Peter Lawrence Davidson
University of Otago, New Zealand
BA.Sc :University Of British Colombia Mechanical Engineering : 1987
MA.Sc:University of British Columbia Biomechanics1994
Phd: University of Otago Biomechanics 1999
Affliations.International Society of biomechanics Otago medical research society.
Australian and newzealand society of biomechanics.
International society of Biomechanics in sport
2009 Present research associate Institute of sport and recreation research Newzealand.
2007 Present honorary Advisor , royal society for the prevention of Accidents, playsafe, UK
Employment History
Present position
Senior research fellow Injury prevention research unit.
NewZealand department of preventive andsocial medicine, 2007-present.
Lecturer, School of nursing Otago polytechnic. August 2011- present.
My interest is the biomechanics of injury prevention – the investigation of mechanisms of injury by applying engineering principles to model the musculo-skeletal system’s reaction to the environment.The main focus of my research at the Injury Prevention Research Unit has been the development of computer models for impact traumaalso use computer models to examine impacts of children, with a view to identifying long bone (arm) fracture risk characteristics of playground surfaces. The impact model developed can assess how energy flows through the surface and human body on impact. I am currently on the editorial board of Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport.