Pavel N Nesterenko
Professor, Laboratory of Adsorption and Gas Chromatography, Chemistry Department
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation
He has received MSc in Petrochemistry and Organic Catalysis, PhD and DSc in Analytical Chemistry degrees in Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russian Federation). At present, Prof. Nesterenko holds a position of New Stars Professor at the University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia. He is the Adjunct Professor of Dublin City University, Ireland since 2005 and Visiting Honorary Research Fellow of the University of Plymouth, UK since 2003. He was the author for 250 scientific publications including 2 monographs, 7 Chapters in books, 20 reviews and 220 regular papers. He is the member of advisory and editorial boards for 6 international journals in the field of analytical chemistry and separation sciences. In 2004 he was awarded a prestigious E.T.S. Walton professorship of Science Foundation of Ireland. In 2006 he received International Achievement Award for outstanding contributions in developing the methodology of Ion Chromatography.
Analytical Chemistry: Particularly separation sciences, including high-performance liquid chromatography, ion chromatography, size-exclusion chromatography, chiral chromatography capillary zone electrophoresis and chromatofocusing. Non traditional separation modes based on novel adsorption materials and with novel approaches to separation including multidimensional separations. Design of new composite materials using nanoparticles of carbonaceous and inorganic oxides for the use as selective adsorbents and stationary phases in chromatography.