Shouliang Yi

Shouliang Yi

Shouliang Yi
Research Scientist & Senior Project Director, School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA


Dr. Shouliang Yi is currently working as a Research Scientist and Senior Project Director at Georgia Institute of Technology.

He received his Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering & Technology at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) in 2009, then he worked as an Assistant Professor for more than one year at the same institute.

Prior to joining the GT research faculty, Dr. Yi was a Research Fellow at Singapore Membrane Technology Center. Dr.

Yi has published more than 40 peer-reviewed publications in prestigious journals and conference proceedings. He is the inventor of 9 patents (US, PCT, China).

Dr. Yi serves as an Editor/Editorial Board Member of multiple international journals in the field of membrane science and technology. He also serves as an ad hoc reviewer for more than 20 journals, such as Journal of the American Chemical Society, Macromolecules, Chemical Communications, and Journal of Materials Chemistry.

Research Interest

His research focuses on advanced polymeric materials for membrane-based gas/liquid separation, protein purification, organic biomolecules, and biomimetic materials, etc.