Shaoping Xiao

Shaoping Xiao

Shaoping Xiao
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
University of Iowa, United States


Dr. Xiao joined the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at The University of Iowa in 2003. He received his BSME (1995) and MSME (1998) from the University of Science and Technology of China, and Ph.D. in 2002 at Northwestern. His research interests include Computational Mechanics and Computational Nanotechnology with the emphasis of meshfree particle methods and multiscale methods. Dr. Xiao has been funded by the NSF, the Army, and the University of Iowa to conduct research in numerical modeling and simulation of nanoscale materials and devices.He has published more than thirty Journal and Conference papers in the forefront area of computational mechanics and computational nanotechnology.

Research Interest

Finite element methods and meshfree methods
Multiscale modeling
Carbon nanotubes
nano materials/devices
Material melting and crystallization
Shock wave propagation