and psycho-medical conditions. They followed the same clinical standard protocol and were operated by the same surgeon at the out-patient clinic [4], undistinctly using FUS and FUE techniques. Information was obtained from the clinical histories and the physical examination of the patients at 2 weeks, 1, 3, 6 and 12 months followed-up. At last, a survey of patient satisfaction concerning to their expectatives and results, and to the procedure was carried out.
Aesthetical results were optimal or good in 89% of the patients. Even a higher (96%) satisfaction with the procedure was found. More than 97% of the patients would repeat the technique or recommend the procedure to their relatives.
The study points out that a 45 years old male, with medium socio- echonomical and high cultural levels, fourth grade of androgenetic alopecia in the Hamilton-Norwood scale, is the usual profile of the patient seeking for hair restoration in european countries [5] like Spain. This represents only a selectioned and restricted group of the alopecic population that could have been transplanted years before (as it happens in USA). Information, promotion and marketing of hair transplantation from an ethical and right medical point of view, and from evidence-based medicine could tempt a more number of patients to profit the benefits of hair transplantation in early ages.