Articles published in Gerontology & Geriatric Research have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Gerontology & Geriatric Research has got h-index 21, which means every article in Gerontology & Geriatric Research has got 21 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Gerontology & Geriatric Research.

  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Year wise published articles

59 38 18 37 88

Year wise citations received

336 317 251 208 177
Journal total citations count 2125
Journal Impact Factor 5.62
Journal 5 years Impact Factor 3.66
Journal CiteScore 5.14
Journal h-index 21
Important citations

Arun Kumar R, Kavya Manaswini R, Anitha Sri S (2016) Innovative Approaches in the field of Cardiology. Res Rev Biosci. 11: 109.

Yoshimura Y, Bise T, Nagano F, Shimazu S, Shiraishi A, Yamaga M, Koga H (2018) Systemic Inflammation in the Recovery Stage of Stroke: Its Association with Sarcopenia and Poor Functional Rehabilitation Outcomes. Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine. 3: 20180011.

Calvani R, Marini F, Cesari M, Buford TW, Manini TM, Pahor M, Leeuwenburgh C, Bernabei R, Landi F, Marzetti E (2017) Systemic inflammation, body composition, and physical performance in old community‐dwellers. Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle. 8: 69-77.

Korrapati N, Kumar BN, Irshad SM (2016) Alzheimer’s Disease and Memory Loss-A Review. J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism. 6:2161-0460.

Lim MA, Borromeo GL (2018) Oral health of patients with special needs requiring treatment under general anaesthesia. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability. 29:1-6.

Korrapati N, Kumar BN, Irshad SM (2016) Alzheimer’s Disease and Memory Loss-A Review. J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism. 6: 2161-0460.

Mangram AJ, Sucher JF, Dzandu JK (2018) General Evaluation, Risk Management, and Goals of Care. InGeriatric Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, . Springer, Cham. pp. 15-26.

Khan MA, El‐Hennawy H, Jones KC, Harriman D, Farney AC, et al. (2018) Eversion Endarterectomy of the Deceased Donor Renal Artery to Prevent Kidney Discard. Clinical transplantation. 8: e13275.

Khan MA, El‐Hennawy H, Farney AC, Rogers J, Orlando G, et al. (2017) Analysis of local versus imported expanded criteria donor kidneys: A single‐center experience with 497 ECD kidney transplants. Clinical transplantation. 31: e13029.

Pan MY, Hsieh TC, Tai HC, Lin MS, Lin YC, Chen MY (2017) Prevalence of and factors associated with fewer than 20 remaining teeth in Taiwanese adults with disabilities: a community-based cross-sectional study. BMJ open. 7: e016270.

Anisimov VN, Mikhailova ON (2015) GERONTOLOGY IN RUSSIA: MIlestones and perspectives of development. УСПЕХИ ГЕРОНТОЛОГИИ ADVANCES IN GERONTOLOGY 52.

Inshakova AO, Ryzhenkov AY (2014) High-tech materials such as intellectual property in the field of intercountry innovative cooperation between Russia and the US: the legal status of authors and investors. BULLETIN of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Series Law 15:102-111.

INSHAKOVA AO, RYZHENKOV AYA (2014) Legal regulation of cross-border economic turnover of high-tech materials and intellectual rights to them. Bulletin of the Russian University of Peoples' Friendship. Series: Juridical sciences.

Inshakova AO, Ryzhenkov AY (2014) High-tech materials as objects of intellectual property in the sphere of intercountry innovation cooperation between the Russian Federation and the United States: the legal status of authors and investors. Bulletin of Volgograd State University. Series 5: Jurisprudence.

Skulachev MV, Severin FF, Skulachev VP (2014) Receptor regulation of senile phenoptosis. Biochemistry (Moscow) 79: 994-1003.

V Skulachev M, F Severin F, P Skulachev V (2015) Aging as an evolvability-increasing program which can be switched off by organism to mobilize additional resources for survival. Current aging science 8: 95-109.

Age-Related Treatment Disparities among Medicaid Beneficiaries with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

Neelima K. Research and Reviews: Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences.

Gonzalvo CM, de Wit HA, van Oijen BP, Hurkens KP, Janknegt R, et al. (2017) Supporting clinical rules engine in the adjustment of medication (SCREAM): protocol of a multicentre, prospective, randomised study. BMC geriatrics 17: 35.

de Wit HA, Hurkens KP, Gonzalvo CM, Smid M, Sipers W, et al. (2016) The support of medication reviews in hospitalised patients using a clinical decision support system. SpringerPlus 5: 1-0.