Taimour Y Langaee

Taimour Y Langaee

Taimour Y Langaee
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacotherapy & Translational Research
University of Florida, USA


Taimour Y. Langaee, MSPH, Ph.D., is Research Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacotherapy and Translational Research at the University of Florida (UF) College of Pharmacy and Director of the UF Center for Pharmacogenomics Genotyping Core Laboratory. Before joining the UF faculty in 2002, he completed three years of post-doctoral fellowship in Immunology, Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics working on developing HIV vaccine at the College of Medicine University of Montreal and High Density DNA chips for Pseudomonas aeruginosa at the College of Medicine University of Florida.

Research Interest

Dr. Taimour Y. Langaee's research interests are focused on pharmacogenomics (genetic-based variability in drug response) in cardiovascular disease; pharmacogenomics of anticoagulants (Warfarin); Pharmacogenetics of Dichloroacetate(DCA); Clinical, Genetics and Microbial Interactions in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD); and on Microbial resistance to antibiotics.