Articles published in International Journal of Waste Resources have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. International Journal of Waste Resources has got h-index 29, which means every article in International Journal of Waste Resources has got 29 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in International Journal of Waste Resources.

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Total published articles

37 60 60 57 23 10 42 60 69 22 46 14 10 4

Research, Review articles and Editorials

2 9 5 28 20 7 9 53 60 22 35 12 10 4

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

20 51 55 29 3 3 1 7 9 0 11 2 0 0

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0 44 0 0 0 0 62 54 89 0 0 0 45 0

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486 620 719 709 534 419 314 206 143 115 44 15 0 0
Journal total citations count 4450
Journal impact factor 1.79
Journal 5 years impact factor 2.53
Journal cite score 13.83
Journal h-index 29
Important citations

Plocoste T, Jacoby-Koaly S, Molinié J, Roussas A. Effect of leachate recirculation on landfill methane production in a tropical insular area. Innovative Energy and Research. 2016 Jun 30;5(1):1-5.

Nikkhah A, Khojastehpour M, Abbaspour-Fard MH. Hybrid landfill gas emissions modeling and life cycle assessment for determining the appropriate period to install biogas system. Journal of cleaner production. 2018 Jun 1;185:772-80.

LM SP. Research and Reviews: Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences.

Agarwal P, Gupta R, Agarwal N. A review on enzymatic treatment of phenols in wastewater. J Biotechnol Biomater. 2016;6(249):2.

Blanco GC, Rodrigues AC, Marcuzo JS, Baldan MR. Preparação de cabelo caucasiano como material carbonoso. Revista Brasileira de Aplicações de Vácuo. 2019 May 6;38(1):10-3.

Reinoso Arias AR. Evaluación del comportamiento mecánico de un material compuesto de matriz poliéster con fibra de cabello humano y su posible aplicación industrial (Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Técnica de Ambato. Facultad de Ingeniería Civil y Mecánica, Carrera de Ingeniería Mecánica).

Selvakumar K, Omkumar M. Effect of Fiber Composition on the Physical, Mechanical, and Thermal Behavior of Jute and Human Hair–Reinforced Epoxy Composites. Journal of Testing and Evaluation. 2019 Sep 16;49(4).

Darimireddi SR, Kumar SS, Pujari S, Kalyani P. Investigations on Mechanical Properties of Human Hair with Blast Furnace Slag Biocomposites. InRecent Advances in Material Sciences 2019 (pp. 449-456). Springer, Singapore.

Manaf A, Jomichan A, Varghese GM. Human Hair Fibre Reinforced Concrete. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN.:2278-0181.

Rani A, Singh J, Singh TP. An experimental characterization of physical properties of timber woods. Mater Sci Nanotechnol. 2017; 1 (2): 41-45. 42 Mater Sci Nanotechnol 2017 Volume 1 Issue.;2.

Ragul G, Jayakumar V, Sha SU, Biswas R, Kumar C. Tensile Strength Improvement Using Human Hair Reinforcement in Recycled High Density Polyethylene.

Nanda BP, Satapathy A. Processing and thermal characteristics of human hair fiber-reinforced polymer composites. Polymers and Polymer Composites. 2019 Sep 9:0967391119872399.

Nathani S. Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmaceutics and Nanotechnology A Review on Targeted Drug Delivery System-Nanoparticles.

YarbaÅŸi N. Effect of Freezing-Thawing on Clayey Soils Reinforced with Human Hair Fibers. Journal of Natural Fibers. 2019 Nov 17:1-1.

Verma A, Singh C, Singh VK, Jain N. Fabrication and characterization of chitosan-coated sisal fiber–Phytagel modified soy protein-based green composite. Journal of Composite Materials. 2019 Feb 19:0021998319831748.

Srivastav A, Dandekar P, Jain R. Penetration study of oils and its formulations into the human hair using confocal microscopy. Journal of cosmetic dermatology. 2019 Apr 1.

Manik C. Pembuatan Membran Selulosa Asetat-Bentonit Alam Sebagai Filtrasi Air Gambut Desa Kayu Labuogan Komering Ilir.

Kusworo TD, Gerhana AR, Putra NH. Enhancement Performance of Hybrid Membrane Zeolite/PES for Produced Water Treatment With Membrane Modification Using Combination of Ulta Violet Irradiation, Composition of Zeolite and Thermal Annealing. InMATEC Web of Conferences 2018 (Vol. 156, p. 08002). EDP Sciences.

Etemadi H, Yegani R, Seyfollahi M, Babaeipour V. Preparation and performance evaluation of cellulose acetate/nanodiamond nanocomposite membrane in the treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater by membrane bioreactor. Desalination and Water Treatment. 2017;76:98-111.

Gautami J. An Overview of Organoleptic Additives. Nano Sci Nano Technol. 2016;10(5):103.