Rajalinagam Sokkalingam

Rajalinagam Sokkalingam

Rajalinagam Sokkalingam
SeniorLecturer, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Curtin University Sarawak, Malaysia


Rajalingam Sokkalingam  lead the research group on the project of engage learners for large classes in Curtin University Sarawak and the research group on the statistical experimental study on the optimization of injection molded process parameters. He also lead the research group with exam center on the evaluation of examination scores by using standard score methods in Curtin University Sarawak.

Research Interest

Development of Mathematical Modelling, Design of Experiments (DOE) Optimization of Injection Molding Process, Product Quality Control by Statistical Process, Control Statistical Data Analysis by SPSS, Analysis of Examination Results by Statistical Tools, Vector Analysis, Partial Differentiation, Polycarbonate and Ceramics Materials