Roberto Bei
Professor of General Pathology, Department of Clinical Sciences and Translational Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy
Roberto Bei, MD, PhD is Full Professor of General Pathology at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Italy). He got his Degree in Medicine and his PhD at the University of Rome “Sapienza” in 1989 and 1998, respectively. He is Specialist in Medical Oncology and in Clinical Pathology. He joined, as post-doctoral fellow (1992-1996), the LTIB ant NIH (Director: DR. J. Schlom) where he started to work in the field of cancer immunotherapy. The teaching activity of Prof. Bei includes lectures of General Pathology in the School of Medicine, Medical Biotechnology, Pharmacy, Dietician, Residency in Endocrinology, Oncology. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Rec. Pat Infl Allergy Drug Discov, J Liver, MOJ Immunol (Senior Editor), O J Immunol, J Immun Serum Biol, SciTz Nutrition and Food Science, Frontiers in Bioscience, Anti-Cancer Agents in Med Chem. He is the Principal Investigator of funded research grants.He has published about 100 peer reviewed articles. Total IF=375 (ISI), H-index: 29, Citations: 2760.
Cancer immunotherapy. Nutrition and cancer.