Editorial Board

Min Li
Professor, Department of Neurosurgery
The University of Texas Health Science Center, USA

Jiaqi Su
Executive Editor
Post-doc Researcher, Department of Health Sciences and Technology
ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Switzerland

Shizuma Toru
Executive Editor
Assistant Professor, Department of Gastroenterology, St. Luke's International Hospital
Tokyo, Japan

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Table of Contents

About the Journal

Index Copernicus  Value (ICV): 84.15

The liver supports almost every organ in the vertebrates and some other animals, is vital for survival. Because of its strategic location and multidimensional functions, the liver is also prone to many diseases. The Journal of Liver addresses both the vital role of the liver in the body and also the infections such as hepatitis, alcohol damage, fatty liver, cirrhosis, drug damage, Liver cancer, Liver function, Liver disease, Liver, Fatty liver disease, Liver function test, Liver transplant, Liver cirrhosis, Wilsona's disease, Gallstones symptoms, Hepatocellular carcinoma, Liver inflammation, Hepatocytes .

Walsh Medical Media Journals includes a wide range of fields in its discipline to create a platform for the authors to make their contribution towards that journal and the editorial office promises a peer review process with the help of peer reviewed journals list for the submitted manuscripts in the aspects of quality publishing.

Journal of Liver, one of the fastest growing scientific journals is among the top best open access journals and aims to open access publishing of the most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. in all areas of the field and making them freely available through online without any restrictions or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide.

Journal's online Manuscript submission: Online Submission System or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at wmmsubmissions@peerreviewedjournals.com


Articles published in Journal of Liver have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Liver has got h-index 11 , which means every article in Journal of Liver has got 11 average citations.

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