Articles published in Journal of Membrane Science & Technology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Membrane Science & Technology has got h-index 13, which means every article in Journal of Membrane Science & Technology has got 13 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Membrane Science & Technology.

  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019

Year wise published articles

56 60 55 10 7

Year wise citations received

148 157 154 151 95
Journal total citations count 972
Journal Impact Factor 1.92
Journal 5 years Impact Factor 2.24
Journal CiteScore 5.4
Journal h-index 13
Important citations

Al-Sakkari, E. G., Attia, N. K., Habashy, M. M., Abdeldayem, O. M., Mostafa, S. R., El-Sheltawy, S. T., ... & Elnashaie, S. S. (2021). A bi-functional alginate-based composite for catalyzing one-pot methyl esters synthesis from waste cooking oil having high acidity. Fuel, 306, 121637.

Liu, G., Lu, Y., Shi, L., Ren, Y., Kong, J., Zhang, M., ... & Liu, W. (2020). TLR4-MyD88 signaling pathway is responsible for acute lung inflammation induced by reclaimed water. Journal of hazardous materials, 396, 122586.

Affonso, L. N., Marques Jr, J. L., Lima, V. V., Gonçalves, J. O., Barbosa, S. C., Primel, E. G., ... & Cadaval Jr, T. R. (2020). Removal of fluoride from fertilizer industry effluent using carbon nanotubes stabilized in chitosan sponge. Journal of hazardous materials, 388, 122042.

Lopez, A. M., Demydov, D., Rogers, B., Cleous, H., Tran, L., Smith, C., ... & Hestekin, J. A. (2018). Economic comparison of pressure driven membrane processes to electrically driven processes for use in hydraulic fracturing. Separation Science and Technology, 53(5), 767-776.

Sazali, N., Salleh, W. N. W., Ismail, A. F., & Iwamoto, Y. (2021). Incorporation of thermally labile additives in polyimide carbon membrane for hydrogen separation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46(48), 24855-24863.

Widiastuti, N., Widyanto, A. R., Caralin, I. S., Gunawan, T., Wijiyanti, R., Wan Salleh, W. N., ... & Suzuki, K. (2021). Development of a P84/ZCC Composite Carbon Membrane for Gas Separation of H2/CO2 and H2/CH4. ACS Omega.

Gizaw, E. T., Yeh, H. H., Chu, J. P., & Hu, C. C. (2020). Fabrication and characterization of nitrogen selective thin-film metallic glass/polyacrylonitrile composite membrane for gas separation. Separation and Purification Technology, 237, 116340.

Zarei, Abedi Koopai, Jahangir, Nekouei Esfahani, Azadeh, Talebi, ... & Sirvan. (2020). Investigation of the concentration of heavy metals in the water entering the dialysis machines of Shahid Beheshti Hospital in Qorveh. Zanko Journal of Medical Sciences , 21 (68), 65-72.

Bodzek, M., & Konieczny, K. (2018). Fluorides in the aquatic environment - threats and methods of disposal. Environmental Engineering and Protection , 21 .

Pir Sahib Miqdad, Naderi Shahram, Lorestani Bahareh, Khosravi Toobi, & Sharafi Kiomars. Investigation of the trend of changes in heavy metal concentrations of water entering the reverse osmosis system and water entering and leaving the dialysis machine of hemodialysis patients - Case study: Hospitals of Kermanshah province.

Pirsaheb, Meqdad, Naderi, Lorestani, Bahareh, Khosravi, ... & Kiomars. (2015). Investigation of the trend of changes in heavy metal concentrations of water entering the reverse osmosis system and water entering and leaving the dialysis machine of hemodialysis patients - Case study: Hospitals of Kermanshah province. Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences , 23 (4), 71-78.

Rusdi, R., & Wardalia, W. (2018). Making Aquademineralized From Waste Water Ac (Air Conditioner) Using Reverse Osmosis Technology. Teknika: Journal of Science and Technology , 14 (2), 143-150.

Pirsaheb, Meqdad, Naderi, Lorestani, Bahareh, Khosravi, ... & Kiomars. Evaluation of the efficiency of reverse osmosis system in removing lead, cadmium, chromium and zinc from the water entering the dialysis machines of hospitals in Kermanshah province. Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences , 24 (118), 151-157.

Alalowi, M., & Alsalem, M. (2020). Effect of Home Water Filtration Systems on Fluoride Content of Drinking Water in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. International Journal, 8(2), 31-34.

Bhagwat, D. S., & Munavalli, G. R. (2020). Study on Feed and Reject Water Quality in Reverse Osmosis Systems. In Global Challenges in Energy and Environment (pp. 109-117). Springer, Singapore.

Refaey, H. A., Eid, M. A., Abdellatief, O. E., Sakr, R. Y., & Berbish, N. S. (2020). Experimental Investigation of Operating Parameters Effects on the Performance of Reverse Osmosis with Thin Film Composite (TFC) Membrane. Journal of Porous Media, 23(12).

Abbaszadeh, M., Mosaferi, M., Firouzi, P., Abedpour, M. A., & Sheykholeslami, S. (2021). Evaluation of Physicochemical and Microbial Quality Control of Hemodialysis Machines Water in Hospitals. Depiction of Health, 12(1), 12-23.

Singh, S., Johari, A., & Gautam, A. K. Performance Study of Community Scale Reverse Osmosis Plant, Vidhani Jaipur.

Khan, S. (2021). Fluoride Remediation Using Membrane Processes. Environmental Pollution and Remediation, 175-194.