
Ali Erkan Engin

Ali Erkan Engin
Professor Emeritus
The Ohio State University, 1995 - & University of South Alabama, 2011, USA


B.S. (Mechanical Engineering) Michigan State University, 1965
M.S. (Engineering Mechanics) The University of Michigan, 1966
Ph.D. (Engineering Mechanics) The University of Michigan, 1968

1966-1968 Teaching Fellow, Engineering Mechanics Department of the University of Michigan.
•    1968-1969 Associate Research Engineer, The Highway Safety Research Institute of the University of Michigan.
•    1969-1970 Assistant Professor, Engineering Sciences Department of the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
•    1970-1971 Associate Research Engineer, The Highway Safety Research Institute of the University of Michigan.
•    1971-1974 Assistant Professor, Engineering Mechanics Department of The Ohio State University.
•    1974-1977 Associate Professor, Engineering Mechanics Department of The Ohio State University.
•    1977-1994 Professor, Engineering Mechanics Department and Director of Biomechanics Laboratory of The Ohio State University.
•    1994-1995 Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Applied Mechanics and Aviation of The Ohio State University (Professor Emeritus, 1995 -   ).
•    1995-2003  Professor and Chairman of Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of South Alabama.
  •   2003-2011 Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of South Alabama (Professor Emeritus, 2011-)

Research Interest

Biomechanics: head injury problems, experimental and theoretical mechanics of the major articulating joints of the human body, biological material properties, biodynamic modeling of various parts of the human body.
Mechanics: Continuum mechanics, emphasizing fluid-solid interaction problems, wave propagation theory, dynamic analyses of shells, optimization, and numerical methods.


Koshiro Ono

Koshiro Ono
Executive Research Adviser & Research Director, Japan Automobile Research Institute (JARI)
Ibaraki, Japan


Dr. Ono is currently an Executive Research Adviser & Research Director at Japan Automobile Research Institute.
Dr. Ono’s work in detailed accident investigation (pre-crash, crash, and post-crash) and analysis has focused primarily on integrated safety, and not only on occupant protection but also on advanced safety issues for a wide diversity of traffic accidents in the real world. He has also worked on the development of techniques for motion measurement and analysis using numerical simulation and dummies in the laboratory setting. His recent work focuses on disability and impairment injuries involving the head, neck and other vital regions of the body. This is done through a multidisciplinary approach using a combination of experimental, numerical, and epidemiological procedures. In cooperation with experts in clinical and legal medicine, his research envisions integrating pertinent medical and engineering information towards a more effective injury-reduction methodology for actual traffic accidents.  His research findings have made significant contributions in the improvement of advanced safety technology for crash avoidance, crash worthiness, prevention of damage expansion, and upgrading of emergency medical services.


Research Interest

His recent work focuses on disability and impairment injuries involving the head, neck and other vital regions of the body. This is done through a multidisciplinary approach using a combination of experimental, numerical, and epidemiological procedures.

Bertram Muller

Bertram Muller
Bioengineer and Coordinator, Motion Laboratory


European Society of Movement Analysis for Adults and Children ESMAC  Committee member September 2005 – Present
Responsable for the Good Practise Guidelines in clinical gait analysis.
Journal of Forensic Biomechanics,  Associate Editor June 2011 – Present.
Member of the Academy of Medical Science in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands


Research Interest

Applied Biomechanics and Motion Analysis for clinical, sports and legal applications.