Articles published in Gerontology & Geriatric Research have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Gerontology & Geriatric Research has got h-index 21, which means every article in Gerontology & Geriatric Research has got 21 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Gerontology & Geriatric Research.

  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Year wise published articles

59 38 18 37 88

Year wise citations received

336 317 251 208 177
Journal total citations count 2125
Journal Impact Factor 5.62
Journal 5 years Impact Factor 3.66
Journal CiteScore 5.14
Journal h-index 21
Important citations

Chalise HN, Paudel BR. Elderly Abuse among Community-Living Older Adults of Least Developed Country-Nepal. Arch Phys Rehabil Med. 2020;1(1):1-8.

Mishra S, Chalise HN. Health Status of Elderly Living in Briddaashram (Old Age Home). International Journal of Public Health and Safety. 2019;4:172.

Matthews NR, Porter GJ, Varghese M, Sapkota N, Khan MM, Lukose A, Paddick SM, Dissanayake M, Khan NZ, Walker R. Health and socioeconomic resource provision for older people in South Asian countries: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

Majid Z, Welch C, Davies J, Jackson T. Global frailty: The role of ethnicity, migration and socioeconomic factors. Maturitas. 2020 ;139:33-41.

Sharma PK, Reddy BM, Ganguly E. Frailty Syndrome among oldest old Individuals, aged? 80 years: Prevalence & Correlates. Journal of frailty, sarcopenia and falls. 2020;5(4):92.

Rahman Z, Bansal S, Malik S, Mitra B, Das D, Mohan A, Dhingra J, Suneja A, Gulati S, Gupta A, Dabas SC. Cognitive Activities Help Delay Dementia in 60 Plus Population. InDecision Analytics Applications in Industry.2020:249-258.

Muhammad T, Govindu M, Srivastava S. Relationship between chewing tobacco, smoking, consuming alcohol and cognitive impairment among older adults in India: a cross?sectional study. BMC geriatrics. 2021 Dec;21(1):1-4.

Gupta MK, Raghav P, Gautam V, Choudhary Y, Ladha N. A snapshot of factual bitterness of elderly Indians: It’s time to act.

Sugie M, Harada K, Takahashi T, Nara M, Fujimoto H, et al., (2020) Effectiveness of a far?infrared low?temperature sauna program on geriatric syndrome and frailty in community?dwelling older people. Geriatrics & gerontology international. 20(10):892-898.

Korkmaz NÇ, Duray M, Hüzmeli ED, ?enol H (2019 )The Turkish version of the Modified Falls Efficacy Scale: reliability and validity from the viewpoint of balance. Turkish journal of medical sciences. 49(6):1727-35.

Soetikno N (2020 ) Descriptive Study of Adolescent Depression in Covid-19 Pandemic. InThe 2nd Tarumanagara International Conference on the Applications of Social Sciences and Humanities (TICASH 2020). Atlantis Press:588-592.

Morovati M, Morsali Y, Rezaee S, Pezeshki A, Esmaeilzadeh A, Ranjbar H, Islambulchilar M (2020)Increase in the folate level can decrease the intensity of disorder in patients with depression who use citalopram: a randomized clinical trial.

Constantine LA, Wang K, Funk D, Speis A, Moss AH (2020) Use of a State Registry to Compare Practices of Physicians and Nurse Practitioners in Completing Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment Forms. J Palliative Medicine.

Rapoport MJ, Chee JN, Carr DB, Molnar F, Naglie G, Dow J, Marottoli R, Mitchell S, Tant M, Herrmann N, Lanctôt KL. An International Approach to Enhancing a National Guideline on Driving and Dementia. Current psychiatry reports. 2018 Mar 1;20(3):16.

Kyriazis M. 1. Abstract 2. Introduction 3. Discussion 3.1. The three phases of scientific inquiry 3.2. The patient in the context of the environment.

Mc Auley MT, Morgan A, Mooney K. The role of Mathematical Modelling in understanding Aging. CRC Press.

Kyriazis M. Third phase science: defining a novel model of research into human ageing. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). 2017 Jan 1;22:982-90.

Lally KM, Ducharme CM, Roach RL, Towey C, Filinson R, Tuya Fulton A. Interprofessional training: Geriatrics and palliative care principles for primary care teams in an ACO. Gerontology & geriatrics education. 2018 Apr 8:1-1.

KANG YY. South Korean Nurses’ Cognitive Impairment Care in Hospitalised Older Adults.

Kang Y, Moyle W, Cooke M, O'dwyer S. Qualitative evaluation of a delirium prevention and management programme. Journal of clinical nursing. 2017 Dec;26(23-24):4574-82.