Articles published in International Journal of Waste Resources have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. International Journal of Waste Resources has got h-index 29, which means every article in International Journal of Waste Resources has got 29 average citations.

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37 60 60 57 23 10 42 60 69 22 46 14 10 4

Research, Review articles and Editorials

2 9 5 28 20 7 9 53 60 22 35 12 10 4

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486 620 719 709 534 419 314 206 143 115 44 15 0 0
Journal total citations count 4450
Journal impact factor 1.79
Journal 5 years impact factor 2.53
Journal cite score 13.83
Journal h-index 29
Important citations

Yoshikawa K. Emerging Technologies for Waste‐to‐Energy and Fuel Conversion. Handbook of Clean Energy Systems. 2015;4:1-2.

Merzari F, Langone M, Andreottola G, Fiori L. Methane production from process water of sewage sludge hydrothermal carbonization. A review. Valorising sludge through hydrothermal carbonization. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 2019;49(11):947-88.

Wüst D, Correa CR, Suwelack KU, Köhler H, Kruse A. Hydrothermal carbonization of dry toilet residues as an added-value strategy–Investigation of process parameters. Journal of environmental management. 2019;234:537-45.

Becker GC, Wüst D, Köhler H, Lautenbach A, Kruse A. Novel approach of phosphate-reclamation as struvite from sewage sludge by utilising hydrothermal carbonization. Journal of environmental management. 2019;238:119-25.

Zhao X, Stökle K, Becker GC, Zimmermann M, Kruse A. Hydrothermal carbonization of Spirulina platensis and Chlorella vulgaris combined with protein isolation and struvite production. Bioresource Technology Reports. 2019;6:159-67.

Nakatani N, Mosqueda A, Cabot JM, Rodriguez ES, Yoshikawa K, Paull B. Rapid screening of inorganic and organic anions in liquid by‐products from hydrothermal treatment of biomass by capillary electrophoresis. Electrophoresis. 2018;39(7):1014-20.

Ghanim BM, Kwapinski W, Leahy JJ. Speciation of Nutrients in Hydrochar Produced from Hydrothermal Carbonization of Poultry Litter under Different Treatment Conditions. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2018;6(9):11265-72.

Sabri M. Freeze/thaw treatment for sludge dewatering, nutrient recovery and biogas production in Northern Canadian Communities.

Wu K, Zhang X, Yuan Q. Effects of process parameters on the distribution characteristics of inorganic nutrients from hydrothermal carbonization of cattle manure. Journal of environmental management. 2018;209:328-35.

Wang L, Chang Y, Li A. Hydrothermal carbonization for energy-efficient processing of sewage sludge: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2019;108:423-40.

Stutzenstein P, Bacher M, Rosenau T, Pfeifer C. Optimization of nutrient and carbon recovery from anaerobic digestate via hydrothermal carbonization and investigation of the influence of the process parameters. Waste and biomass valorization. 2018;9:1303-18.

Perera JC, Nakhshiniev B, Gonzales HB, Yoshikawa K. Effect of hydrothermal treatment on macro/micro nutrients extraction from chicken manure for liquid organic fertilizer production. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change. 2015; 21:64-75.

Melo TM, Bottlinger M, Schulz E, Leandro WM, de Aguiar Filho AM, Ok YS, Rinklebe J. Effect of biosolid hydrochar on toxicity to earthworms and brine shrimp. Environmental geochemistry and health. 2017;39(6):1351-64.

Afolabi OO, Sohail M. Comparative evaluation of conventional and microwave hydrothermal carbonization of human biowaste for value recovery. Water Science and Technology. 2017;75(12):2852-63.

Melo TM, Bottlinger M, Schulz E, Leandro WM, de Aguiar Filho AM, Wang H, Ok YS, Rinklebe J. Plant and soil responses to hydrothermally converted sewage sludge (sewchar). Chemosphere. 2018;206:338-48.

Volpe M, Wüst D, Merzari F, Lucian M, Andreottola G, Kruse A, Fiori L. One stage olive mill waste streams valorisation via hydrothermal carbonisation. Waste management. 2018;80:224-34.

Idowu I, Li L, Flora JR, Pellechia PJ, Darko SA, Ro KS, Berge ND. Hydrothermal carbonization of food waste for nutrient recovery and reuse. Waste management. 2017;69:480-91.

Novianti S, Nurdiawati A, Zaini IN, Sumida H, Yoshikawa K. Hydrothermal treatment of palm oil empty fruit bunches: an investigation of the solid fuel and liquid organic fertilizer applications. Biofuels. 2016;7(6):627-36.

Afolabi OO, Sohail M. Microwaving human faecal sludge as a viable sanitation technology option for treatment and value recovery–A critical review. Journal of Environmental Management. 2017;187:401-15.

Afolabi OO, Sohail M, Thomas CL. Characterization of solid fuel chars recovered from microwave hydrothermal carbonization of human biowaste. Energy. 2017;134:74-89.