Xing-Ding Zhang

Xing-Ding Zhang

Xing-Ding Zhang
Associate Professor, Person Gen Biomedicine (Suzhou) Co.Ltd


Dr. Xing-Ding Zhang received his Master and Ph.D. of Medicine degree in the Department of Pharmacology and the Laboratory of Aging and Nervous Diseases at Soochow University in Suzhou, China. Then, he performed a one-year post-doctoral fellowship in the Cyrus Tang Hematology Center at Soochow in Tumor Molecular Biology. Finally, he got three year postdoctoral fellowship training in the University of Texas MD Anderson Center, which is the best Cancer center in USA. Dr. Zhang published more than 10 in peer-review leading international journals and supported by 10 grants in China and USA. He also is serving as an editorial board member and reviewer in more than 10 journals.

Research Interest

Dr. Zhang’s research focused on the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway as a target for multiple myeloma, and on mechanisms of resistance. He also interested in seeking to establish the mechanisms of Programmed cell death (Autophagy and Apoptosis) in Neurodegenerative diseases and multiple myeloma