Editorial - (2021) Volume 0, Issue 0

A Brief Note on Coastal Development and Coastal Erosion Hazards
Vidy Ryan*
Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Abuja, Giri, PMB 117, Abuja, Nigeria
*Correspondence: Vidy Ryan, Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Abuja, Giri, PMB 117, Abuja, Nigeria, Email:

Received: 09-Dec-2021 Published: 30-Dec-2021

Editorial Note

A coastal development hazard is something that influences the natural habitat by human activities and products. As coasts become more developed, the vulnerability component of the equation increases as there is more value at risk to the hazard. The probability component of the equation also elevates as there is more worth on the coast so a higher opportunity of dangerous circumstance happening. Essentially people cause hazards with their presence. In a coastal example, erosion is a cycle that happens normally on the Canterbury Bight as a piece of the coastal geomorphology of the area and strong long shore flows. This method turns into a hazard when people interact with that coastal climate by developing it and making value around there.

In a coastal context these risks change temporally and spatially from a rare, unexpected, enormous release of energy and materials such as a significant storm event or tsunami, to the continual chronic arrival of energy and materials such long term coastal erosion or sea level ascent. It is this type of coastal hazard, explicitly around erosion and attributes surrounding erosion.

Although coastal regions have globally shown population development and expansions in density, few in-depth quantitative worldwide investigations of population have been carried out, particularly in terms of distribution across specific environs, like coasts. The spatial distribution and accuracy of worldwide information should be essentially improved before realistic quantitative evaluations of the worldwide effects of coastal hazards can be made, as presently a large part of the information is collected and analyzed in the disasters.

Coastal erosion hazards

Coastal erosion is quite possibly the main hazards related with the coast. Not in terms of a rare massive release of energy or material resulting about loss of life, as it is related with tsunami and typhoons, but in terms of a continual chronic release that forms a threat to infrastructure, capital resources and property.

Restorative dune planting is the alternative to hard engineering measures is sand dune conservation. This includes safeguarding the sand ridges and permitting the regular buffering processes to happen. Dune protection and conservation can be worked in various ways, effectively with dune planting and sand fencing, or with better planning by growing away from or well behind the dune structures not on them.

Beach erosion process is storm instigated large erosion events are a part of the regular evolutionary process of fine residue, delicately inclining sea shores. Expanded wave energy in storms prompts the expulsion of foreshore, berm and dune sediments. These displaced sediments are then deposited as close to shore and act to hose the wave energy lessoning how much sediment that is being eroded from the coast. Whenever wave energies decline post storm events, the residue from these recently kept close to shore bars are returned to the upper ocean side, reconstructing the berm. This self-amending cycle is a functioning between wave energies and fine silt deposition. This store of residue being accessible for erosion in storms and yet again saving when the event has subsided is a significant natural buffer mechanism against safeguarding mainland from erosion and limiting seaside retreat.

Citation: Ryan V (2021) A Brief Note on Coastal Development and Coastal Erosion Hazards. J Coast Zone Manag. S7:e001.

Copyright: © 2021 Ryan V. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.