Perspective - (2022) Volume 0, Issue 0

A Short Note on Brain Mapping
Azza Abdelaziz*
Department of Pathology, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt
*Correspondence: Azza Abdelaziz, Department of Pathology, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt, Email:

Received: 03-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. BDT-22-001; Editor assigned: 05-Feb-2022, Pre QC No. BDT-22-001 (PQ); Reviewed: 19-Feb-2022, QC No. BDT-22-001; Revised: 24-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. BDT-22-001(R); Published: 03-Mar-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2168-975X.22.11.001


Brain mapping is a set of neuroscientific techniques based on mapping (biological) quantities or properties to the spatial representation of the (human or non-human) brain to create a map. In summary, as defined by the Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics (SBMT) in 2013, brain mapping is a study of brain and spinal cord anatomy and function using imaging, immunohistochemistry, molecular and optogenetics. It is specifically defined as Stem cells and cell biology, engineering, neurophysiology and nanotechnology.

All neuroimaging is considered part of the brain mapping. Brain mapping can be conceptualized as a more advanced form of neuroimaging that produces brain images that are complemented by the results of additional (imaging or nonimaging) data processing or analysis. A map that projects behavior (measurements) onto the brain region (fMRI). Such a map, called a connectogram, shows the cortical area around a circle organized by the concentric circles in the ring represent a variety of common neurological measurements, including: Cortex thickness or curvature. The line representing the white matter fibers in the center of the circle shows the connections between the cortical regions and is weighted by the proportion of anisotropy and the strength of the connections. At higher resolutions, the map of the brain is called the Connectome. These maps contain individual neural connections in the brain and are often displayed as schematics.

Brain function mapping technology is constantly evolving and relies on the development and improvement of image capture, representation, and analysis, visualization, and interpretation techniques. Functional and structural neuroimaging is central to the mapping aspect of brain mapping. Brain function mapping techniques for measuring brain function during recovery and rehabilitation include local cerebral blood flow (rCBF), local metabolic rate (rCMRglc), PET or SPECT, fMRI, near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), and electroencephalography (NIRS). Includes EEG and Magneto encephalography (MEG).

Trans cranial magnets

This new technology opens the door to iteratively, systematically and extensively investigating connection patterns within a single individual. Researchers can also pinpoint the direction of information flow in the brain. This is an important discovery for understanding how information is processed in the brain.

Some scientists criticize claims made in scientific journals and tabroids based on the image of the brain, such as the discovery of "responsible parts of the brain" such as love, musical abilities, and certain memories. Many mapping techniques involving hundreds of thousands of neurons in a single voxel have relatively low resolution. Many functions also include multiple parts of the brain. In short, this type of claim may not be validated by the equipment used and is generally based on false assumptions about how brain function is divided. Most brain function may not be well described until it is measured with much finer measurements that examine a large number of small individual brain circuits rather than large areas. Many of these studies also mean that they cannot be reproduced due to technical issues such as small sample sizes and poorly calibrated devices. In some cases, brain function mapping technology is used for commercial purposes.

Citation: Abdelaziz A (2022) A Short Note on Brain Mapping. Brain Disord Ther. S4:001

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