Articles published in Journal of Membrane Science & Technology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Membrane Science & Technology has got h-index 13, which means every article in Journal of Membrane Science & Technology has got 13 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Membrane Science & Technology.

  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019

Year wise published articles

56 60 55 10 7

Year wise citations received

148 157 154 151 95
Journal total citations count 972
Journal Impact Factor 1.92
Journal 5 years Impact Factor 2.24
Journal CiteScore 5.4
Journal h-index 13
Important citations

Alazzam A, Mathew B, Alhammadi F (2016) Novel microfluidic device for the continuous separation of cancer cells using dielectrophoresis. J Sep Sci 40: 1193-1200.

Park JW, Lee NR, Cho SM, Jung MY, Ihm C, et al. (2015) Microdevice for separation of circulating tumor cells using embedded magnetophoresis with V-shaped Ni-Co nanowires and immuno-nanomagnetic beads. ETRI Journal 37: 233-240.

Elvington ES, Salmanzadeh A, Stremler MA, Davalos RV (2013) Label-free isolation and enrichment of cells through contactless dielectrophoresis. J Vis Exp 79:1-10.

Singh BM, Mohanvir K, Nishit G, Kumar BV (2015) RRJMHS 4: 1-12

Donnell ML, Lyon AJ, Mormile MR, Barua S (2016) Endotoxin hitchhiking on polymer nanoparticles. Nanotechnology 27: 285601.

Sandle T (2016) Control of WFI and Clean Steam Systems for Bacterial Endotoxins| IVT.

Pirsaheb M, Naderi S , Lorestani B , Khosravi T , Sharaf K (2014) Efficiency of Reverse Osmosis System in the Removal of Lead, Cadmium, Chromium and Zinc in Feed Water of Dialysis Instruments in Kermanshah Hospitals. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 24: 151-157.

Pirsaheb M, Naderi S, Lorestani B, Khosrawi T (2015) Evaluating the Trend of Heavy Metals Concentration Changes in Feed Water to Reverse Osmosis, Feed and Permeate Water of Dialysis Instrument of Hemodialysis Patients-A (Case Study: Kermanshah Hospitals. Scientific Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences 23: 71-78.

Salami ES, Ehetshami M, Karimi-Jashni A, Salari M, Sheibani SN (2016) A mathematical method and artificial neural network modeling to simulate osmosis membrane’s performance. Model Earth Syst Environ 2: 207.

Garg MC, Joshi H (2015) Optimization and economic analysis for a small scale nanofiltration and reverse osmosis water desalination system. Wa Sci Technol. 15:1027-1033.

Shaw R, Sharma R, Tiwari S, Tiwari SK (2016) Surface engineered zeolite: An active interface for rapid adsorption and degradation of toxic contaminants in water. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8: 12520-12527.

Pirsaheb M, Naderi S, Lorestani B, Khosrawi T, Sharafi K (2014) Efficiency of Reverse Osmosis System in the Removal of Lead, Cadmium, Chromium and Zinc in Feed Water of Dialysis Instruments in Kermanshah Hospitals. J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 24:151-157.

Garg MC, Joshi H (2014) Optimization and economic analysis of small scale nanofiltration and reverse osmosis brackish water system powered by photovoltaics. Desalination 353: 57-74.

Waghmare SS, Arfin T (2015) Fluoride Removal from Water by various techniques: Review. IJIRSET 2: 560-571.

Mohamad MB, Fong YY, Shariff A (2016) Gas Separation of Carbon Dioxide from Methane Using Polysulfone Membrane Incorporated with Zeolite-T. Procedia Eng 148:621-629.

Maheswari AU, Palanivelu K. Carbon dioxide capture by facilitated transport membranes: a review.

Labreche Y (2016) Functionalized Polymeric Membranes for CO2 Capture. Journal of Membrane Science and Research 2: 59-65.

Tzi EC, Ching OP (2016) Surface Modification of AMH-3 for Development of Mixed Matrix Membranes. Procedia Eng 148:86-92.

Muhammad M, Yeong YF, Lau KK, Mohd Shariff AB (2015) Issues and challenges in the development of deca-dodecasil 3 rhombohedral membrane in CO2 capture from natural gas. Sep Purif Rev 44: 331-40.

Songolzadeh M, Soleimani M, Takht Ravanchi M, Songolzadeh R (2014) Carbon dioxide separation from flue gases: a technological review emphasizing reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Scientific World J 828131: 34.