Vincenzo Gattulli
Associate Professor, Department of Structural, Water and Geotechnical Engineering
University of L'Aquila, Italy
he becomes Assistant Professor at University of L\\\\Aquila. On 1997 he spend a period of two months at The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA, working with prof. R. Ghanem in research projects related to structural identification and control. On 1999 he is confirmed with tenure in the position of Assistant Professor at University of L\\\\Aquila. On 2000 he is visiting prof. C. Taylor and J. Macdonald at University of Bristol in order to start a collaboration on the research topic of cable-structure interaction in stayed system.
On June 2001 he becomes able to cover the role on Associate Professor in a public competition at University of Ancona. On March 2002 he became Associate Professor at University of L\\\\Aquila at the Engineering Faculty. On March 2005 he is confirmed with tenure in the position of Associate Professor at University of L\\\\Aquila. On March 2006 he is invited as lecturer at University of Porto and he is the international scientific consultant for the research group of prof. E. Caetano and A. Cunha in the project regarding the identification and monitoring of the International Guadiana Cable-Stayed Bridge.
Since 2005 he is coordinator of the research unit of University of L’Aquila within the RELUIS National project supported by Protezione Civile working on innovative systems for seismic protection of structures. Since December 2006 is acting as the general secretary of the three-years project SICON, financed by the European Community through the Marie Curie action in the 6th European Programme. In the same year he acts as coordinator of the DISAT research unit for a two-years National Project PRIN, on the subject of innovative identification and monitoring for structures. On 2008 he is a reviewer for the call PRIN 2007. He is currently strongly occupied in the institutional activities to support the recovering and reconstruction phases of the city of L’Aquila, strongly struck by the April, 6 2009, earthquake. He is elected from the Department as representative of the civil engineering area in the research and managing board of the new research centre in earthquake engineering CERFIS ( He is the Research Delegate of the Director of the new Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Enviromental Engineering.
His activity is devoted full time in research and teaching. Since 1990, the studies has been conducted trough analytical, numerical and experimental methods in different fields of structural mechanics.
The basic research issues concerns with: structural dynamics and stability, structural control and identification, structural reliability, earthquake engineering. In particular the research contribution published on international journals, book chapters and conferences proceedings are devoted to this specific themes:
- Computational Mechanics and Structural Analysis:
- finite element methods and its applications;
- linear and nonlinear structural analysis of complex systems;
- soil-structure and fluid-structure interactions;
- Structural Control of Induced Vibrations:
- passive, semi-active and active control systems for earthquake engineering;
- passive, semi-active and active control for cables and cable-supported structures;
- adaptive control and tuned mass dampers;
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Stability:
- cable nonlinear dynamics;
- cable-structure interaction in stayed systems
- critical and post-critical behaviour of self-excited oscillation in structures
- Structural Identification and Monitoring
- modal and parametric identification and fem model updating
- damage identification in cables
- integrated identification and control strategies
- Structural Reliability and Management of Existing Structures
- management methods for structures and infrastructures
- reliability analysis of existing structures
- seismic vulnerability of complex masonry structures