Short Communication - (2022) Volume 11, Issue 6

A Significant Role in All Aspects of Life: Ethics for Children
Michele R Mele*
School of Interactive Arts and Technology, Boise State University, Boise, USA
*Correspondence: Michele R Mele, School of Interactive Arts and Technology, Boise State University, Boise, USA, Email:

Received: 14-Nov-2022, Manuscript No. GJISS-22-18759; Editor assigned: 17-Nov-2022, Pre QC No. GJISS-22-18759(PQ); Reviewed: 02-Dec-2022, QC No. GJISS-22-18759; Revised: 09-Dec-2022, Manuscript No. GJISS-22-18759(R); Published: 16-Dec-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2319-8834.11.035


Early exposure to moral principles like kindness, humility, bravery, and compassion helps children develop their character. It becomes the very center of who they are and the basis for their moral convictions. This is why it's so important to instill moral ideals in them while they're still young.

Today, ethics play a significant role in all facets of life [1] because education is a basic aspect of human life, ethics have taken on increased significance in the educational setting. As a result, ethics is a crucial subject in school. By using technology, we can quickly access any knowledge. The use of technology in education exposes some moral issues like plagiarism. Ethics ought to be included as a course in the educational system so that people can comprehend its significance. It is vital to define ethics and education before continuing with this discussion. The most significant and active area of philosophy today is ethics. Ethics is, in general, a moral philosophy. The Greek word ethos, which meaning custom or character, is where the word ethics comes from. It has to do with our morals and principles. Ethics therefore deals with our behavior and experiences in daily life.

We are accountable for all of our choices because we have the mental capacity to consider them. Additionally, it is possible to define ethics as the study of good and evil. Some ethical concepts include justice and injustice, virtue and vice, good and evil, and right and wrong [2]. The two categories of ethics are theoretical ethics and applied ethics. Normative ethics, descriptive ethics, and met ethics are all parts of theoretical ethics. Professional ethics are referred to as applied ethics.

In a broad sense, education refers to any action or experience that has a forming influence on a person's mind, character, or physical ability. According to its etymology, the term "education" comes from the Latin word "educo," which means "to educate, train". Learning and knowledge gathering are two aspects of education. It denotes instruction and learning. Human mind, character, and physical talents are all impacted by education [3]. The history of education dates back to the beginning of human history. Education also helps people reach their full potential and helps them become civilized human beings. Education may spread culture and cultural legacy since it is man's primary activity to convey knowledge, skills, and attitudes from one generation to the next [4]. Ancient Greek philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle contributed to the formation of our current educational system through their ideas on education. They all generally agree that education should be used to advance humanity. Modern educational techniques still make use of the Socratic Method. In this approach, teachers pose some queries to pupils in an effort to sharpen their intellects, and the latter attempt to respond by providing justifications. The philosophies of these philosophers serve as the foundation for contemporary educational theories. The creator of idealism, Plato, asserted that education should focus on enhancing a person's capacity to benefit society. The first university in the world, Academy, was also founded by him. According to him, everyone has the right to an education. He asserted that there were several levels of schooling. He considered education to be a crucial component of any civilization. Aristotle, the father of realism, on the other hand, thought that only citizens could receive an education. He thought that an educated person was a happy person [4]. He argued in favour of technical, practical, and theoretical education. Physical and mental development are aided by education. Education was viewed in ancient Greece as a state activity whose purpose was to further the interests of the state. Today's education also meets the demands of the state or society as well as the people [5]. Consequently, education is crucial to us.


It enhances character, imparts information, and promotes state advancement. In addition to making a man whole, education is crucial for the advancement of society and the state. Education's fundamental building blocks are schools. School aids in a child's development as a decent citizen and person. Teaching ethics in schools is crucial because only ethical education can achieve this. Why is morality significant, and why should morality be taught in schools? What sort of ethics ought to be covered in the classroom? I'll make an effort to discuss this topic in this chapter. Four stages can be identified in the education of ethics:

1. Family ethics education

2. Education in ethics in schools

3. Education in ethics in universities

4. Business ethics education


Citation: Mele R M (2022) A Significant Role in All Aspects of Life: Ethics for Children. Global J Interdiscipl Soc Sci. 11:035.

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