Vahid Ebrahimipour
Associate professor
Polytechnique University of Montreal, Canada
Vahid Ebrahimipour is currently collaborating as an invited associate professor in Polytechnique University of Montreal in Canada. He is a co-founder of Laboratory of Asset Integrity Management (L-AIM) in department of Industrial Engineering & Mathematics( The main purpose of the Lab-AIM is to be a center of excellence in North America to provide a forum that fosters research study towards Equipment Health Management System to Support Life Cycle Decisions Considering Environmentally Conscious Production. Prior to joining to Ecole PolyTechnique, He had been acting as a senior researcher and visiting professor at Management Science Research Center, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University since 2010 for two years. He carried out the state-of-the-art research on supplier selection problem considering various warranty /guaranty strategies which affects the company’s after-sale costs over the life cycles of their products.
My primary research interest can broadly be categorized as Engineering Management. I am specifically interested in developing physical asset integrity management, Green-based product development, Ontology-based Fault Knowledge Modeling, safety engineering modeling in order to provide intensive interconnection and interoperability among engineers and experts of the same system and to explicitly represent the semantic interpretation of failure, safety and environment records and its relation and relevancy to the domain of plant safety and maintenance planning created during system engineering development in a large multidisciplinary system. Most of my research is at the interface of sustainable production engineering and management considering heterogeneous environment associated with various big data representation formats, different domain terminologies and concepts, lack of formal and implicit semantics in text. My research has been accepted/published in such reputed journals such as IEEE transaction on SMC, Reliability Engineering &System Safety, Loss Prevention, Process Safety and Environment Protection, Process Safety Progress, Energy Conversion & Management, Chemical Engineering of Japan, Expert System with Applications. I have also presented my research in a number of international conferences such as IIE, RAMS, IEEE, APPCChE Congress, and European Safety & Reliability. In addition, I am presently contributing with Polytechnique University of Montreal for publishing the two books entitled as “Introduction to Physical Asset Integrity Management (Wiley&Sons)”, and “Ontology Modeling in Physical Asset Integrity Management (Springer) and a patent.