Wei-Chiao Chang

Wei-Chiao Chang

Wei-Chiao Chang
Associate Professor, School of Pharmacy
Taipei Medical University, Taiwan


Wei-Chiao Chang (D.Phil.) is a director of Master Program for Clinical Pharmacogenomics and Pharmacoproteomics, School of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan. He obtained his doctoral degrees in University of Oxford, UK (with Prof. Anant Parekh 2003~2007). He then was recruited by Professor Yusuke Nakamura to join RIKEN Center for Genomic Medicine, Japan, where he worked with Professor Mayumi Tamari. In the same year, he was awarded as an international research scientist (FY2008) by RIKEN. He was invited by Prof. Hank Juo to move back to Taiwan (Department of Medical Genetics, Kaohsiung Medical University) as an assistant professor in 2009 and was supported by NSC Distinguished Yong Scientist Project (2010). In 2012, he moved his lab to Taipei Medical University, Taiwan.

Research Interest

1. Pharmacogenomics
2. Genetic association/ SNP study in inflammatory diseases
3. Calcium channels in cancer cells