Vincenzo Vaiano

Vincenzo Vaiano

Vincenzo Vaiano
Chemical Engineering
University of Salerno, Italy


Dr. Vaiano graduated in Chemical Engineering at the University of Naples "Federico II", with a final vote of 110/110. In March 2006 he received the title of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering. In 2005, he spent a research period at the University of Bradford (UK) under the supervision of Prof. Roger I. Bickley. From 22 January 2007 he is a Research Fellow at the University of Salerno (Project: "Production of selective partial oxidation products by photocatalytic reactions"). Since 2006, he gives assistance to the courses: “Industrial Chemistry”, “Industrial Catalysis”, “Industrial Chemical Processes” e “Wastewater Treatments”. He participates in the examination boards of the same courses as expert on the subject. Dr. Vaiano is the keynote speaker of several theses in Chemical Engineering and Civil Engineering for the Environment and Territory.

Research Interest

The main lines of research deals with photocatalysis for sustainable chemistry, photocatalytic and photo-Fenton processes for pollutants removal in wastewater, catalytic combustion of sewage sludge, decomposition and oxidative decomposition of H2S, hydrolysis of COS in liquid phase.