Scott A Young

Scott A Young

Scott A Young
The Dow Chemical Company, Analytical Sciences Building 1897


Scott’s a protein biochemist, and is currently a Fellow in Analytical Sciences R&D in the Dow Chemical Company.  He received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Plant Pathology from Kansas State University and Oklahoma State University, respectively and a B.S. degree in Biological Sciences from Michigan Technological University.  In 1996, he joined Dow AgroSciences where he established and directed the proteomics facility.  Prior to joining Dow Chemical he co-founded FemtoLink Biotechnologies, LLC, where he served as the Director of R&D developing diagnostic mass spectrometry applications for biomolecules. He currently is on the Editorial Board for the Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques.   In addition, he has served as a board member on the Michigan Core Technology Alliance (CTA) Board of Directors.

Research Interest

He is currently responsible for establishing a strategy delivering analytical solutions to Dow’s Macromolecular Characterization businesses.  He has coordinated a comprehensive program in driving scientific excellence in the area of polymer and protein characterization, biomarker assay development, and biosensor technology.   His area of expertise and interests have focused in type 2 diabetes/obesity, biomarker assay development, detailed protein and polymer characterization, proteomics, mammalian metabolism, bio-mass spectrometry (i.e. MALDI-TOF MS, LC-MS), separation-based technologies, microbial host-pathogen interactions, protein structural analysis.