Articles published in Gerontology & Geriatric Research have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Gerontology & Geriatric Research has got h-index 21, which means every article in Gerontology & Geriatric Research has got 21 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Gerontology & Geriatric Research.

  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Year wise published articles

59 38 18 37 88

Year wise citations received

336 317 251 208 177
Journal total citations count 2125
Journal Impact Factor 5.62
Journal 5 years Impact Factor 3.66
Journal CiteScore 5.14
Journal h-index 21
Important citations

???, et al. "Relationships between Television Viewing Time and Physical Fitness and Psychological Symptoms in Community-dwelling Older Adults." ????????????= Taiwan Geriatrics & Gerontology 15.1 (2020): 27-38.

Amaro-Gahete, Francisco J., and Manuel J. Castillo. "Beer or Ethanol Effects on the Body Composition Response to High-Intensity Interval Training. The BEER-HIIT Study."

De-la-O, Alejandro, et al. "Effect of Exercise Training on 1, 25 (OH) 2D Levels: The FIT-AGEING Randomized Controlled Trial." Sports Health (2021): 19417381211050033.

Mochón-Benguigui, Sol, et al. "Role of physical activity and fitness on sleep in sedentary middle-aged adults: the FIT-AGEING study." Scientific reports 11.1 (2021): 1-12.

Jurado-Fasoli, Lucas, et al. "Adherence to the Mediterranean diet, dietary factors, and S-Klotho plasma levels in sedentary middle-aged adults." Experimental gerontology 119 (2019): 25-32.

Molina-Hidalgo, C., De-la-O, A., Jurado-Fasoli, L., Amaro-Gahete, F. J., & Castillo, M. J. (2019). Beer or ethanol effects on the body composition response to high-intensity interval training. The BEER-HIIT Study. Nutrients, 11(4), 909.

Amaro-Gahete, Francisco J., Lucas Jurado-Fasoli, Ángel Gutiérrez, Jonatan R. Ruiz, and Manuel J. Castillo. "Association of physical activity and fitness with S-Klotho plasma levels in middle-aged sedentary adults: The FIT-AGEING study." Maturitas 123 (2019): 25-31.

Amaro-Gahete, F. J., De-la-O, A., Jurado-Fasoli, L., Dote-Montero, M., Gutierrez, A., Ruiz, J. R., & Castillo, M. J. (2019). Changes in physical fitness after 12 weeks of structured concurrent exercise training, high intensity interval training, or whole-body electromyostimulation training in sedentary middle-aged adults: a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in physiology, 10, 451.

Subba, N. R. (2021). Senior citizens in Nepal are in desperate need. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 10(2), 176-183.

Joshi, M. R., & Chalise, H. N. (2021). Elderly abuse and quality of life: A study of community living older people of Nepal. Journal of Medical Evidence, 2(2), 113.

Samadarshi, S. C. A., Taechaboonsermsak, P., Tipayamongkholgul, M., & Yodmai, K. (2021). Quality of life and associated factors amongst older adults in a remote community, Nepal. Journal of Health Research.

Acharya, S. R., Suman, B. K., Pahari, S., Shin, Y. C., & Moon, D. H. (2021). Prevalence of abuse among the elderly population of Syangja, Nepal. BMC public health, 21(1), 1-9.

Prakash, S., & Kumar, S. (2019). Perceived stress and quality of life of elderly living separately from their adult children-a cross-sectional comparative study. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research (JHSR), 9, 7-13.

Chalise, H. N., & Paudel, B. R. (2020). Elderly Abuse among community-living older adults of least developed country-Nepal. Arch Phys Rehabil Med, 1(1), 1-8.

Sugie, M., Harada, K., Takahashi, T., Nara, M., Fujimoto, H., Kyo, S., & Ito, H. (2021). Peak oxygen uptake correlates with indices of sarcopenia, frailty, and cachexia in older Japanese outpatients. JCSM Rapid Communications, 4(2), 141-149.

Ranta, M., Lönnroos, E., Kouvo, AJ, Miettinen, M., & Lammintakanen, J. (2020). Attitudes of emergency staff towards elderly patients. Gerontology , 34 (3), 193-208.

Syed Elias, Sharifah Munirah, Nor Faeziah Jaafar, and Lee Siew Pien. "Attitudes and work preferences toward older people among Malay undergraduate nursing students." Makara Journal of Health Research 24, no. 3 (2020): 8.

Twagiramariya, B. (2018). Knowledge about ageing and attitudes towards caring for older people among undergraduate nursing students in the Western Cape.

Alves, S., O’Caoimh, R., Ribeiro, O., Teixeira, L., Molloy, D. W., & Paúl, C. (2020). Screening for caregiver burden in the community: Validation of the European Portuguese Screening Version of the Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI-4). Clinical gerontologist, 1-13.

James, K., Thompson, C., Nevins, D. H., Davis, K. D., Willie-Tyndale, D., Davis, J. M., ... & Eldemire-Shearer, D. (2021). Socio-demographic, health and functional status correlates of caregiver burden among care recipients age 60 years and older in Jamaica. Journal of Community Health, 46(1), 174-181.