Samasca Gabriel

Samasca  Gabriel

Samasca Gabriel
Executive Editor
Department of Immunology
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania


Professional Experience
Period - 1998-present
Name and address of employer - Hospital for Children, Motilor Street, No.68
Type of business or sector - Pediatric Clinic II (1998-2007, 2010-present), Pediatric Clinic III (2007-2010), Medical Analysis Laboratory, Department of Clinical Virology and Immunology
Biological Sciences at Babes Bolyai University ,
Health Sciences at Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Member of scientific societies
- Member of the Romanian Society of Laboratory Medicine - Professor Gheorghe Benga;
- Member of the Romanian Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology - Professor Monica Acalovschi,
- Member of the Romanian Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Pediatric - Professor Nicolae Miu.

Research Interest
