Articles published in Journal of Membrane Science & Technology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Membrane Science & Technology has got h-index 13, which means every article in Journal of Membrane Science & Technology has got 13 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Membrane Science & Technology.

  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019

Year wise published articles

56 60 55 10 7

Year wise citations received

148 157 154 151 95
Journal total citations count 972
Journal Impact Factor 1.92
Journal 5 years Impact Factor 2.24
Journal CiteScore 5.4
Journal h-index 13
Important citations

Rosly, M. B., Jusoh, N., Othman, N., Rahman, H. A., Sulaiman, R. N. R., & Noah, N. F. M. (2020). Stability of emulsion liquid membrane using bifunctional diluent and blended nonionic surfactant for phenol removal. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, 148, 107790.

Noah, N. M., & Ndangili, P. M. Nanocomposite materials for water purification: synthesis, characterization, and applications. Spectroscopy and Machine Learning for Water Quality Analysis.

Roy, S., Maji, P. K., & Goh, K. L. (2021). Sustainable design of flexible 3D aerogel from waste PET bottle for wastewater treatment to energy harvesting device. Chemical Engineering Journal, 413, 127409.

Rosly, M. B., Jusoh, N., Othman, N., Rahman, H. A., Noah, N. F. M., & Sulaiman, R. N. R. (2019). Effect and optimization parameters of phenol removal in emulsion liquid membrane process via fractional-factorial design. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 145, 268-278.

Šišková, A. O., Peer, P., Andicsová, A. E., Jordanov, I., & Rychter, P. (2021). Circulatory management of polymer waste: recycling into fine fibers and their applications. Materials, 14(16), 4694.

Cermenek, B., Grimmer, I., Raunicher, J., Ranninger, J., & Hacker, V. (2016). Materialentwicklung für die ADEFC. CEET konkret, 2015, 28-29.

Abdullah, S., Latif, K. S. A., Besar, M. B., Zu, N. A. M., Hashim, N., Sobri, N. A. M., & Hassan, L. S. (2021). Statistical analysis on conductivity of MC-KOH-PEG membrane using central composite design. Materials Today: Proceedings.

Zbik, M. S. (2020). Why Treatment of The Water Based Clay Slurries is Not Effective in Separation Attempts; The Microstructural Review. Pharmacol biomol res 3: 111. Pharmacol biomol res, 3(1), 63-67.

Samsudin, A. M., & Hacker, V. (2020). Preparation and Characterization of Poly (vinyl alcohol)-based Anion Exchange Membranes. In # PLACEHOLDER_PARENT_METADATA_VALUE# (pp. DiP3-03).

Abdullah, S., Hashim, N., Shobery, N. A. M., Abdullah, N., & Hassan, L. S. (2021, September). Brief review of solid polymer electrolyte for direct ethanol fuel cells applications. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2370, No. 1, p. 020032). AIP Publishing LLC.

Krishnadevi, K., RatnaKumari, S., Prasanna, D., Prasanna, H. B. N., & Anuradha, V. (2022). Non-covalent functionalization of triazine framework decorated over reduced graphene oxide as a novel anode catalyst support for glycerol oxidation. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 607, 1776-1785.

Samsudin, A. M., & Hacker, V. (2021). Effect of Crosslinking on the Properties of QPVA/PDDA Anion Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cells Application. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 168(4), 044526.

Matshe, W. M., Tshweu, L., & Balogun, M. O. (2018, September). Synthesis of a novel amphiphilic nano-chitosan material. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 430, No. 1, p. 012047). IOP Publishing.

Gorgieva, S., Osmi?, A., Hribernik, S., Boži?, M., Svete, J., Hacker, V., ... & Genorio, B. (2021). Efficient Chitosan/Nitrogen-Doped Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite Membranes for Direct Alkaline Ethanol Fuel Cells. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(4), 1740.

Samsudin, A. M., Wolf, S., Roschger, M., & Hacker, V. (2021). Poly (vinyl alcohol)-Based Anion Exchange Membranes for Alkaline Direct Ethanol Fuel Cells. International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 10(3).

Sacco, P., Pedroso-Santana, S., Kumar, Y., Joly, N., Martin, P., & Bocchetta, P. (2021). Ionotropic Gelation of Chitosan Flat Structures and Potential Applications. Molecules, 26(3), 660.

Samaniego, A. J., Arabelo, A. K., Sarker, M., Mojica, F., Madrid, J., Chuang, P. Y. A., ... & Espiritu, R. (2021). Fabrication of cellulose acetate?based radiation grafted anion exchange membranes for fuel cell application. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 138(10), 49947.

Tzou, Y. M., Chan, Y. T., Chen, S. E., Wang, C. C., Chiang, P. N., Teah, H. Y., ... & Liu, Y. T. (2019). Use 3-D tomography to reveal structural modification of bentonite-enriched clay by nonionic surfactants: Application of organo-clay composites to detoxify aflatoxin B1 in chickens. Journal of hazardous materials, 375, 312-319.

Souto, E. B., Severino, P., Yassue-Cordeiro, P. H., Felisbino, R. F., Gomes, E. L., & da Silva, C. F. (2017). Organic/Zeolites Nanocomposite Membranes. In Organic-Inorganic Composite Polymer Electrolyte Membranes (pp. 73-98). Springer, Cham.

Albayrak Ar?, G., & ?im?ek, Ö. (2020). Imidazolium functionalized poly (vinyl alcohol) membranes for direct methanol alkaline fuel cell applications. Polymer International, 69(7), 644-652.