Oto Melter
Department of Medical Microbiology
Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Dr. Oto Melter graduated in veterinary medicine at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Kosice, Slovakia. He has gains board certifications in veterinary and medical microbiology. He completed his PhD in clinical bacteriology at Charles University in 2003 and currently he is working as assistant in clinical microbiology at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. His research is focused on bacteriology and molecular biology.
Dr.Melter´s research interests included cystic fibrosis microbiology (Small Colony Variants Staphylococcus aureus, biofilm, new pathogens - e.g. Inquilinus, Pandorea, Ralstonia), bacterial identification and typing (e.g. nosocomial bacterial agents) and zoonosis (e.g. bartonella infection).