Articles published in Journal of Nutritional Disorders & Therapy have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Nutritional Disorders & Therapy has got h-index 25, which means every article in Journal of Nutritional Disorders & Therapy has got 25 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Nutritional Disorders & Therapy.

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Total published articles

41 57 60 25 86 7 21 25 27 37 25 31 15 7 0

Research, Review articles and Editorials

19 1 1 13 0 0 19 17 22 27 18 27 12 7 0

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

15 56 59 12 86 7 2 8 5 10 7 4 3 0 0

Conference proceedings

18 0 0 11 0 0 79 67 27 30 0 0 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

166 237 271 327 390 289 252 243 178 121 81 35 27 33 16
Journal total citations count 2715
Journal impact factor 1.61
Journal 5 years impact factor 1.77
Journal cite score 9.21
Journal h-index 25
Important citations

Andare N, Ochola S, Chege P. Determinants of infant feeding practices among mothers living with HIV attending prevention of mother to child transmission Clinic at Kiambu Level 4 hospital, Kenya: a cross-sectional study. Nutrition journal. 2019;18(1):64.

Zgheib C, Matta J, Sacre Y. Evaluation of Food Behaviour and Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women Resident in Keserwan. J Preg Child Health. 2017;4(331):2.

Tenaw Z, Arega M, Tachbele E. Nutritional knowledge, attitude and practices among pregnant women who attend antenatal care at public hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery. 2018;10(7):81-9.

Nimbalkar PB, Patel JN, Thakor N, Patni M. Impact of educational intervention regarding anaemia and its preventive measures among pregnant women: an interventional study. Int J Reprod Contraception, Obstet Gynecol. 2017;6(12).

Adznam SN, Sedek R, Kasim ZM. Assessment of knowledge level on anaemia among pregnant women in Putrajaya. InAIP Conference Proceedings 2018(Vol. 1940, No. 1, p. 020104). AIP Publishing.

Prawita A, indra Susanti A, Sari P. Survei Intervensi Ibu Hamil Kurang Energi Kronik (KEK) di Kecamatan Jatinangor Tahun 2015. Jurnal Sistem Kesehatan. 2017;2(4).

Alfawaz HA, Khan N, AlOteabi N, Hussain SD, Al-Daghri NM. Factors associated with dietary supplement use in Saudi pregnant women. Reproductive health. 2017;14(1):104.

Amegah AK, Nsoh M, Ashley-Amegah G, Anaman-Togbor J. What factors influences dietary and non-dietary vitamin D intake among pregnant women in an African population?. Nutrition. 2018;50:36-44.

Kaur K, Grover K, Kaur N. Assessment of Nutrition Knowledge of Rural Mothers and Its Effectiveness in Improving Nutritional Status of Their Children. Indian Research Journal of Extension Education. 2016;15(4):90-8.

Nana A, Zema T. Dietary practices and associated factors during pregnancy in northwestern Ethiopia. BMC pregnancy and childbirth. 2018;18(1):183.

Revilla Zamudio ME, Vidal Acosta C. Impacto de un Programa de Asesoría Nutricional en colaboradores con sobrepeso u obesidad del Área Administrativa, Enero-Julio de 2014.

GrušaitÄ— M. Asmenų, turinčių celiulito paveiktÄ… odÄ…, kÅ«no kompozicijos rodiklių kaita, taikant fizinÄ™ veiklÄ… ir limfodrenažą (Doctoral dissertation, Siauliai University).

Lee J, Henning R, Cherniack M. Correction Workers’ Burnout and Outcomes: A Bayesian Network Approach. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2019;16(2):282.

Buyukuslu N, Velioglu Y. Hizli. Nutrition and health status of health care professionals. J Nutr Health Food Eng. 2014;1(6):234-9.

Obese CD. Research and Reviews: Journal of Medical and Health Sciences.

Gurda M. Barriers that Prevent Correctional Officers from Seeking Help for Extreme Work Stress: A Qualitative Exploratory Case Study (Doctoral dissertation, Ashford University).

Mella-Norambuena J, Celis C, Sáez-Delgado F, Aeloiza A, Echeverria C, Nazar G, Petermann-Rocha F. Revisión sistemática de práctica de actividad física en estudiantes universitarios. Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. 2019;8(2):37-58.

Atanasova HA. ASSOCIATION BETWEEN BODY MASS INDEX AND PERCEIVED BODY WEIGHT AMONG NURSES STUDENTS. International Journal Scientific and Applicative papers V8/2.:33.

Hotz RL. Are Weight and Diet Related to the Gut Microbiome in Healthy College Students Living in the Dorms?: A Cross-Sectional Observational Analysis. Arizona State University; 2016.

Mayhew A. Physical activity predicting college students' executive functioning dimensions (Doctoral dissertation, Middle Tennessee State University).