Sumin Kang

Sumin Kang

Sumin Kang
Department Hematology/Medical Oncology, Winship Cancer Institute
Emory University, USA


Dr. Sumin Kang obtained her PhD at the Department of Biotechnology Yonsei University which is the top university in Korea. Dr. Kang now has a research group at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University as a tenure track Assistant Professor in the Department of Hematology/Medical Oncology. She pursued many interesting topics which include a paper published in Cancer Cell demonstrating the importance of the RSK2 pathway in FGFR3related myeloma. She also accomplished another two manuscripts published in MCB and JBC which describes that tyrosine phosphorylation dependent activation of RSK2 as a common mechanism. Another project focuses on the role of p90RSK2 in regulation of metastasis of head and neck cancer cells which was recently published in JCI in 2010. Her research has been well recognized by the cancer research field and she has been invited to present her work at numerous international conferences including oral presentations in the annual meetings of ASH the 13th World Congress on Advances in Oncology as well as the annual meeting of AACR. Dr. Kang received the highly competitive and prestigious Special Fellow Award from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and the NIH/NCI SPORE in Head and Neck Cancer Career Development Program award.

Research Interest

We are interested in studying the role of protein kinase signaling in human tumorigenesis, tumor metastasis and cancer cell metabolism. Our research focuses on translational and preclinical studies on human cancers using approaches including phosphor-proteomics, oncogenomics, murine models of human cancers and drug development, with ultimate goals to develop molecularly-targeted therapeutic strategies to treat human cancers.